Why Big And Centralized Stand No Chance Against Decentralized!!! 😀😀

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Many seem to think institutions like banks, governments, and Fortune 1000 companies have a chance at fending off blockchain. In fact, some feel that these institutions will not only fend the threat off but continue to dominate.

I am here to tell you this is not going to happen.

The reason for my emphatic view is because I have enough understanding of technology to realize that centralized cannot fend of decentralized when the later is adopted by more than just a handful of users. Couple that with the fact that decentralized now has funding, something it did not have before, and you can see how it is going to obliterate whatever gets in its path.

Another aspect to this is that centralized entities are slow. They do not change very quickly. Their time frame is usually 5 years. Can you imagine the blockchain world in 5 years time?

Traditional companies have a hierarchy and systems in place that maintain control within the organization. It is literally a top down approach. This culture permeates into how those individuals at the top view the world. This is often a fatal flaw when dealing with disruptive technologies.

Right now, blockchain is a major threat to the banking system. Leaving aside the fact they claim to embrace blockchain (they embrace what they can control which really is a database), it is a technology that is going to radically alter the financial world. Do you think they see it as a threat?

Overall, I do not believe they do. We all know they are upset they cannot control it yet their cannot believe that a radical change in the banking model would come from anywhere other than the banking sector. Again, it is that top down, "it all comes from us" mindset. This is the culture they are ingrained in and it is difficult to "think outside the box". The people running these companies have been in this arena for decades.

The concept that disruptive, revolutionary ideas are coming at them from the outside is beyond their comprehension. There were times in the past where a threat was recognized...and it was dealt with. Commonly, pulling out the checkbook is the answer. In this situation, that will not work.

Decentralization is so powerful because it is so agile. People from all over the world can put forth their ideas in an experimental fashion. If the application is feasible and readily accepted by the community, it is a winner. There are no meetings to hold, no supervisors to sign off on it, nor anyone to approve funding. Changing direction can happen in an instant. In fact, with enough people, all directions are tried before everyone starts to follow a similar path of known successes.

The fact that we are dealing with open source is another variable that makes the traditional sitting ducks. They like to have closed systems where their secrets are maintained. This is another thing which slows progress down. There are no levels of clearance required by people working on the blockchain. Any of the code is open for all to see. I doubt too many people have access to the trading algorithms at Goldman Sachs. That level of clearance is only reserved for a few. Hence, how much radical improvement are they going to experience in a short period of time?

@ned's goal is to have 100K entrepreneurs on the STEEM blockchain within 5 years. To show you how much of an impact that can make, Google and Facebook employed around 97,000 COMBINED at the end of 2017.

Not only will there be more people than these two entities, those 100K people are creating whatever they desire without restriction. The only approval process to go through is when the application is on the blockchain and if people use it or not. Before that, the creation of the application is without limitation.

It is akin to a bunch of jet skis and an oil tanker. Anyone with an ounce of sense will not go head on with the oil tanker. That person would be flattened like a bug. However, when you have hundreds of thousands of jet skis maneuvering around, the oil tanker has some problems. The jet skis can turn on a dime while it takes miles just for the oil tanker to stop, let alone turn.

The banks, telecos, insurance companies, and other giants are oil tankers. They have the size and might. Because of this, they can bully, pay off, or buy out a lot of what threatens them. This is how business always was done.

This time is different for one reason. Guerrilla tactics are in play. These institutions have no idea, if they are even aware, of where the threat is coming from. With decentralization, the next game changer could be in the process of development in some small nation by someone with a tablet and an Internet connection. It is very difficult for something so big to swat what it cannot see.

Many people feel decentralization will lead to anarchy and, hence, fear it. Of course it leads to anarchy, that is the guaranteed result. However, what is there to fear?

Many people fear because they believe the first definition will result. "A state of disorder" is commonly feared. Yet, as we know, much of life involves disorder. In fact, order tends to create a great deal of chaos too. When things invariably stray, order is instantly replaced with disorder since people do not expect it.

I prefer the second definition anyway.

"Absence of the government and freedom of the individual."

This is what decentralization gives to people. It is also what makes centralized entities powerless against. When a group of people are free to create and develop what they want while having a forum to test out those ideas upon, that is where exponential growth takes place.

Centralized entities believe in pushing out the disruptive ideas. Decentralization promotes the exact opposite.

