Game exchanges: Steam or Steem?

in #steem8 years ago

Funny how Steam sounds terribly similar to Steem.

Steem is a decentralize social networking platform. Much like Reddit. But insomuch that value is rated differently. Value in Reddit derives from the user, which transforms it into upvotes to a post, but the value ends there. The monetary value from creating, shifts into the pockets of Facebook, Twitter. Steemit does not reinvent the wheel. In fact it borrows the social networking platform and shifts the control back to the creators, in a true P2P fashion.This severs the omnipresent middle man that take an exurbarant amount in fees everytime.

Imagine what this technology can do for rest of society? Finances, Governance, Voting, Smart Contracts, Smart Money, Video Gaming. Ah yes Video Gaming.

Many people within the ecosystem of Steemit are looking to revolutionize gaming. Far away from the micro transactions, censorship, fees. Here are a few: 1)Look no far, because the modding community is a good example of how games can perform better when it is under a decentralize, open source platform. 2) Gaming is highly commodifiable, and highly profitable for those betting short. Peerplay would be a good solution for P2P.

Essentially, peerplay is a decentralized gaming exchange for high level P2P; and it eliminates third party fees.

I predict Steam won't be holding too much longer because they will be outcompeted by Steem and other decentralize platforms. If Steam fails to adapt they will be swept away. Time is changing, the blockchain protocols are truly revolutionizing the way we interact and value information . Folks who are reading Steemon and create!

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