Share your strategy with me and win 3 STEEM-SBI || Comparte tu estrategia conmigo y gana 3 STEEM - SBI

in #steembasicincome6 years ago (edited)


"Whoever forgets history is condemned to repeat it."

Some say that it was Napoleon Bonaparte, others the philosopher Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana, whoever he was, issued a warning full of wisdom, which, unfortunately, many ignore and, ignorance is paid even with life itself.

Not being interested in the past is a serious mistake, not interested in what happens on the world, it is a serious mistake. Believe that misfortunes only happen to the neighbor It is a serious mistake!

The lack of empathy and solidarity is what intelligent minds take advantage of, but sick to take power and change the life of a nation.

Socialism, hunger, corruption, drug trafficking, genocide, exodus here? Please, that only happens in Venezuela!

We Venezuelans are paying the price of ignorance. The Colombian guerrilla here? Please, that only happens in Colombia. Communism-socialism in Venezuela? Please, that only happens in Cuba, we are not an island! Drug trafficking posters in Venezuela? Please, that only happens in Mexico!

Now we are submerged in a pit of misfortunes that seems to have no bottom.

There is a song by John Denver that a friend shared a few days ago. And that collects in its lyrics what my soul feels.

Some Days Are Diamonds

When you asked how I've been here without you
I would like to say that I have been well and I do
But we both know that the truth is hard to come by
And if I told the truth that is not quite true
Some days are diamonds, some days are stones
Sometimes difficult times do not leave me alone
Sometimes a cold wind chills my bones
Now the face that I see in my mirror
More and more is a stranger to me
More and more I can see that there is a danger
By becoming what I never thought it would be.


One day I feel strong and willing to continue resisting, but others ... others just want to cry. These are the days when all the calamities seem to come together, it is as if they wanted to bend my spirit and erase my name from the face of the earth.

There are those who do not seem to understand this hell or are not interested in complicating themselves and turn their backs on us. Others, however, do not need details to read the grief in the souls of many Venezuelans. They get involved and want to help with what they have at hand, they do not allow themselves to cross their arms and look the other way.

I only know that his user is @giddyupngo and he has behaved like a guardian angel to @reinaldoverdu and me.

He bought some shares of @SteemBasicIncome for us and, every time I post, my posts receive a vote that helps me earn something from Steem and solve the current gaps in my home. These votes will be received permanently while the Steemit platform remains operational. Do you want to know more about @SteemBasicIncome? Read their FAQ to know more about the program Steem Basic Income - Frequently Asked Questions or visite the Discord group

I am very grateful for your generosity. Eternally grateful. And I want to continue the chain of favors.

I spend my days thinking what to do. Some people in crises grow up and find a way out, but others like me are blocked. I try to find the way, but everything is dark. I can not think of anything!

If you were in my situation, what would you do?

So, I'm going to share 3 SBI with that person who shares with me their strategy.

Any ideas?
Any tool?
Any employment?

Just help me find the way.

The contest will be open from August 31 to September 15.
In order to collect as many ideas as possible.

I used Google Translation

Versión español


“Quien olvida la historia está condenado a repetirla”.

Algunos dicen que fue Napoleón Bonaparte, otros el filósofo Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana, sea quien fuere, lanzó una advertencia llena de sabiduría, que lamentablemente, muchos ignoran y, la ignorancia se paga incluso con la vida misma.

No interesarnos en el pasado es un error grave, no interesarnos en lo que pasa en el mundo, es un error grave. Creer que las desgracias solo le ocurren al vecino ¡Es un grave error!

La falta de empatía y solidaridad es lo que aprovechan mentes inteligentes, pero enfermas para hacerse del poder y cambiar la vida de una nación.

Socialismo, hambre, corrupción, narcotráfico, genocidio, éxodo aquí? Por favor, eso solo pasa en Venezuela!

Los venezolanos estamos pagando el precio de la ignorancia. ¿La guerrilla colombiana aquí? ¡Por favor, eso solo pasa en Colombia. ¿Comunismo-socialismo en Venezuela? ¡Por favor, eso solo pasa en Cuba, no somos una isla! ¿Carteles de narcotráfico en Venezuela? ¡Por favor, eso solo pasa en México!

Ahora estamos sumergidos en un pozo de desgracias que parece no tener fondo.

Hay una canción de John Denver que compartió un amigo hace unos días. Y que recoge en sus letras lo que siente mi alma.

