Free Domain Name, Webhosting & Trademark
For each $30 in Steem that is awarded for this post I will provide ownership to a .com domain name that includes "steem" to one person who has upvoted.
For each $250 in Steem that is awarded, I will set up a years worth of hosting along with ownership of a domain name.
AND for each $2000 in Steem that is awarded, I will draft and file a Federal Trademark registration application
for one of the assigned domain names.
The earlier you upvote the better your chances of obtaining a domain name, hosting and the trademark application.
Tell your friends because the more people that vote this post up after you do, the more likely it is you will get a domain, hosting and a trademark application.
Questions - ask in the form of a reply and I will do my best to address them as I see them.
Have the domain names been chosen already? Or will the winners have input on what they are?
I will consult with each winner to identify and register a domain that each winner prefers.
I will follow you to see your future posts!
Congratulations @wayclever! You received a personal award!
You can view your badges on your Steem Board and compare to others on the Steem Ranking
Vote for @Steemitboard as a witness to get one more award and increased upvotes!