Is December 25th the Birthday of Jesus?


A better way to frame the question might be - WHAT IS THE BIBLICAL BIRTHDAY OF JESUS?

Is December 25th the historical birthday of Jesus?

I don’t know how many better ways to frame the question to conclude with a coherent and consistent answer in the absolute.

I don't get to choose how people pitch their questions to me from social media commentary and the worldwide gathering of religious folk that annually assemble to worship "a newborn king!"

Frankly, it does not really matter how you carefully word the question if you just don't know the encrypted biblical text answer.

Academic Scholars of theology, scientists, archeologists, and persons of renown with multiple disciplines and decades of research have done the due diligence to conclude there really was a biblical person named Jesus that was born a Savior of the world.

Why bother if Christian believers have no commandment to celebrate Christ’s birthday comparable to Jewish feasts under the law of Moses?

What will the controversy be once Holy Scriptures reveal a date?

Anyway, many more questions arise out of a suspicion that Christmas originated from an idolatrous ancient pagan religion. The mainstream mindset is to celebrate the birthday of a mythological character openly in the public as the Savior of the world.

Amazingly, the historical accuracy of the biblical text is astounding!

It’s anyone's guess what degree the mystery of iniquity is at work to offset the faith of believers? What is wrong with knowing with infallible proof and precise accuracy the historical date of the Savior’s entrance into the world?

Only God really knows all the devilish devices invoked to desecrate a noble endeavor of people that want to know the Savior's entrance into the world and with spiritual solemnity honor that day!

It doesn't take much to get past the ungodly perceptions and delve into the festive rituals of the season. The joy it brings and the best charitable works of most people just because it's Christmas always gives you goosebumps and make you teary-eyed with mixed emotions!

However, real Christians that are “paper bible saved”, as they call it to contrast with the hodgepodge fake conversions induced by false way mega-church theatrics and traditional orthodox religious denominations of Christianity, must know Christ's date of birth for the sake of biblical truth.

If December 25th is the historical birthday of Jesus, make the bible text say so!

A guestimated 110 billion people were born into the world. Now, a guestimated 7.6 billion are still living, all of whom were probably born within the last 130 years!

Just one person was born the Savior of the world, lived a holy sanctified life, went about doing good as a man approved of God that knew no sin, destroyed the works of Satan the devil our soul enemy, suffered crucifixion after betrayal by the son of perdition, and rose the third day after being put to death because innocent blood was required by God the Father to purge us from all sins from the foundation of the world.

Additionally, a living soul had to be poured out like heavenly holy waters of separation for the purification of our hearts through faith that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

As it is written in certain places of the New Testament Holy Scriptures – TITUS 2 [LJCV] ~ For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world. Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority.

Contemporary eyewitnesses testify to all things that Jesus said and did. They wrote the biblical text we rely upon today and accept it as truth.

The biblical text testifies to the historical truth of the Savior's entrance into the world yielding a verifiable date of birth that certifies with consistent coherent accuracy.

Therefore, let’s begin with the significance of the date – December 25th.

To be exact, December 25th 164 BCE is the first time the Jews commemorated the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem by the Maccabees after their victory over the Syrians under Antiochus IV. The event occurred when Jews rose up against Greek-Syrian rulers in the Maccabean Revolt and drove them out of Jerusalem.

On the Jewish calendar, the very first celebration was the 25th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev, and they called it Hanukkah, known as the Festival of Lights. Therefore, Hanukkah celebrates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem during the second century B.C.

The festival is marked as a time of gift-giving and feasts in celebration of the rededication of the Second Temple.

Jewish oral tradition mentions the festival would last eight days characterized chiefly by the lighting of the menorah on each night of the festival. It commemorates an apparent miracle sign from God who kept the oil in the menorah a total of eight-days while they made a fresh supply of new oil.

The Holy Scriptures state that Jesus partook in the Hanukkah festivities according to John 10 [LJCV] ~ And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter.

Today the holiday of Hanukkah is nothing like the holiday of Christmas comparably in its religious significance. Unlike Hanukkah, the Christmas holiday is always celebrated on the 25th day of December.

By all biblical analysis, it is not the birthday of Christ the Lord. It is derived from a hodgepodge of pagan religious mythology that was adopted over the centuries by mainstream religious denominations of Christianity that manifest the great whore, and the mother of harlots riding on the great red dragon according to the book of REVELATION [LJCV].

If the Son entrance into the world as Christ the Lord is not December 25th, what day is it according to the biblical text?

There is overwhelming historical forensics of “one body” made by the Holy Ghost and birthed by a young virgin woman in “man form” as “God love” that the Spirit of God speaks according to certain places of the Holy Scriptures. It was indeed a hallowed offering from one that sat upon the throne of God.

For there are eyewitnesses which saw, heard and handled the Word of life that became flesh containing innocent blood and purifying waters to save the world by the forgiveness of sins with amazing grace and truth in unfeigned love.

Nevertheless, by the inspiration of the Almighty, they wrote the New Testament for a witness and therein encrypted the date of conception by a sign in heaven as it is written in the book of REVELATION. However, it was by the proclamation of angels that announced the great and notable day of the Lord entrance into the world as the Lamb of God.