Algunos días son diamantes

Cuando preguntaste cómo he estado aquí sin ti
Me gustaría decir que he estado bien y lo hago
Pero ambos sabemos que la verdad es difícil de conseguir
Y si dije la verdad eso no es del todo cierto
Algunos días son diamantes, algunos días son piedras
A veces los tiempos difíciles no me dejan solo
A veces un viento frío sopla un escalofrío en mis huesos
Ahora la cara que veo en mi espejo
Cada vez más es un extraño para mí
Cada vez más puedo ver que hay un peligro
Al convertirse en lo que nunca pensé que sería.


Un día me siento fuerte y dispuesta a seguir resistiendo, pero otras…otras solo quiero llorar. Son esos días donde todas las calamidades parecen juntarse, es como si quisieran doblegar mi espíritu y borrar mi nombre de la faz de la tierra.

Hay quienes no parecen entender este infierno o no les interesa complicarse y nos dan la espalda. Otros sin embargo, no necesitan detalles para leer la pena en el alma de muchos venezolanos. Se involucran y quieren ayudar con lo que tienen a mano, no se permiten cruzarse de brazos y mirar a otro lado.

Solo sé que su usuario es @giddyupngo y ha se portado como un ángel guardián para @reinaldoverdu y para mi.

Compró unas acciones de @SteemBasicIncome para nosotros y, cada vez que publico, mis post reciben un voto que me ayudan a ganar algo de Steem y resolver las carencias actuales en mi hogar. Estos votos los recibiré de manera permanente mientras la plataforma de Steemit se mantenga operativa. ¿Quieres conocer más de @SteemBasicIncome? Lee su FAQ para que conozcas más en detalle el programa Steem Basic Income - Frequently Asked Questions

Estoy muy agradecida por su generosidad. Eternamente agradecida. Y quiero continuar la cadena de favores.

Paso mis días pensando qué hacer. Algunas personas en las crisis se crecen y hallan la salida, pero otras como yo estamos bloqueadas. Intento hallar el camino, pero todo está oscuro. ¡No se me ocurre nada!

De estar en mi situación, ¿qué harías tú?

Entonces, voy a compartir 3 SBI con esa persona que comparta conmigo su estrategia .

¿Alguna idea?
¿Alguna herramienta?
¿Algún empleo?

Solo ayúdame a encontrar el camino.

El concurso estará abierto desde el 31 de agosto hasta el 15 de Septiembre.
A fin de recopilar tantas ideas como sean posibles.

Steem Basic Income


Upvoted You From Kryptonia Id @michealclauri

Free Resteem , Follow and Vote For Everyone Click Here
Just Follow The Rules 😇 Thank You!

Thanks for participating!

m i?? ah ok ty! your welcome :D

In regards to earning, I would suggest you to start doing something that is called bounties. Bounties are task you do for new crypto start ups and they pay you in crypto. One of those task is writing articles / blog posts and in return they grade your work and pay you in their coin.

There is downside and upside to doing this type of work. The upside is you already have a blog spot right here on Steemit. It cost you nothing to get started. You can make good money doing many blog articles. The bad side is you don't know if you will get paid or you may get paid but the coin never gets listed on any exchanges so the coin essentially becomes worthless. That's right sometimes you won't get paid for your work.

Other times you may write a half dozen articles and do other work for the company and paid a tiny amount. In either case doing these bounties are the best way to attain decent amounts of crypto for no investment other then your time. If your interesting in learning more about this option feel free to let me know and I can point you in the right direction.

  • I wish you the best

Thanks for participating!

Thanks for participating!

I cannot say what to do in your real life. I am a nomad, so I would just leave and go to greener pastures. But this may not be possible. I do not know the situation well enough to advise you.

But as to steemit, I write minnow tips each Monday. Here is an old post - don't vote for it - but some of the ideas might help you do better here. Praying for your safety, peace and prosperity.

Thanks for participating!

A ver, depende de tus posibilidades y tus talentos pero para ser sincero steemit no es y creo que no volverá a ser lo que era antes, por lo tanto, te recomiendo buscar en primera instancia nuevas maneras de hacer dinero con el fin último de escapar.
Aún no puedo asegurar si es rentable pero me hablaron de spare5, es una página/app donde haces tareas tediosas a cambio de dinero que recibes en paypal.
También está freelancer y otras similares pero de nuevo, depende de tus talentos y algo de suerte ser contratado como usuario nuevo.
Por último, la mejor estrategia es levantarse siempre y perseguir tus metas, trabajar inteligentemente y sin pausa hasta que las alcances.
Espero te sirvan estos pequeños consejos.

