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RE: Downvote Pool Deep Dive

in #steem5 years ago

"...Flag wars, much like self voting cannot be countered through code changes."

This is objectively false. Flags can just be omitted via code. Votes altogether can just be omitted via code.

Code is infinitely immutable, and good code can fix every problem bad code creates.

Unfortunately, we're throwing more bad code after bad code, and the problems we already suffer are going to get worse as soon as these code changes are implemented. Incentive to imbue Steem with value isn't effected via extant code, and the tweaks discussed are just going to make that worse, and that's all because the devs either aren't experienced investors, or aren't interested in imbuing Steem with value.

Code currently encourages stakeholders to strip value from Steem by extracting rewards via unlimited upvotes, delegation, etc. Code can change that.

But it won't, because profiteers were encouraged to profit, and presently control the lion's share of stake, and they don't want to change the status quo. Every time disruption occurs, it costs stakeholders profiting from extant conditions.

After these tweaks are implemented and things get worse, feel free to comment to me regarding my comments that that is what will happen. Don't think you will, but feel free to.


When I said that flag wars cannot be countered through code I wasn't being obtuse and saying you can't remove flag altogether but that in having flag you are going to have people abuse them. You're being obtuse because the issue is in how to counter flag wars through code and still have flags, as is clearly implied.

There's no such thing as good code like you want us to believe, or bad code. You won't explain why it will make it worse, so we can dismiss it as easily as you want to assert it.

Code do not encourage people to strip value, stop asserting the exact same nonsense that I have called you out on numerous times and which you failed or refused to address EVERY FUCKING TIME.

Posted using Partiko Android

You're fucking delusional.

Gravity is why water flows downhill, and code is why people vote the way they do. Code is infinitely mutable, and can be changed, unlike gravity. I'd try to cogently explain how this can be done, but you won't even acknowledge any points I make. I know this because I've attempted to engage with you previously, and that is what you did.

Have a nice day.

Bullshit and lies. You never explained you only assert nonsense, not once did you Reason or explain, and here you are trying to say that "code is why people vote the way they do" and we are discussing not why or how people vote but exactly what code is bad, and why and how it is so, and you tried to avoid it AGAIN and make it seem like you have any idea about it when you don't and if you did you didn't bother to explain it even once. Fucking nonsense.

Posted using Partiko Android

Here before an overwhelming majority prove my delusion, it should be a challenge anyone would gladly accept IMO, why do I have the sneaking suspicion that all that will happen is silent acquiescence to the fact that you're a bullshit liar or the one in delusion?

Posted using Partiko Android

There you are again assertion nonsense and thinking that your proposal is sound in the least, you had again nothing to say when both I and Kevin pointed out the obvious flaws but you still persist, as if. I confronted you two or three times previously and once you got defensive because I called you Nonsense, NON-Sense and accused me completely mistakenly of attacking your character. Gtfo. The next time you had nothing or didn't want to say anything, when I asked you repeatedly why would people invest or power up rewards. Your proposal is SHIT. It has no economic sense, it's nonsense, it confuses things and asserts head shaking... BRACE YOURSELF :



See, you are an idiot :) poor chap!!! @baah

How nice of your troll self to offer me some fake pity after you thoroughly failed at trolling me. Troll on brother, if you don't, who will?!

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