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RE: STEEM Isn't A JOB It's A Business
Wow, what a roller coaster you've seen. I can see why a lot of people bailed. 98% crash. I can't imagine. I know this little blip has been frustrating as I try to get to a 3 cent non-dust vote! haha
It's A Business
- That's why I read your post. That's what I've seen since day one.
But I also realized...
I would like to think we could entertain and inform each other on here at least a little bit while we earn money.
That's why I hitched my pony to this wagon.
All was going well. My SP was climbing at a decent rate and I was curating everything and everyone I liked.
- But then came @TimCliff's post revealing to many including me that <0.02 and it's all dust. And the next experimenting by @thedarkhorse revealing that you may actually need a 3 cent vote to keep it from being wasted. Oh wow. I had wasted a LOT of votes.
- So I had to step back and start treating this more like a business and less like a social club. The social club people are great and I really did enjoy them, but they seem to be totally against treating this like a business. Self vote boo! upvote services hiss! ... ::rolling eyes::
What I saw is I needed to spend time treating this like a business, so I can get my vote up to 3 cents or all that curating (well, maybe not all, but a LOT of it) is wasted effort.- So lately I've been looking for people who realize this is a business and not just a social club. I look forward to spending some time looking through your blog to find a few nuggets that will help me down the path that will lead the quickest to having a worthwhile business that we can have some fun entertaining and informing while being entertained and informed.
- So I had to step back and start treating this more like a business and less like a social club. The social club people are great and I really did enjoy them, but they seem to be totally against treating this like a business. Self vote boo! upvote services hiss! ... ::rolling eyes::
Anyway, thanks for the feedback @brianphobos!