The First Steemit Prediction Market is Here - Vote on the US Presidential Election and Win $teem !!

in #steem9 years ago

Move over Augur, Steemit is now entering the business of predictive markets. The first of which being the US Presidential Election this November.

The rules are simple. Everyone who upvotes and leaves a message below stating decisively which candidate you think is going to win the presidential election this fall will win an equal fraction of the payout. It's that simple.

The only stipulation is that you must clearly define your chosen winner in order to receive your payout. Entries such as Hillary, The Hillbilly, Clinton, etc., are all acceptable. Even The Donald, DT, and Trumpsteria can easily be deciphered, and will result in full payout. However, trying to play both sides of the fence so to speak with official entries such as Donary, Clump, Hillary Trump, etc., will not be accepted.

Let's put the predictive capabilities of the Steemit Hive to the test. Who will be the winner this fall:

Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump

And what's more import to the marketcap of STEEM, will the SteemHive be right or wrong?


I would wager on Trump, not that I support him or anything but he is the markets response to the lefts rampant insanity.

The sportsbooks are favoring Hillary :P

I love the top or bottom socket picture.

Hahaha same here i laughed so hard when i saw that

Trumpity Trump Trump!

Of course I must vote for:

Sorry, Hillary will rig the election on you by nationalizing the voting booths under the department of homeland security. Every busy steemit bee knows this. Now pay me!

I found a picture of Donald Trump building the wall lol

I want Trump, but not to sure he'll win thanks to all the one sidedness by the mainstream media. Sanders didn't get a fair election, hard to believe they won't try the same with Trump. If enough people can see the "Clinton Cash" movie on you tube, maybe there will be enough people to save the country from a certain end.

How does this steemit thing work? This thread got 16 votes but only 8 cents? Lol is there like a FAQ page or something

I just don't get any respect..

I'll take Hitlary.

I think she's the chosen one, so they'll rig it in her favor.

Funky Hillary Clinton

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