in #steemchurch7 years ago


I sincerely hope you understand this. If at all, you don't understand the things i will try to explain through this article, just understand the fact that, you were the experience of God-His daily experience, and the reason for all His actions, which you should also reciprocate: meaning He should also become your experience- daily, and the reason for all your actions.

It is with deep pain in my heart that i write this to you beloved. Let me start by asking a question. Why do we believers keep hurting God? Or do you think He doesn't have feelings? Do you think He is a robot or a feelingless Spirit controlled by His supremacy? probably that is what you think.

There are several scriptures in the bible that reveals to us that God has feelings and can express them. The bible reveals this reality to us by using separately, the individual personalities making up the Godhead -The Father, the Word(Son), and the Spirit-The Spirit of God.

The bible says in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 30, "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by Whom you were sealed for the day of redemption." This scripture reveals that God the Holy Spirit has feelings-He is not void of it.

The book of Mathew chapter 21 verse 12 to 13, Mark 11 verse 15 to 17, tells of when the Word-The Son in the flesh-Jesus Christ got angry when He entered into the temple in Jerusalem to teach and saw the high level of injustice and corruption practiced in the temple of God, He whipped them, overturn their tables, and drove them out of the temple. Is that not the result of feelings? Of course it is.

Also, scriptures like Luke 19 verse 41 to 42, and John 11 verse 35 tells us that Jesus WEPT. In Luke 19 verse 41 to 42, He wept over Jerusalem because of how she(Jerusalem) rejected what makes for peace-Him, and in John 11 verse 35, He wept when He saw the crowd weeping so dearly for the death of Lazarus. It takes a man that has feelings to cry. Don't try to justify this claim with the fact that He was a man, after all, it was still because of feelings that when He was not yet a man in the flesh, He accepted to deny His glory in heaven to come down and die for you and me. It was a feeling provoked by love.

Also, scriptures like Mathew 9 verse 36, Mark 14 verse 14, Mathew 20 verse 34, reveals the compassionate nature of Jesus. This was His secret for His every successful ministration.

Several scriptures in the old and new testaments reveals the ability of the Father now, to get angry and express other forms of feelings. Some of the scriptures are Romans 1 verse 18, Proverbs 11 verse 4, Psalms 2 verse 4,12, Ephesians 5 verse 6, Romans 12 verse 5, Revelation 14 vs 10 to 11.

John 3 verse 16 is one of the many scriptures that reveals to us the love of the father which is also a reality expressed by the Son and the Holy Spirit. In fact, They share the same nature with all its expressions. It says, " For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

The following scripture, out of many, also reveals to us the merciful nature of God which is a dimension of His love: Hebrews 4 verse 16, Mathew 9 verse 13, Numbers 6 verse 24 to 26, Ephesians 2 verse 4 to 5, Psalms 51 verse 1 to 2, Micah 7 verse 18, Titus 2 verse 11 to 12, Psalm 25 verse 6 to 7, Romans 12 verse 1, etc.
I do not wish to bore you with so many details and bible chapters and verses, but to establish the fact that God is a personality that has feelings, He can love, and can be irritated.
Having established this fact, i ask again, Why do we believers keep on hurting God? It is because we have reduced "Christianity" to a mere religion-not just a religion, but a "head knowledge religion." A religion with routines that must at least be performed so that we could still be bold enough to declare our association with the religion. It has become a consolation for our unwillingness to be neutral.

This is the summary of the whole gist, some believers have lost the reality and experience that made them believers from their hearts to their heads. they are Christians that now have the experience of salvation, and including the knowledge of God in their heads instead of their hears.

You wouldn't have been where and what you are today if you were just a "concept" or an "awareness" in the head of God. You are what and where you are today because you were His experience and the reason for all His actions including His death on the cross. It was because of love-an undying love.

You are finding it difficult to live beyond your environment because you have lost your genuine love for God. His reality is no more in your heart but your head. You find yourself in continuous fornication, masturbation, exams malpractice, lying, cheating, adultery, etc. Probably, this is what your environment is presenting to you and you can't just resist it.The only cure is to go back to the essence of your salvation and that is love. He loved you first and still loves you. Abide in His love and you will never hurt Him. No matter how far you have gone, you can still return to Him and start afresh because He love you and cares for you. Your sincere love for Him is what can empower you to live beyond your environment and stops you from reducing the Christian experience to a religion of routines. You need a retreat with Him and a fresh baptism into His love. Whom you sincerely love, you would not hurt. For you to obey God, you must love Him. Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My commandment." He also said, "For by this I know that you love Me, if you keep My commandment." It takes love to obey.


There was a time God felt so bad that he regretted creating humans. That's to show that God actually has emotions. We need to think about how God will feel when we do something.

Thanks for sharing with SteemChurch.

Upvoted & Resteemed

From the way God dealt with people in the past, it shows he has feelings. He was heartbroken when he saw the way things were in the days of Noah. When we engage in activities he hates, he definitely feels bad. We need to have this in mind before doing anything. Thanks for sharing.

Though God is transcendent, we’ve come know Him as a personal, living God who engages intimately with His creation. He loves us in ways we cannot fathom (Jeremiah 31:3; Romans 5:38; 8:35, 38–39), and He is immeasurably pained by our sin and rebellion against Him (Psalm 1:5; 5:4–5; Proverbs 6:16–19).
Yes! He has feelings

God is not dead, yet, God is no longer how we perceive him. The religious dynamic has shifted from that of a passive following to something that is more hands-on. This is due to the shift society has experienced; people have grown increasingly impatient, leading fast paced lives and so no longer have the time to sit down and be preached at. People want to put their ideas and beliefs in motion as fast as they can.

With the release of Led Zeppelin’s new album, I have been thinking a lot about what I call universal bands –like Led Zeppelin –that have fans that transcend geographical boundaries and whose music is as relevant now as it was years ago. Music has always been associated to spirituality: most religions include hymns or chants of some sort. Music is a very relatable means of communication, getting people to unite and sing together, creating a unique human bond for the duration of a song. Music’s ability to make people come together has a parallel in the way people join together and practice their religion—for a very long time, music was once made only for the purposes of religion. As music develops and progresses, artists always inspire themselves with the genres they have once heard and incorporate the sounds of these genres, making them their own. This process over time is what has lead genres of music to organically develop in and out of each other. Because of the use of music in religion, a lot of musicians draw inspiration from religious music, or from the meaning of religion.

Thanks for sharing with SteemChurch.

Very informative post brother

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