He purged our sins by a redemption blood sacrifice that was pleasing and acceptable to God so we can make a covenant for eternal life and salvation through faith towards him that gave his life to destroy the power of death and the works of the devil we were in bondage to by fear.

Jesus was born a Son as supposed to Joseph and Mary. Made the son of David, the son of Abraham, the Son of God and seed of the woman as Amen – the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God ~ REVELATION 3 [LJCV].

He was born The King of the Jews with one name having three words – Lord Jesus Christ – spoken by angels in the fullness of time, and given unto men so they might be saved.

Now, Apostle Peter preached Lord Jesus Christ on the day of Pentecost after the resurrection and the outpouring of the Holy Ghost. So, we can accept this testimony as being of heaven concerning all things about him.

He was a man approved of God by the most excellent glory of a voice that spoke from heaven – This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. ~ LEVI (aka Matthew) 3 [LJCV] and again it’s written in 2 PETER 1 [LJCV] ~ For he received from God the Father honor and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

This being the substantial evidence from the biblical text, we can decode the encrypted date of birth when Jesus entered into the world using the key of David mentioned in the book of REVELATION. It is found in the first verse of the Holy Bible derived from thirteen anointed living letters from the tree of life which makes all the words in the thoughts and mindfulness of God Almighty’s inspiration.

The three-letter word SON is made from the 19th, 15th, and 14th letters of the tree of life. The sequential sum is 48 which corresponds to the sum of 2+12+15+15+4 = 48 = BLOOD. The multiple of 4 and 8 is 32 which corresponds to 12+9+6+5 = 32 = LIFE.

JOHN 1 [LJCV] ~ In him was life, and the life was the light of men.

As you can see for the three-letter word SON the numbers are made from the same tree of life using six single-digit numbers that add to the sum of 21 = 1+9+1+5+1+4 = 21.

This also corresponds to the sixth day of creation as it is written in the first chapter of the book of GENESIS.

The written expression is twenty-one which likewise as you can see is divided, deciphered, and interpreted with the key of David to signify Jesus is A LIVING SOUL as written in ISAIAH 53. However, it divides to attributes for the word of the number one which also reveals the date of birth in the first year of the Common Era – 5/16/1 CE.

You now can also see the date from book ONE of the Holy Scriptures – which reveals the year of birth after the date of conception on 8/18/1 BCE according to REVELATION 12 [LJCV].

The day of birth is the 16th revealed as Chapter 1 and the 6 days of creation. Once again the sum in the sequence from 1 to 6 equals 21, but the difference of 1 from 6 is 5 which denotes figuratively as the month of MAY.

Again, if you take the 16th day of May which is the 5th month, it reveals a three-digit number that divides by the key of David to the word RESURRECTION as follows – 18+5+19+21+18+18+5+3+20+9+15+14 = 165.

Bear in mind, that 1 CE is the 165th year of the Jewish feast of the dedication. And also remember that Jesus testified of truth with unfeigned love to be the RESURRECTION and the LIFE!

You now can also see that there are five single-digit numbers that make the three numbers that correspond to the word for the number ONE = 15+14+5 = 34, which is also the number that figuratively denotes GRACE = 7+18+1+3+5 = 34, and again yields the 3 words 4 syllable name LORD JESUS CHRIST who is all the fullness of grace and truth.

However, the five single digits denote the month of birth in the first year of the Common Era, but the sum of the 5 single digits yield the day of birth as follows – 1+5+1+4+5 = 16.

From 2 JOHN 1 [LJCV] we know Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of the Father, in truth and love. When we apply the key of David to the name LORD JESUS CHRIST the sum of the numbers corresponding to the anointed living letters that makes the name is as follows: [12+15+18+4 = 49] + [10+5+19+21+19 = 74] + [3+8+18+9+19+20 = 77] = 49+74+77 = 200 = THE HOLY WORD OF GOD = [20+8+5 = 33] + [8+15+12+25 = 60] + [23+15+18+4 = 60] + [15+6 = 21] + [7+15+4 = 26] = 33+60+60+21+26 = 200.

As you can see, you now know with infallible proof that LORD JESUS CHRIST is THE HOLY WORD OF GOD!

Furthermore, you can also see the encrypted birthday in the 5 words made by 16 anointed living letters to reveal the date the Word was made flesh to enter into the world as the only begotten Son of God the Father in the 1st year of the Common Era!

I am going to close here by saying, there are a number of other ways the biblical text shows the date of birth as May 16th, 1 CE. The aforementioned is sufficiently coherent and consistent truth to the absolute with infallible proof from the Holy Scriptures to be the conclusion of the whole matter to answer ith amazing accuracy the question - WHAT IS THE BIBLICAL BIRTHDAY OF JESUS?

All scriptures referenced is according to the Authorized Official Lord Jesus Christ Version of The Holy Bible ~ Revised Edition of the 1769 English Language Translation of the Old and New Testament ~ ISBN 9781541391277


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It's foolishness to add numbers together based on their position in the Hebrew alphabet and pretend that it means something.

It's also a bit ridiculous to use a 1769 translation of the Bible. As if they did the best job using the oldest and most reliable manuscripts.

Yes, Jesus wasn't born on December 25th. It's extremely unlikely that people would have been forced to travel during the winter for the Roman census.

That 1769 version is still better than the Never Inspired Version you always quote from.

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