God and the flowers.

in #steemchurch5 years ago


Dear brothers of @steemchurch, like everything created by God, flowers have a value and importance according to the Bible, God created flowers on the third day of the creation of the world, even before the sun's glow, the light of The moon and the arrangement of the stars. Flowers without a doubt, this is one of God's most beautiful creations.

Meeting with each flower is a miracle, incredible as the beauty, aroma, form and tone of any of them are repeated, and all have a reason for being, they all have something for all of us God's children.

In a flourishing field, an immeasurable multitude of fruits and varied pleasures for taste suddenly appeared, the flowers in their form did not change, with an incredibly fragrant smell: all this was achieved on the third day "(3 Ezra. 6: 44).

They are the flowers that God commands to eat the prophet Ezra as a special form of fasting, for a perfect purification, after which his meeting with the Lord will be possible:

“And you, when after another seven days, without fasting, you go out to a flower field where there is no house built, and you will begin to eat only wild flowers and you will not eat meat or drink wine, but only flowers, pray to the Almighty. incessantly, and I will come to speak with you ”(3 Ezra. 9: 23-25).

The biblical authors compared a flower that is beautiful today and tomorrow withers, with human life:

"A man born of a wife is short-lived and full of sorrows: like a flower, he goes out and falls" (Job 14: 2).

"Man is like grass, which grows in the morning, blooms and turns green in the morning, is cut and dried at night" (Psalm 89: 6).

Wild flowers “Human days are like grass; as the color of the field, so it blooms.
A wind will pass over him, and he will not be there, and his place will no longer recognize him ”(Psalm 102: 15).

“All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the color of a field.
The grass dries up, the color withers when the breath of the Lord blows ”(Isa. 40: 6).

However, the Bible says that sinners will fade faster than the righteous:

"The wicked rise like the grass, and those who do iniquity flourish to disappear forever" (Psalm 91: 8).

On the contrary, “the righteous blooms like a palm tree, it rises like a cedar in Lebanon.

Those who are planted in the house of the Lord flourish in the courts of our God ”(Psalm 91:13).

In the apostolic epistles, flowers are also an image of the transience of our earthly existence:

"May the humble brother be humble his praise, and the rich, with his humiliation, because he will pass like a color in the grass.
The sun rises, the heat comes and the grass dries the heat, its color falls, the beauty of its appearance disappears; then the rich also fade in their ways ”(James 1: 9-11).

“Because all flesh is like grass, and all human glory is like a color in the grass: the grass has dried and its color has fallen; but the word of the Lord remains forever ”(1 Peter 1: 24-25).

It can also be assumed that Christ entering Jerusalem was received not only with palm branches, but also with flowers, because at that time there was spring in Israel, and the branches that were cut from the trees to pave the way for Jesus were crowned with garlands of inflorescences.


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