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RE: Let’s Make Some STEEM Marketing Memes!! - Social Media Campaign

in #steem5 years ago

I hope you guys aren't seriously contemplating tweeting this out, with the #MeToo movement so strong right now this is the last thing women want to see. You are going to alienate a whole lot of women with this one. But then again when it comes to making right decisions.....

I would think most people would be smart enough to separate a recognisable meme from sexual harassment. Idk because some women think very differently to me, but I doubt many women would feel alienated from a meme using a recognisable format / template.

As a women, I do not feel alienated by a very well known and hilarious meme.

It’s a joke, and not an offensive one. I agree with you 😉

No it's never a joke when the one your with stares down another women's body parts, to brush something like that off you would literally have to be in the relationship for something other than love, have no self confidence or esteem or just plain like abuse. It's not well known anywhere I know of except here where I've seen it dozen of times and it's definitely not as funny as you tend to think....unless of course you really are a man.

That meme is all over the internet and it is used for all sorts of things. I've seen it on every social media platform I'm on. It's not as obvious and recognisable as something like the Old El Paso "why don't we have both?" girl but it's a pretty common meme.

No there's no separation at all except in maybe a man's mind.

I'm a woman though...

And to me there is a massive separation between humour and the rest of life, unless the humour is being used as a coping mechanism for real life.

As a group, friends, my partner and I will play Cards Against Humanity and I have played some very very offensive cards over time but that doesn't mean I agree with those cards or think those things in real life because for me at least humour and everything else is very separate, and I believe you will find that is true for a lot of people who enjoy dark or offensive humour, but this meme isn't even that offensive. I'm quite caring in real life, but I will play funny offensive cards or making funny offensive jokes if they are funny (and sometimes in the case of the cards it is because the combination is that apt and just fits, regardless of if you agree with it).

Some people who enjoy offensive humour are people who are actually offensive people and act like dicks in real life, but that's not true for all of us.

In reality this meme is harmless either way, but there's certainly people who separate memes and other humour from real life so you can't just claim that there's no separation at all. For me, and I know for at least some others too, there is a huge separation between the two.

But your statement can't be correct, because you said "there's no separation at all except in maybe a man's mind" but I'm female.

We can disagree on whether we personally think it is offensive or not and that's probably the best thing to do here, but that statement is factually incorrect, proven by my existence.

I brought my came with a drink.

I figured I'd get responses as such from my statement, especially on here where the tendency seems to always flow in the same direction from those above or who posted the posting (geez I wonder why that i$.) So I took the liberty of running this as a hypothetical question after making a another meme out of this picture after changing the words to rebranded company, owner and company....whereas so far most are in agreement with me that this isn't an appropriate meme to use unless it's aimed at men and/or other comments that one may be trying to sell an advertisement for marriage counseling it would be fine.

Okay... I don't know what you are implying here. I'm not so far "above" if you mean big people on here. I'm only 5 levels above you and we have relatively similar steem power. I'm not a big person on here. I also don't know OP either and haven't had much communication with them so this isn't something like sticking with friends either.

You also seem to be implying that both me and Justineh believe what we believe about humour because of money. That's not true, at least for me - I can't speak for OP but I can't see anything wrong logically with them just liking it so I have no reason not to believe them.

I'm on multiple platforms but my other main platform than Steemit is YouTube. If my sense of humour or attitude towards humour was affected by money, my content and my humour would be very clean because that's more ad friendly for YouTube. I only make content I want to make even if it is a poor decision financially not to sacrifice artistic integrity to meet the demands of YouTube etc and my sense of humour is intrinsically part of me and doesn't change because of money.

I just don't find the meme offensive and the reason I commented to begin with is because I don't find it offensive and I would think (at least hope) that most women wouldn't be offended the meme. Only reason I commented to begin with. Nothing to do with money or social media politics (I hate politics like that anyway and don't play the game).

For the second comment, I commented because you said the only separation exists in a man's mind and I'm part of the vagina club so that statement is factually incorrect and also ignores the experience of women like me. I also commented because it is logically wrong, proven by mine and OP's existence. It also ignores the experiences of people who do separate humour from the rest of life, because we do exist. I also really don't like this type of logic and think it is slightly insulting. A close relative went through domestic violence and if someone tried to equate a meme as being no different to what she went through I would be pissed off, because there is a huge difference between experiencing Domestic Violence and a joke (which is what a meme is). The difference is huge. There's no way I could equate a stock photo on the internet turned into a meme with sexual harassment, just like I couldn't with DV, because one is terrible and one is a joke. Equating the joke with the terrible thing is watering down the terrible thing.

As for posting the meme elsewhere, fair enough and it is good you decided to test your hypothesis, but I've seen that meme posted way more times than that on various social media websites and people typically didn't respond in a negative way, so your test is up against all those other times it has been posted and your test isn't a big enough sample size compared to how much it has been posted to mean much unfortunately.
The way your particular test went too also depended on variables such as which social media site (big differences in social attitudes, behaviors and norms between them), which sub-part of the social media site if applicable (facebook group, subreddit etc) and which business you used, as even though the meme is imo harmless, it would still be inappropriate marketing for some businesses. Context matters. It's decent for a social media site though. It's interesting you got the results you got, but it is up against every other time that meme has been posted in various forms on the internet.

Either way, like I said before, we can disagree on whether it is offensive or not. You're free to find it offensive. You do you. I do not find it offensive however, and I'm gonna stay like that (and me do me I guess... that phrase doesn't work the other way). It's more that you're saying women as a whole will be offended and equating a meme to sexual harassment, as well as saying stuff that isn't factually correct.

Either way, have fun and enjoy your time on Steem. Maybe instead of getting too in-depth about one meme, we should make our own memes... with blackjack and hookers... actually you know what, forget the memes (had to do it, Futurama was awesome). Seriously though, this energy is better spent blowing people out of the water with something awesome that we each make, meme or not. I'm not cutting you off if you still want to discuss this, but just making a suggestion. Good luck!

Actually I googled for that meme and found most people took it and posted (re-memed) it in the negative light that it really is. When I mention abuse my take is that if a woman feels compelled to stay with a man who'd publicly shame her what else is she putting up with behind the scenes. As far as my little experiment went I fully intended to share the thoughts of those who decided to participate, the consensus among those who choose to overwhelmingly, regardless if man or woman, felt it a bad decision if this was a business decision. That's how I laid it out, I didn't put Steem's name on it, I just merely asked the question, why? because this site is always asking for people's opinions then continues on without regard to what anyone said. I guess you could say there's a time and place for everything but when you are trying to attract people or change people's perceptions you don't go for something that is questionable in how people will take to it. In that regard, this meme's time and place is not now.

For those interested in the sampling of those who replied/voted on my question, post on the subject you can go here and take a look:

This made me chuckle.

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