ATTENTION: REAL Steem Community [Open Letter to @JustinSunSteemit and @Steemitblog]

in #steem4 years ago (edited)


Normally I devote 100% of my extra band width to think and post about health and fitness... But today is the exception.

I have decided to weigh in on all the goings on with the current hostile take over of the Steem Blockchain.

If you are a part of the REAL Steem Community please do a post like this one... AND VOTE FOR THE REAL STEEM WITNESS'S!

Click here to get busy doing that:

Let's take back the Steem Blockchain and show @JustinSunSteemit what's what and who's who around here.


To @JustinSunSteemit, @Steemitblog, ***

NO. We are NOT interested in this "exciting" future you speak of @steemitblog. Based on how you have strong armed the community it is clear to me and the rest of the REAL Steem Community what this would look like. Bleak to say it mildly.

People who are interested in freedom above all else simply do not conduct themselves in this manner. So I say, "HECK NO!" to anything and everything you and your people have to say about the future of where you think the Steem Blockchain is headed.

Wave all the dollar bills you want in our faces... That's not the reason we are here. We are here for far more than financial gain. The disrespect you have shown the Steem Community in hijacking the voted witness's (Voted for by US the USERS by the way...) is despicable and UNACCEPTABLE!

As long as I am on this Blockchain I will resist any and all action you and your people take... And here's the thing to remember @justinsunsteemit... I am not alone in this opinion.

You are the new guy and this is an infrastructure based on influence and reputation. In a sanctuary of freedom you can not possibly think that you can come bumbling and crashing in here dictating your will upon the entire Steem Community like an entitled hooligan.

This is a community of smart and capable people who actually care about each others well-being... And sadly from what I can see these are clearly things that you have a lot to learn about.

I have said my mind... Now I am going to vote with all my Steem Accounts towards a brighter and better future for this Blockchain.

I suggest everyone reading these words do the same. Check the Witness Voting page and look to see who among the witness's have written something constructive about this sham. AND GIVE THEM YOUR VOTES.

Click here to vote:

Here's the list of Steem Witness's I have voted for:

P.S. If you are a Steem Witness championing the decentralization of the Steem Blockchain please speak up and let me know! I'm committed to the success of this blockchain and like you I have invested many hours not to mention financial resources to further and bring to fruition a social media platform that truly enhances and enriches peoples lives. The Steem Blockchain is innovative and special... It's worth banding together and defending so please leave a comment below about you and what your all about! You have my attention 100%.

***This post was compiled in response to the recent post by @Steemitblog:


Excellent post Wil👏. I am still reading through some of the posts to get to know exactly what happened.
Meanwhile I went and personally voted for all the mentioned witnesses. 🙌
Hopefully the real community witnesses can take back full control and counter that under hand deal trying to unfairly take over control 😱.
Hopefully things will be back to normal just the way it used to be ASAP. Decentralized and free💯👍😁

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm certain we can all band together and take back the Steem Blockchain Eric. I'm so certain that I have decided to sink another investment into my 3 main Steem accounts: @BeachReady @AdventureReady and this one @wil.metcalfe. I will be powering up all three accounts so as to make my vote even heavier in our favor. I'm going to write a post (tomorrow) encouraging the Real Community to do the same. Not only will this make our combined vote more convincing it will also suck up any excess Steem that is being used maliciously against the Steem Blockchain by the centralized exchanges.

If ever there was a time to band together and solidify our Steem positions and reinforce the integrity of our friendships... that time is now.

There was a time where I decided to trust the community 100%... That was the day I STOPPED self voting my posts. I'm not looking back now that we are here... I'm anticipating and looking forward with a positive mind.

Thank you as always for taking the time to read my posts and comment Eric! It's good to have genuine friends (like you!) here on OUR Blockchain... especially during times like these.

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