Posted using Partiko Android

Gracias por las sugerencias! Estoy intentándolo en Spare5. Es la cosa más fastidiosa del planeta y eso de enmarcar cosas requiere su practica. Tienes que pasar unas pruebas, así que estimo lo ideal es practicar una semana con las lecciones que ellos ponen a tu disposición y luego quitarte la flojera y dedicarte. Hasta los momentos me he ganado 0.10 USD. Cuando mi Internet deje de comportarse como un arbolito lo retomaré.

Tengo cuenta en Freelancer. Es como dices, es bueno estar acompañado de la suerte.

Por ahora, haciendo mi cartera de trabajo. Un poquito en cada sitio, al final hace un bultico.

Congratulations @thaishps ! You received a 1.30% upvote from @kryptoniabot & @kryptonia for your task of 500 SUP Today.

Remember to receive votes from @kryptoniabot

Run a task on Kryptonia.*Join free here Kryptonia Account
Use the tags KRYPTONIA or SUPERIORCOIN in your Steemit post.

Delegate to the Kryptonia Upvote by clicking links: 10SP , 50SP , 100SP , 500SP , 1000SP

Due to an increased amount of tasks, we have changed up the voting power to evenly spread out the Upvote amount.

I don't quite understand what kind of situation are you in but if you need help in steemit, feel free to join us in a new build discord.

And keep engaging with other steemians. Drop a related to the topic comments on their post and you might get new followers.

As I see you also join a faucet, you could join mine too.

It's better if you could write more in english so that if I pass by your blog again, I could understand.

Hope that I'm answering your question and furthermore helping you to resolved whatever it is that you are feeling now.
Keep steeming @thaishps.

Thanks for participating!

You are a good writer. Why not open a blog to discuss specific issues add contextual or affiliate ads to it to start making money. I know people who are doing this.
ID: blogjeremiah

Thanks for participating!

If you mean fishing with a line?
You need a good long line and something to roll the line up.
Then you need a hook
Then you need some bait.
Bait can be crickets or shrimp or worms.
You throw the line into the deepest end of the water you can..
Ideally you are above the water on a wharf or boat.
You wait very patiently and quietly - you can still chat but not too loud.
Your finger is stretched out long so you can sense the line better.
When you feel a twitch you wait a little. When you feel a stronger pull you also pull up suddenly and see if the fish pulls back.
Then you wind up your line as fast as you can to get that fish!
Hope that helps you!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for participating.

Hey friend! It seems you are worried. In Sooth if I say for today steemit is the only job I had then would you believe this?
It had been 4 weeks almost I am here. Just like someone I won't say too much money here for me. I knew one writer just on steemit he is extremely exceptional at fictionspawn(@). You can go and read his talent. His work was rewarded as best in various contest outside steemit and his steemit stories were picked up by Curie many time.

But still in his website inspite of all this he is making 1$ - 2$ per month. In similar I knew a youtuber who is earning 2k$ per month but not that much talented. He share technical news.
We( I and fictionspawn) are from different countries and don't know each other and possibly It may take me more than 10 year to be like him.

The thing I want to say about my strategy is to win sbi share because it gives me something fixed and to keep investing it untill a considerable income like 15$ dollar generated.
It is not too much but 4 post in month that's better.
The reason I won't let my income more is Flag.

So, it is partial. And it is the rule of world. Law of nature. Smarter will get more. There are few things which earn more then few other career that's another bitter truth.
When I am a seller I have to sell the things according to the demand in market not totally based on my personal desire specially when I am considering money.

I wanted to write a book very special you can say. But now I am not a good writer do I will get success?
Leave this even if everything is fine but my marketing strategy is poor. I will fail again.

Within 4 month I gain an experience of 8 years you can say.
Thanks whenever you wanted to ask any such questions you can ask me!

Thanks for participating!

Thank you Gentleman!! Moreover English is not my native language.

One thing I wanted to say you that there is plenty people with whom you can Exchange your SBI shares.

Than for 1 shares of yours you have 4 altogether!
Take care of yourself!
Thanks again!

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