6th Steembay Edition - Auction for Max Elemental Phoenix [Legendary Card]

What am I offering?
you see the card above? yeah.. I am selling Elemental Phoenix [legendary Card lvl Max] . Let's the bid start at 78 With an offer of 100 you can get the card immediately.
How to bid?
Just enter "bid x" (where x is the amount in SBD you offer) in reply to this post. The first one to comment "bid 110" (or above) has hit the "buy it now" price and will receive the card. Otherwise the highest bid within the next 6 days wins (minimum bid is 78).

Updated Info
Selling : 21 legendaries For 400 sbd
...or you can buy each, Cards always in my deck as long no buyer want to buying them sir @jaki01 .. just leave me a dm or comment if you want someday.
Dm in discord. Sir @jaki01
bid 100.0
The #steembay Auction was ended by the seller.
The winning bidder is @onetin84 with an amount of 100.000 SBD - Congratulations!
Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @onetin84's bid of 100.000 SBD
end auction
End of #steembay Auction confirmed