Love tucked neatly into our bones- out pouring of divine love- Steem Church

in #steemchurch6 years ago

On the arrival of the Holy Spirit as a limitless resource for every believer, several godly attribute are accompanied. The Holy Spirit helps us, comforts and meets our needs in very specific ways.
The Holy Spirit is the revelator and interpreter of the word of God
The greatest and most wonderful of all the blessing the Holy Spirit offers un in the outpouring of God’s boundless divine love in our hearts

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
By whom also we have access by faith into his grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also; knowing that tribulation worketh patience
And patience, experience; and experience hip
And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us
Love is mandatory to survive in this world of ours, it is the currency to a successful life for if you love, love will be recycled back to you. Without love, the evident of the sacrifice of God wouldn’t be made manifest

John 3:16 for God so love the world that he gave his holy begotten son to die for us that whosever beliveth in him shall be saved

The true deep possibility of love originates with the new birth- the new birth to the eternal, in corruptible seed of God’s word that produces a new kind of life in us
Agape love is the very nature of that new life- 1 John 4:7-8
Dear friends, let us love one another for love comes from God, everyone who loves comes from God everyone who love has been born of God and knows God whoever does not love does not know God because God is love

After the new birth in Christ, the Holy Spirit pours out the totality of God’s love into our hearts, we are soaked in deep love that every of our actions are stained with such love

It may shock you to know that the highest revelation of Christianity is Christ in you, living our his love in you that is because love is the hightest and top most quality of God’s character so much that the bible concur- God is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him

As a true Christian illuminated by the Holy Spirit, your life ought to be an outshining of God’s great love- its unconditional and self- giving love for your existence is a testimony of this great love. Every of your action have to be claded with agape love towards your neighbors, towards every person you encounter be it Hausa, Igbo, Buddist, Muslim, Poor, Rich etc. God’s love ought to sip through your lips when communicating and from your hearts through your actions

The fathers unconditional love showered upon us should compel us to give all to the Lord and dedicate our self to the expansion of his Kingdom- it should motivate every one of your actions
Owe no man anything but to love one another for he that loveth another hath full filed the law – Romans 13:8
If you are born again, walking in love doesn’t have to be a struggle because you’re not trying to obey commandments. You were born with the nature of love, therefore you can love people
Love worketh no ill to his neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law Romans 13:10 love is a way of life that is to be practice as an intrinsic value in your life
Love in Christ must be inclusive, Jesus gave his life for everyone living under the sky, he did not segregate some. He didn’t die for the Jews leaving the Greeks. He died for all so our love as Christians excludes no one

Our love must be universal as God created all men with the same soil be it from different class or society, we all come from one place so love should not discriminate

As true Christians brethren above the flesh let the love synched in our bones be made manifest in our actions to all
Shalom Church


Thanks for sharing with Us @STEEMCHURCH!



Our love must be universal as God created all men with the same soil be it from different class or society, we all come from one place so love should not discriminate...................Nice one dear!

Love transcends all. God is love and He has given us this ability through the Holy Spirit. Thank you @afamefuneuche for sharing

In John 13:34 Jesus taught, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Then He added, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (verse 35). How do we do this? What does it mean to love one another?

The “one another” in these verses is a reference to fellow believers. A distinguishing mark of being a follower of Christ is a deep, sincere love for brothers and sisters in Christ. The apostle John reminds us of this fact elsewhere: “He has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister” (1 John 4:21).

Yes brother, love is a major currency to trade in and so many christians in the world today are ignorant of the power of love

It would have been hard for us to love like God loves if not for the Holy Spirit which has shared the love of God in our heart.. Romans 5:5. However it is not going to work automatically until we practice it, we must practice love. I like how you concluded the message :
As true Christians brethren above the flesh let the love synched in our bones be made manifest in our actions to all.

Peace to you too

Very correct, this applies not just to the brethen here but to me and my manner of life style-love should configure every action

God has always loved us from the very beginning of time when he created us, no matter the sins we commit he always forgives us when we ask for forgiveness because he loves us and as Christians it is our duty to love one another earnestly because God loves us and we ought to emulate him. If not for the love he has for us he wouldn't send his only son to die for humanity, so brethren let us live in love. Thanks for sharing

Love should be so well rooted in us that it becomes an easy task to stain our actions with love to every one we encounter

Love is mandatory to survive in this world of ours, it is the currency to a successful life for if you love, love will be recycled back to you. Without love, the evident of the sacrifice of God wouldn’t be made manifest

Love is the Greatest commandment given to us by GOD to love one another.
1Cor3:13 tells us all about the attributes Love.

This is a well detailed post.
Thanks for sharing.

The kingdom of haven is near to those who radiate true love not hypocrisy. Love of God is everything and greater than all you can think of. When Jesus saw that the scribe understood this, He told Him, ‘Thou art not far from the kingdom of God ’. The kingdom of God is only for those who radiate true love which is only from God not from the world

It is by love that the world was saved, as Christians we must learn how to leave be another the father whom we copy is love. Thanks for sharing such an insightful message with us.

If you can reach the point where your conscience is not condemning you, judging you, and causing you to feel unworthy to receive, then you will have confidence toward God, which has great recompense of reward

(Heb. 10:35)

Thanks for sharing, God bless you .

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