Chatting with @ReviseSociology about SteemCampUK 2
SteemCampUK is creeping up on us, so I had another chat with one of the participants. We could have carried on chatting for more than half an hour - the great thing about SteemCampUK is that we can carry on with this sort of conversation and throw in whatever else we want to do and we've got the whole day for it.
SteemCampUK 2 is in Leicester next Saturday, May 11th - book here:
My apologies to Karl, I didn't know, but it turns out that the Skype recorder assumes that you're in the middle of the frame all the time for when it makes the split screen, this means that that you often only get to see half of his tremendous beard. Another lesson learned for next time!
Go me - even with half a face.
Well I booked my ticket, if I cannot make it it will be just as support
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Well hopefully see you there!
I booked my train ticket earlier. Can't face driving.
Posted using Partiko Android
thanks, glad to see you pop up in my notifications :)