Demons in Brazil! The Outer Darkness is Real!!
Angelina Rodrigues had always dreamed of having a baby girl, and she did! Although some people thought it was strange. Angelina had no signs of pregnancy, miraculously showing up with a baby girl, but there's an extremely dark twist to this story as Angelina had become very agitated when people tried to force her for medical treatment after just having a baby on her own. The sad and dark truth is, this child belonged to the deceased Mara Cristiana da Silva, who was 8 months pregnant and 23 years old. Angelina had later confessed that she tied Mara Cristiana to a tree after getting her intoxicated, and cut her open, breaking the child from her womb and leaving her for dead. Truly the work of a demon!

Euza Ribeiro, the victim's aunt, had this to say:
'The woman always dreamed of having a baby girl, and when she saw that my niece was pregnant she began to offer help. She lent her money to have her ultra-sound scan and the day she died had told her she was going to buy all the things that the baby needed.'
The baby is currently being taken care of at the Sao Lucas hospital in Patos de Minas, she's being treated for a cut to her head believed to be as a result of being cut from her mother's womb. This is just a taste of the terror of those who are left outside of the Kingdom will be experiencing. Crime, murder, rape, kidnapping, and more! Is that what you want? The time to repent to God and His son, Lord Ra-El is now!
- This article was written by @cifer44
Nearly all religions believe we are presently in the "end times", that period of history when the world will undergo divine judgment, followed by the establishment of the everlasting Kingdom of God that is reserved for the chosen.
Most believe the Messiah will come just prior to this judgment, offering the people one last chance at salvation. Lord RayEl is that prophesied Messiah. Though "faith" is important, we will still provide evidence of his divinity.
God bless.
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Some shocking atrocities happening in the Outer Darkness... South America, India, and Africa are quite shocking.
That is disturbing, disgusting and even mortifying. HOW can someone do something like that? I cannot even imagine witnessing that let alone going through it. She didn't care about anything but her own selfish greed.
Demons are among us!
How insane, disgusting, and sad. I'm utterly shocked.