April 4th 5th? 4th? 5th? BloPOmoBLOpo
Still up.. gawd! these updates... painful
Got a dog licking my toes which is a sign she wants to go for a walk. But I want to give you an idea of my day though first..
..was up late working with the SL on QA related matters for software.. In bed around 3:30 or so.
..up at 10 to walk dogs then into meetings from home... then off to work to deal with some stuff I needed to be in the office for in the afternoon..
.. then off for home and food and some Netflix time around 7 pm..
.. then back online around midnight (other than monitoring emails in case when SL came online they needed Q's answered right after dinner)
And now off for the last dogwalk of the night then bed.
faaaack that's a day.. eat sleep work sleep eat..
anyone remember the 'I made the donuts' ad campaign once up a time?