Simple To Do List:

in #steem5 years ago

Here is what I think we should do with all things Steem.


Make it as easy as possible for end-users to get on the site(s) and engage with others or games or whatever front end they are on.

Reward behavior you want to see repeated.

Ignore non-malignant behavior.

Punish only the worst behaviors and allow end-users to retain their dignity, while they are corrected.

Use stake to incentivize behavior you want to see repeated. Usually Building something, engagement or retention efforts.

Bring attention to Steem whenever possible with whatever ability you have to do this. However, set realistic expectations when discussing it.

Invest revenue back into the Steem Economy or redirect Steem to people who do.

Stakeholders get paid when the value goes up.

We need gamers, stakeholders, developers, end-users, site cleaners, bidbots, authors and casual users. It's fine to stick to your own preferences but don't underestimate the value of the rest.

This is a young economy during a bad economic cycle. Be patient.

Everyone can contribute, this isn't going to build itself.



Hope you can put this at STEEM Alliance and people might work on it!


I love how positive this is and yup, I just discovered your @dramatoken and I find it fun. I'll post about it soon, everyone should know about it, I love how it works. I have the Plankton Token but I need a lot of work in that. Cheers!


Yeah, it takes some time to get your token up and running smoothly.

I think this is a good list. Unfortunately, I don't think too many people will be onboard with punishing the worst behavior. In fact, I think the opposite happens. In my experience, whether or not someone gets punished is directly related to their stake. A Minnow acting like an asshole gets hemmed up real quick. Whales on the other hand, quite often get defended with "it's their stake" kind of reasoning...which is not necessarily bad. However, it shouldn't really come into play as to whether or not a behavior is bad.

I think in order to meet the goals of your first item, we have to institute a real reputation system. The current reputation score can remain as the upvotes score or maybe influence score, but it has never really been about reputation. In order to encourage free engagement, I think each user should have an equal say in determining reputation. Doing this would also empower users to punish bad behavior without having to rely on whales who are reluctant (and rightly so) to invest their SP in policing activities.

Posted using Partiko Android

The thing is that justice comes in the end. They have to most to win or lose. If they continue to make bad choices they will continue to see bad results.

The rest of us have a choice in whether or not to participate.

I'm not sure what reputation has to do with each one of us contributing at whatever level our stake is at.

Nowhere did I say that the end-users should dictate to the whales.

I don't believe that I implied that you said end users should dictate to whales. I consider whales to be end users also (in many cases). I also believe that the behavior of all end users should be judged on the same scale. That's why reputation is relevant.

Bad behavior is bad behavior regardless of stake. A lower stake user is currently discouraged from correcting the bad behavior of a higher staked user because they do so at the risk of the lowering of their own reputation score. This has happened many times. Ultimately, it undermines items 2 and 4 on your list.

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Yeah, you didn't imply it. I don't know why my response sounded like that, but when I just reread it... It did. :)

Yeah, I agree bad behavior is bad behavior. And I get the point you are making about Rep.

Steem needs to be able to ban bad users the same way bitcoin bans bad nodes.

Some things need improvement more than others. For example most bid bots need standards.
I would love to see an option to pay out higher curation rewards as a trial run. Have the ratio at the top of the post along with out going transfers and whether or not the account is powering down.

Posted using Partiko Android

The bidbots owners do not take responsibility to cleaning up their own messes or contributing to those who do. While that frustrates me it is in the hands of the community to pulll a little profit from those who are abusive.

One thing that stands out to me is allowing lower end users to retain their dignity while they are corrected.

There are so many people run out of town for making mistakes and not being allowed to make amends and learn from them. There are also bots who have permanent black lists whose owners have no interest in pardoning or permitting them to correct the behaviour.

Heaven forbid you get on the shit list of some of the folks who are searching for flags to hand out!

A good growing blockchain will have to be inclusive and witch hunts should be rare and for special cases showing no end to the abuse.

Great list for sure as so many people have said!

Seems like a good list.

If we "clean house" a bit, seems to me that growth in activity can come both from the inside, as well as through promoting Steem to the outside world. We might also attract a more dedicated user if people toned down the whole "make money on Steem" as the primary (and often only) reason they give outsiders for becoming part of the community.

Yes, this is a very young economy. Patience is necessary; this is a long term proposition.


A great list indeed. I love the thing about giving chances and bringing back the dignity of the ones being corrected.

Everything in that list is significant to the Steem ecosystem. Aside from being very active of course. Let's all be responsible members. Thankful for this post.

Do you think that STEEMIT INC should set up a curation initiative? They have SP and if they do it, they might actually do better than most others. But some don't wanna see the SP that STEEMIT INC. holds to be used. I feel like using it to help promote Steem outside of Steem then keeping the new users on by helping them with votes might be one way to go.

Their voting account @freedom has delegated to @ocdb.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think they should spend it, not curate with it. Curation by Steemit will create so much drama. Look at how much crap they are already getting for literally everything they are doing or even not doing.
Delegating to projects and apps is another reasonable idea.

Posted using Partiko Android

See, if I had influence on them. I would want them to delegate often smaller amounts and make all delegations temporary.

So you let a lot of people use resources, but they don't get to keep them forever. Just a short boost while the app becomes self-sustaining. The brightest people would figure out how to get there.

Sounds like a great approach

Posted using Partiko Android

I want their stake to be used. I also think their stake is theirs and not mine, so I don't have any say in it.

I've accepted they are going to do whatever they do. So, I no longer waste my time and energy wishing they would do different things.

I've accepted they are going to do whatever they do.

Yup, better spending time to better yourself than wishing someone else would do things differently.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Steem rules to live by.

The great thing is that we can move between these roles as we deem necessary and I believe that potential and flexibility to be undervalued at the moment!

Posted using Partiko iOS

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