Steem Challenge! Ten Questions!

in #steem6 years ago

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My fellow Steemian @abh12345 told me I should give this new "challenge" thing a spin, and so let me give it a spin!

I always loved to do these types of things, answering to "What if" questions, I always try to outsmart the questions, or I always overthink them, and a person really starts to know herself answering to some of these questions and thinking about why they answered the way they did...

So let's start!

1. What supernatural power would you want to have?

The easy answer is the power to shape reality into whatever I imagine, that would mean I would be a god, everything that I could think I could bring to reality! I could even think about having another supernatural power and it would become reality! But this is the easy way out... let's go with something simpler and not totally overpowered...

The simpler answer is the power of immortality until I choose to become mortal!

I hate the fact that humans have a limited lifespan... I hate the fact that I'll probably never see portals being made, spaceships traveling, space civilizations meeting, other planets, other animals, I hate it! I want to be immortal! I want to see the future of mankind! I want to see us using 100% of the sun's power! I want to see the universe! And who knows... other universes! Or even better, create my own universe! I want to be Immortal to see all of this... and once I've seen everything I can... my own choosing! I've seen some scientist saying that until 2045 we might be able to find immortality... I'll be 51 then, let's hope they are right!

2. If you could choose your birthplace, where would it be, and why?

This is a hard one... Especially since I haven't traveled that much in my life (yet!)... I'm very happy in my city, the weather is a little hot in the summer but nothing that I can't handle, I love the people of my city, all my friends and family! Changing birthplace would make it so I would have never met them! But let's say that by choosing my birthplace all my friends and family would come with me to that place, and my life would be exactly the same but with another climate...

I would probably choose the south of my country... Algarve! I really love my country, yes we have some corruption, yes we have some problems, but I wouldn't change it for the world! The only difference that I would get by moving to Algarve is that I would be near the beach with a better climate! In the summer it wouldn't be so hot and in the winter it wouldn't be so cold! Maybe someday I'll move there... especially since my family and my friends are starting to spread all over the country...

3. If you could go back in time to meet someone from the past, who will it be and why?

This question would really depend if I could talk to that person about the future and if I could make some research before! If yes then... Tesla? Einstein? Edison? Marie Curie? Oppenheimer? I would probably feel like a moron next to them! But just imagine the talks I could have with them about the future! Imagine the things I could tell them if I had made a good research beforehand! Imagine the progress humanity would have nowadays if these people knew the future!

If I couldn't make research beforehand and I couldn't talk with them about the future, then me meeting them wouldn't change one single thing, so it's really easy... Jesus...

Yup, I would meet Jesus to finally answer the long discussion of: "Does God exist?" Just imagine the situation of me pulling over with my horse next to JC and saying: "Yoh JC, do you know who I am?" and him saying "The fuck Teut! You are messing with the space-time continuous! Should I smite your ass back to the 21st century?!"

And since it is JC, he would probably know about the future already, so I could ask him anything, including where humanity was going, what and who is God, etc... I could ask him if there is such a thing as the meaning of life?!

Of course, this is if Jesus was a divinity... imagine if he was just a mad man doing magic tricks! At least I would finally have the answer!

4. Which childhood memory is your favorite?

Where to start... playing computer games with my brother and father?! Or maybe playing Magic the Gathering with my brother and father too! Or maybe that one time where I and my brother played giant chess against my father, those were the times... Watching Soap Operas with my mother when I was 6... Jogging with my mother... I also have really fond memories of playing with my dogs, walking them... Watching TV with them... My boxer barking at the TV because 101 Dalmations was on... I have way too many memories to pick one... they all made me who I am today! They are all my favorite, and I will carry them with me all my life!

5. What are the three things you notice in the opposite sex first?

Since it's the first three things I'm going to assume they haven't spoken yet... So, eyes, smile, boobs, and, I know it's just three but, ass for the fourth! Why boobs before ass? Because a woman can grow her ass in the gym, but she can't grow her boobs ( silicon doesn't count)!

6. If Life was music, what song will yours be playing?

Céline Dion - All By Myself... just kidding...

Eminem - Not Afraid! This song pumps me up every time! I never quit! Life is a struggle and I'm not afraid to take a stand against it!

7. If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

My parents? Drugs... My friends? Fighting someone while drunk... My grandfather? Something to do with cryptocurrencies and taxes...

8. In one sentence, how would you sum up the Steem platform?

In one sentence! Damn, this is a topic for a whole post! But let's sum it up with one sentence:

"Circle Jerk of spammers removing the money that other people put into buying STEEM and some of the witnesses voting good code out that could solve spam and flag abuses, only because they get money out of this whole thing!" so... basically two words "internal corruption!"

Let's hope the bad players in the witness list get removed! Let's hope someone finally comes forward saying "these x guys are pushing bad code because of greed"...


9. What’s the funniest Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?

I once saw a Wi-Fi named "Your momma..." but I actually haven't seen that many Wi-Fi names... I live in a city without tall buildings, so we don't have the cluster fuck of Wi-Fis that big cities get...