The ones who fail to see this are those who are so ingrained in the system of centralization that they have a blind spot.

And these people are sitting at the top of some of the most powerful institutions in the world.

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Couldn't agree more - decentralization gives us all back what is rightfully ours - our work product and our data. In the age of all the hacks and cybersecurity threats, we need decentralization. Plus this prevents a company from profiting overly off our own data without us getting our rightful share

I think this is the message we really need to be spreading.

It is great to talk about money and getting paid for ____________.

However, the power of decentralization and the amount of control given back to the individual is enormous. It is the way out of the corporate shackles.

All things that work well and advance are decentralized. Centralization brings stagnation, instability and ultimately the very same chaos their proponents say they want to avoid in the first place.

Check this video out about another name for it, Spontaneous Order:

Good points....many seem to think we need the babysitter for anything to succeed. That is what society wants us to believe.

Blockchain is going to prove to millions how powerful something is when centralization is eliminated and the creative powers of the masses are unleashed.

It seems to me there were already rules and regulations in place at the skating rink. The owner most certainly required skaters to all skate in the same direction, there must not be any physical violence or violation of a persons right to skate peacefully, and there were equipment standards that had to be met and so forth. So there definitely was no anarchy at the rink. Plus there were cultural standards in place that most complied with... such as allowing newbies the chance to learn and develop without harassment.
I suppose the only place one could experience pure anarchy while skating would be on a frozen pond with no one else around. But this is all a bit off subject, and I don't mean to be contentious at all. Indeed, I think blockchain will change the world. However, I wonder what will happen to the vast majority of people who comprise society at large who simply are worker bees and are happy to have a job where one is told what to do. As society gravitates to the bane of humanity: socialism and equality, and in so doing abdicates more and more of their individual responsibility to a paternalistic government they become less capable of success within a blockchain like Steemit. I guess thats why politicians know they need to promise jobs, because for most people that is as good as it gets. Their idea of anarchy is the opportunity to take from someone else at will. I wander. Forgive me. I did appreciate your comment. Made me think.

U make some great points, and like the skating rink, the skaters did best with the existing framework they already knew. Introduce a 'central boss' and real chaos erupts.

Yeah, freedom is what decentralization is bringing us. I like the fact that the blockchain is a huge threat to the banking system and there's absolutely nothing they can do to remove the threat.

I think we also might see the likes of Amazon and other companies in the same situation at some point.

Blockchain is not limited to financial as you know. I am curious to watch the development of mainstream, everyday commerce on these blockchains. Imagine an application like Steemazon which the community operates like STEEM yet handles all the online retail that peopel do....could it catch on?

It will be interesting to see if it can.

Another gem!

I just finished watching the box set Spartacus and, although I knew of his historical demise ~ defeat at the hands of the Roman Empire, wished that I could have time travelled back and told him to decentralise his warriors and apply more guerilla tactics!

The world is on the brink of the greatest change ever and the dinosaurs will curl toes and wither :)

Or p'raps be crucified!



Thanks for the post @taskmaster4450! I would say you are overoptimistic on my mind.
Big centralized companies are facing bureaucracy and are slow. Small centralized companies are agile and fast. These are quite opposite qualities have nothing to do with decentralization.
I would say that decision making might be easier and more efficient in centralized organizations. There're organizations in our life that should behave fast and with no compromise: police, army. I can't imagine how you see them decentralized.
I would say our future is going to be seriously impacted by decentralization, but it won't be the only existing form of organization. It will just be much more common than it is right now thanks to blockchain and similar tech. But centralized orgs will be in place too, there's going to be a lot of them.

You have a point about small centralized organizations being agile...yet that brings up another problem for them...they lack the manpower and the financial resources in most instances. Hence, any benefit they have in the form of agility is offset by the fact there are 4 people working for the company and they dont have a ton of money.

Look at Steemit...it employs 40 people now...a small organization to say the least....but the steem blockchain have more than one hundred thousand people contributing to it in various forms. While 40 people can make great strides, it is nothing compared to the 100K on here...some who are creating applications and back end stuff that most of us arent aware of.

As for the police and armies...did you really point to them? Governments are going to be decentralized also...the nation-state is going to be a concept in 50 years that will be laughable...at least based upon some geographic borders. We are already seeing the emergence of the digital nation with Estonia being the first. More will follow. So what use is an army when there isnt a geographic piece of land to defend...or a bankster system to start wars since they profit enormously?

