
Today's question make me think about ...
I read the book " It is hard to be God" . Some power people who was in the strange place , and simple society there is around them . Power people were like Gods in this society . And the plot of the book is around fruitless attempts of "Gods" to make society better , more intelegance , delete war , violence , to give knowledges , to show more educated life ... the same like our humanity . And in the end of book one of the Lidder of the people speaks to one of the "God" . He asked him about food , about peace on the Earth , about ...many things which we ask every day and make a wish for Santa/angel/God/etc .. and every time the "God" answered to the lidder : look when I did this , it become worse because of this and that , when I gave enough food , more strong people took away from more weak and again it was unfair ..and new and new reasons why every time everything is bad and unfair .. in the end the Lidder told : God , if people always is so violence just kill humanity . The God answer - I can't , I have pity to all of you . And than the Lidder said : in such case just don't impede us ..
I think in these words the main meaning of all our existence : don't impede and have pity to each other .
And love will win hate , kindness will win violence , fair will win lie ..

My wish would be

  1. that I am able to raise my child out to be the best young man out there and not lead him to live the life of poverty that I did
  2. I hope to become a successful lawyer so I could make my dreams come true and be the first person in my family to complete college
  3. I hope to one day be able to buy a house for my parents , they have worked so hard all life’s long for me and I’d like to do them a tiny favor compared to everything they have down to raise me

My 3 wishes would be:

  1. That my children will grow up to be healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually, and that they would be a blessing in other people’s lives.
  2. That I would not take for granted the people and relationships in my life.
  3. That I would become more generous with my time, money, resources, and be a source of encouragement and blessing in the lives of those i meet and interact with each day.

Yep.... Didnt even have to reply to @goodkarma...

@nextgen622 you kinda just hit the nail on the head...

Ding ding ding, we have a winner! 😉😀

nextgen622, amazing

World peace.
World hunger ended.
A utopian world trying to progress instead of war.

@good-karma if I will have the opportunity like that, my 3 wishes would be:

  1. My daughter (9 months now) to have a better life than I had.
  2. & 3. I would give away my second and third wish to some random strangers.

Merry Christmas for all of you guys!

This is the most wonderful wishes I have read... May the Universe (and @good-karma) hear you.

  1. i wish for nothing but a happy and joyoys christmas celebration for all steemians all over the world.
  2. i wish for a better, hunger free and peaceful world for the entire human race.
  3. i wish for the strength and mindset to do the right thing at all time and to always have the mindset to help those in need.

My three wishes

  1. My first wish would be based on steemit, i would wish the price of steem and SBD go up higher and higher without for once dropping, increasing to unexpected heights

  2. My second wish would be for my family, i would wish good health for all my family members (when i talk about family i mean my nuclear family, extended family, school family and not forgetting my steemit family who also has helped me in lot of ways.

  3. My third wish would be for the whole world in general, i wish for world with peace , overflowing joy and harmony, no terrorist attacks no conflicts of interest between nations. And i wanna see everyone happy with a bright smile on their face

God bless us all bro! Good luck.

Good wishes you got in here...

Win o, better win o.

Nice wishes there... 🤔🤔🤔

Nices wishes

I wish you the best

I wish the following stuff

  1. Get my mama a car as her next birthday gift,
  2. Build my own house and leave my rented apartment
  3. Be someone who will always help the needy.

Hope God grants your wishes man

And so shall all your wishes become tangible dear

And so shall it be dear

May God bring them to pass

Amen sir

May God grant all of us our heart desires, Amen

Wish you that and more brah!

My three Wishes

My wish for my family, for me and my wish for the world.

  1. Good health for my parents. I've been with my parents and been living with them since I was young. Even if I'm almost in my 30s but I think half of my life, I never really understood the value of family until I got older (which often happens to most of us). I want to spend more time with them and cherish the time that we had together.

  2. Travel the World. Be able to travel freely whenever I want without worrying of getting funds, the visas, papers and of those sorts. It has always been my dream to experience different cultures, eat good food and experience different adventures.

  3. I'd ask for million wishes more. This time not for me but for the people who need it the most. I'll spare these wishes for those who need it most. A lot of things are going on in the world. I have always wished to give back to others but I'm not in that position to fully do that. This is my opportunity to think big and act big, why not ask for wishes to help others?

My 3 wishes are:

1- My children grow up to be what they what - that this could be possible
2 - The "blockchain" rule the world and give freedom to everybody!
3- My house isolated from the cold!! Oh yeahaah...

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