in #steemchurch5 years ago (edited)

Jesus heals you. He comes to heal you, that's his mission. That is why he was sent by God, since God wants you healthy. Today we invite you to discover how the whole evangelizing project of Jesus revolves around the healing of man. And we will also see how Jesus heals you inwardly.

Jesus the Savior

In the fullness of time God sent his Son into the world to save all men and all man. The angel who appeared in dreams to Joseph told him: "You will name Jesus because He will save the people from their sins" (Mt 1:21).

Jesus means "Yahweh saves," that is, Savior, salvation. And the words "save" and "heal" have the same root in Greek (the language in which most of the Bible was written).


The Name of Jesus means "Yahweh Salva"
Jesus says so in the synagogue of Nazareth: «The Spirit of the Lord over me, because he has anointed me to announce the Good News to the poor, has sent me to proclaim liberation to the captives and the sight to the blind, to give freedom to the oppressed and proclaim a year of grace from the Lord ... »(Lk 4,18-19).

Here He explains the four proposals of his evangelization project:

  1. Release and heal from sin: "proclaim liberation to captives ...".

  2. Release and heal spiritual diseases (fear, hatred, resentment, regrets and complexes): "announce to the poor the Good News ...".

  3. Release and heal physical illnesses: "give sight to the blind ...".

  4. Release and heal from the influences of Evil: "give freedom to the oppressed ...".

Jesus' healing ministry
From this experience of Jesus in the synagogue of his people we can see him carrying out this evangelizing project. That is why in the Gospels we find him constantly worrying about healing man in an integral way.

And He, who "is the same today, as yesterday and forever" (Hb 13,8), wants to do the same with you, restoring all aspects of your person. Jesus wants to heal you

of sin and
of evil influences.

Jesus heals you inwardly
Today we are going to talk about this reality of inner healing. In other posts that we will publish soon we will dedicate ourselves to physical healing, sin healing and healing and liberation from evil influences.

There are six internal wounds that usually affect us and that Jesus comes to heal:

Attachment to money
Painful memories of the past
We will talk about each one of these wounds today, starting from some text of the Word of God. There you will discover how Jesus healed these wounds to the men and women of his time. And if he did so then, today he can do it with you too.

But we do not want this teaching to remain only in theory, or in beautiful words. That is why we also offer you some clues so that you can pray asking Jesus to heal every area of ​​your being. They are designed for you to pray for yourself, but they can also serve you to pray for other people.

Start reading and meditating on the biblical texts we propose. We also offer you a brief reflection on each text and a song that can help you pray. We suggest that you speak to Jesus with your words, to tell him what your problem is, your pain, your illness ... Show him your wound so that He, who is the best doctor, can heal you ...

Jesus heals you from fear (Mt 8,23-27; Jn 20,19-20)
In the account of Mt 8,23-27 you can see how first the Lord takes the fear away from his disciples and then calms the storm. Later, after the experience of passion, when he has risen, he heals the disciples from fear of the Jews (Jn 20,19-20).

Jesus heals you from hate (Jn 4,1-42)
A wonderful case is the healing of the hatred that Jesus performs in the heart of the Samaritan woman (Jn 4,1-42). In his time, as now, there was racial hatred. Saint John says that the Jews and the Samaritans were not treated. It is this hatred that will make the woman hesitate before giving Jesus the little water she asks for.

But Jesus does not hate the Samaritans, he loves them just like his Jewish brothers. That is why he does not react aggressively or hard against her. On the contrary, it offers the Living Water of the Spirit. And throughout a dialogue full of love, Jesus heals the hatred of this woman.

Jesus heals you from remorse (Jn 21,15-22)

In chapter 21 of his Gospel, Saint John recounts the appearance of the risen Jesus by the sea of Tiberias. Peter's encounter with Jesus (Jn 21, 15-22) is a true reconstruction of his relationship with Him, for Peter had failed Jesus. It is in this dialogue when Jesus heals Peter from the wound of having denied him.

Peter felt humiliated for not being faithful to his promise: "I will give my life for you" (Jn 13,37). But what we see in his encounter with the Risen One is an eloquent gesture of what God did with him and can do with you today.

Jesus heals you from attachment to money (Lk 19,9-10)
This is the case of Zacchaeus, which you can read in Lc 19,9-10. His encounter with Christ was a saving encounter. Zacchaeus opened himself to Jesus and was invaded by the tenderness and compassion He offered him. Before this, he was a scoundrel, an exploited, a scammer. His heart was dead, he had no charity and was blind to the needs of others. Ambition and fraud always put a blindfold on the soul's eyes so as not to see the brother in need of love, understanding, forgiveness, help. The attachment to money makes you insensitive to the material and spiritual needs of those around you.

Jesus heals you from the deepest sorrows (Mk 5,21-43)
Nothing touches our God more than a soul shattered by pain. A very beautiful example is the one you can find in Mc 5.21-43. Here we are told about Jesus' encounter with Jairo, a Head of the synagogue; and with a woman who suffered chronic bleeding.

It was a terrible shame that brought Jairo before Jesus: his beloved girl was dying. Jairo went to Jesus because he no longer had other options. It is what happens to you many times. You forget the Lord when all is well, you abandon him and perhaps even reject him. However, in the hour of affliction you seek Him because you know that He responds lovingly to each of your wounds, pains and sorrows. Up to that point God loves you ...


Always remember that God wants you healthy. He doesn't want your sadness, your pain, your illness. Because he loves you infinitely and that is why Jesus died for you: to destroy the power of sin, of death, of sickness.

Therefore, if you truly believe that Jesus has the power to heal you, to forgive you, to set you free… trust! Because He will do it in you. He will act always giving you what is best for your life.



@archdedios. Jesus, besides being our savior, is also our deliverer and healer, let us always trust his promises.
Thanks for sharing

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