As for the police, as everyone saw with the Parkland case, the police are under no obligation to defend anyone. This was validate by the US Supreme Court. So the police only protect and serve the interests of the state...protecting the interests of the community is optional.

As more of our economy is on the blockchain, enforcement isnt going to come from people or courts but the blockchain itself. This will reduce the need for the entities you describe.

@taskmaster4450 - another great post from you my friend. Yes this is an important topic to discuss: Decentralization- The Impending Storm and What To Do About It! (that should be a movie title, or at least another Blog Post/article. No seriously, great information here- I agree with you the major players don't really know what to do about Blockchain. Sure, JP Morgan and the other banks are setting up Crypto Desks & trading because they see profit potential. But, what they aren't seeing is the Giant Iceberg that is Blockchain that is about to hit "The Titanic". :)

There will be a day where Blockchain impacts everyone's lives, in a positive way in my opinion. Decentralized networks based on Blockchain will likely be used in many industries: banking, securities, real estate, medicine, transportation- the list is endless in my opinion.

Keep up the great work. Upvoted & resteemed!


As I said it many times before anarchy will free us from modern slavery. It is about time that humanity takes another path. I read your text regularly and you often mention debt that doesn't exist. We need to get rid of that kind of system. Because how can I be in debt from the day I was born.
People are only animals on this planet that are paying to be alive.

We really need this, the banks are probably working on some way to keep centralization, even if it's under the guise of decentralization of some degree. This is what people want and deserve though, this will even the playing field a ton and give people options like they never had before

the banks are probably working on some way to keep centralization, even if it's under the guise of decentralization of some degree.

Sure they are...this is what they mean when they say "blockchain". The big 5 want to get rid of the International Clearing House and replace it with "blockchain" because it is quicker and less expensive.

Of course....

It is not decentralized
It is not open
Transactions are verified by known parties (them)
The rules for verification are established by....them.

And they call that blockchain....

A centralized, closed network where transactions are verified by known users according to rules they set up is not blockchain but a shared database.

Ah but the banksters are selling it as revolutionary.

And they call that blockchain....

The banksters, whoever they are, have historically made all their profits through deception. Usually by taking terms and flipping the meaning, but still using them.

A good example, though not related to money directly(I think) is the term ISIS, previously an egyptian goddess for good to most, now when people hear the term it makes them think of evil

I think the activity you mention is across the board.

Many of the symbols we see today and used in the last 100 years, come from the Pagan genre...a very peaceful approach. Yet these symbols ended up associated with hatred and murder.

Of course, the banksters are behind a lot of that throughout the last century plus so it is no great surprise.

So true, how much of the history lessons we've been fed are the actual truth? I wonder...

They write the history books so they are biased as best and outright lies at worst.

The majority of people have afraid to have complete freedom. That is why some people continue to think that the best thing of the world is continue to have huge enterprises and governments. That is only status quo trying to be in control... But it is impossible to stop the future... status quo won't prevail!

The majority of people have afraid to have complete freedom.

I agree with you on this. They scream they want it then when they have it, they look to big brother of some sort to step in. They cannot accept that true freedom means not only acting in a manner befitting for you but also accepting those who act in ways contrary to what you believe or want.

The status quo never prevails. It might take centuries, but the status quo always fails. We see it with empires, countries, and governments. The difference, in my view, is with technology, it speeds up the process.

It took less than 10 years for Netflix to wipe out Blockbuster and put them into bankruptcy court. It took less than 4 for Apple (and other smartphone companies) to push Nokia from 90% market share to bordering on bankruptcy.

Speed is the one difference maker today.....and the status quo is defenseless against this.

They naturally try to disrupt what they cannot control. Sometimes you can't perfectly predict this kind of 'revolution' will lead to.

But one thing I know is it will make more lives better than it is currently doing.

But one thing I know is it will make more lives better than it is currently doing.

I agree with that 100%! We might not be able to truly predict where everything will go, but we can surely see that many people will benefit from all of this and their lives will improve!

We will be lighting up cigarettes with them dollars :)

Haha...don't burn down the house while doing it.

That is true. In fact, technology often weaves in directions completely different from what the founders/developers imagined.

At present, most look at blockchain as the money chain since Crypto is the most common application. In 5 years, I am guessing that crypto is much less of the reason why people are on blockchain...we are going to see a lot more applications placed upon it...like DAOs....

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