What kind of perfume are you?
2 Corinthians 2:15 Because for God we are pleasant smell of Christ in those who are saved, and in those who are lost.

In his perfect creativity God supplied us with the sense of smell in order to enjoy the wonderful fragrances of life. There are many aromas that are pleasant according to the taste of each person, the smell of the environment when it rains, the aroma of some products such as shampoo, baby's lotion; There is also the delicious aroma of a delicious meal.
That is why we are amazed when the apostle Paul teaches that our generous acts of love are like "a fragrant smell, a sacrifice acceptable, pleasing to God" (Philippians 4:18). When we think about helping the needy, we usually consider it a correct action; even, as something that Christ would do. However, Paul affirms that our intentional acts of supplying the need of someone flood the throne of God with a fragrance that pleases Him.
Then Mary took a pound of perfume of pure nard, of great price, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped them with her hair; And the house was filled with the smell of perfume. (John 12: 3)
We can delight the Lord with the fragrances of being a blessing to others. This motivates us to work each day so that our acts are like a pleasant fragrance that reaches the presence of the Father.
In this world so full of evil, wrapped in the filth of sin that your life reflects the graces and love of God, Be a blessing. It is a fragrant work!
The best fragrance that comes to God, is to bless others. beautiful words
@angie99, I gave you a vote!
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