10. What’s something your brain tries to make you do and you have to will yourself not to do it?

Procrastinate... exactly what I was doing before writing this! I was on the couch watching Gotham, already devoured 2 and a half seasons in the last 3 or 4 days... I don't even know how much time has passed, to be honest, it all feels like a long day... and after Gotham, I have that "Nightflyers" tv show that has something to do with George R.R.Mating


Who to nominate... I've been away for 6 months, I don't know who has made this already! And I hate to nominate big accounts because I feel like a damn leech every time I do it! But screw it...

Let me nominate... @meesterboom I know he is a funny guy so I'll want to see what he comes up with, I know that I'll have a laugh reading his answers! And my two good friends @trincowski, and @pangoli! I hope that you guys haven't done this already...

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This challenge was started by @daniel-otaniel!

The fine print
• Make a post answering all ten questions, be fun and spontaneous, you don't have to think so hard.
• Link this post to your post, so that others who are to join, get to know the rules for joining.
• Add either of #tenquestions or #icebreaker as one of your tags, this would make it easier for others to get to read your answers.
• Nominate at least three other users to join this challenge.
• Have fun.

Images Free Source - 1, 2,3,4,5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

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Question of the day: No question people... Just tag me if you do one of these posts, I want to see other people's answers!
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I should probably change these templates since I'm not studying to be a Vet anymore...

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Nice one dude :D

Some philosophical answering going on there - you went deep for the responses!

... . and once I've seen everything I can... my own choosing!

But when will you know the time is right, if time has no meaning to you?

Whereabouts in Spain are you? I'm in Mallorca but hopefully Valencia soon (Sorry i might have asked this before!)

Internal corruption

:O how dare you be so... on the right lines :P


I'm in Portugal, not Spain xD To be more specific I'm next to Badajoz! Like 30-45 minutes away from it!

How will I know the time is right... that's a really hard question... my only answer is that I would know, deep inside me... my only problem with living forever is that I would miss the people I love, but I'm human, and humans have the capacity to lose and love again, so, during my travels, I would love many new people, for as long as life exists! Damn... my philosophy teacher would be proud of me ahahha

how dare you be so... on the right lines :P

The centralization of SP on STEEM is really bad, just today aggroed went from top 1 to 21 place on the witnesses list by losing 1 whale vote, how can someone say this blockchain is decentralized if this happens! From what I've heard is powering down and selling STEEM on the market, don't know if that's true, but if it is, it's really good, new adopters can buy in at these low prices and decentralize the SP on STEEM, because let's be honest, no freaking whale with a bazillion SP will buy more SP... they already have enough! Meanwhile, minnows, dolphins and orcas, don't have enough, and can buy more STEEM with money! I'm waiting for the reversal in the market to buy my bags, STEEM will probably be one of them!

Sorry for the long reply xD This is what I get for not posting in 6 months, now I write too much ahaha

Doh! Woops, of course - Algarve!

Well perhaps you will know, that it is time to take the eternal blue pill in 2045 :)

Yeah you are spot on with the witness vote thing - not looking decentralized at all when that happens.

When is it bags time? I need a job (interview next week) so I can load up too!

The question about the blue pill in 2045 is... what if i became immortal in a robot body, would I take it? Would i be able to spend the rest of eternity with a metal penis? Really though questions... having a metal drill as a penis ahaha

I made a post about the right time to buy, but to sum it up, I'm not waiting for the bottom, I'm waiting for the reversal in the market to bull to buy, which is pretty easy to spot and it's very very near the bottom, I even showed examples of all the other times btc went bull and how easy it was to spot, u just need to make a line that goes through all the tops since january 2018, that line is a resistance, when we pass it the market has a really high probability of going bull.

If you want, go to the post and see the images, it's pretty easy to spot, I don't know why people don't realize that and keep buying... I'm just saving my money to buy on the reversal...

Lol, my second nomination. I will have to really think about it!

If someone nominates u for the third time you have to do it! It's in the rules book!

Then I await the third time with bated breath :0D

ok, making my second account to tag u again ahahahah 😈😈

Lol, that would be cheating!!

ha, I wrote answers for whaleshares, but can change that question, but now know who to make sure I nominate lol

We meet again Mr Boom. I am waiting for the funny.....

But it's Thursday so stuff that, who's getting knocked off today?!

Who is indeed!! Maybe no-one, perhaps pacifism is the way forward!

I haven't participated but I don't think I will. I was never too fond of these chain letters or whatever this is. :-P

It's just a way for ur followers to know you, and it provides content! Especially if you can be funny! I tried to be smart instead of funny xD

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Thanks Bot! One day you will rule over us with ur advanced Artificial Intelligence... meanwhile, keep curating good posts XD

Thanks @trufflepig curators!

My parents? Drugs... My friends? Fighting someone while drunk... My grandfather? Something to do with cryptocurrencies and taxes...

hahahah That was so funny!! Especially the grandfather part! :)

Since I join the cryptospace my grandfather is always worried that I'm getting myself mixed with gambling and tax evasion... and that I'll sooner or later get arrest... Just the other day he called me because of the QuadriCX exchange, you heard about it right? The owner died and didn't leave the keys to anyone, so 160millions are lost forever (or so people say, it all sounds a little like an exit scam tbh)... my grandfather thought I had lost it all ahaha He is always worried about crypto thefts and the crypto market and he is 80!

hahaha Your grandfather is awesome!!!

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