Steemian Creativity And Talent In Action: This Is A Must Have For Anyone With Cryptocurrency: An App By @cryptoeagle!!!!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Steemians are very talented individuals. We see this with their creativity when posting. However, there are many who are adept at coding, hence able to create sensational applications.

There is one that I started using a few months ago with great success.

For those who are unaware, @cryptoeagle designed a program to ensure wealth in the cryptocurrency market. His system basically says if one owns 1/1M of the top cryptocurrencies, he or she ensures being rich no matter which currency succeeds.

While I do not utilize this idea, the app he designed was terrific upon release and only got better. If you are an Andoid user, you have to download it (the IOS app is being designed and will be released upon approval). For me, this is a one-stop, instant update on all my crypto.

The app allows one to choose from any of the top 300 cryptocurrencies according to In addition to this, one is able to put in the number of each token held which can easily be adjusted up or down. At the same time, the home screen has the current pricing, number of tokens held, and the total value of the account.

When selecting the individual token, you see what you present holding is in that currency, how many are required to be 1/1M, plus an adjustable chart.

From my conversation with him, he stated that the app will be updated so people can add in any currency outside the top 300.

Since everyone on this site is holding STEEM, this is an ideal app to have on your android (or computer) for quick reference. If you are like me, keeping tabs on what is going on is important. I find this app really helpful for rebalancing my portfolio.

Please help support a fellow Steemian who is putting a great deal of effort into this.

Here is the link to the app in Google Play:

If you want to check out his blog, head over to @cryptoeagle.

If you found this informative, please give it an upvote and resteem.

To receive the free basic income tokens you are entitled to and help end world wide poverty, please click the following:

Click For Manna Coins

Pictures by Google Images


Hey, big surprise! I didn't expect this great review! Thanks so much! I have been away from Steem mostly because I've been working on updates to the app. Like you mentioned, users will be able to add any coin (from the 1945 listed on Coinmarketcap), plus many other enhancements under the hood. The iOS version is underway, it's taking a little longer because I'm outsourcing it and the developers have no experience with the crypto world so I have to devote a lot of time to just explain the idea to them :). This strategy has worked great for me, I had been doing it from a Google spreadsheet so I figured: why not share this tool with the world? The more investors in this world and the better diversified (and thus protected from volatility) they are the better for everyone!

One other idea...

The to goal at the bottom combines the total of the tokens that are below the 1/1M mark and what it takes, in dollars, to get there.

My question is wouldnt it be better to average it all out. If one is below in two areas but up in another, shouldnt the one where he/she is above the 1/1M be used to offset the deficit.

Obviously the red dot next to the ones below denote a deficit on them...I just think the bottom part would be better to reflect the overall net total.

Just food for thought.

No problem my friend...when it comes to this app, I am your biggest supporter...I love it.

As I told you, I am wearing a hole in my glass downswiping the app to renew the prices. Even though I dont fret price moves, my OCD means I cant help myself. Plus I like that I have to add to my STEEM amount on there on a daily basis since there is always more coming in. 😁

The update to allow any of the coinmarketcap listed tokens will be awesome. That will give people the ability to contour their app fully to their hodlings.

By the way, even though I dont follow your strategy, it is helpful to know when I do hit 1/1M of the supply of a particular token. I have one that I earn on a daily basis...I just crossed the 1/1M the other I see my account in the green on that one. LOL

Mind screw..I know...but what can I say.

Oh, wow, this sounds fantastic! Can't wait for the iOS version to start playing with this and share it with my community!

Thanks for sharing @taskmaster4450 and thanks for making this, @cryptoeagle!!

You are welcome @connecteconomy.

Always willing to pass along information as I get it.

I think you will enjoy it once it is available.

This is actually what I needed.

I am HODLing like 12 cryptocurrencies in different wallets, and some of them are on exchanges.

To check every one of these takes time.

And if I want to check coinmarketcap, I'd have to scroll until I find the price of every one, and that is also too long, while it only shows the price of 1 coin/token, and not how many.

I was looking for this... Thank you very much.

You are welcome @johnz14.

I am just the messenger...might be worth an upvote and a comment on the google play store for @cryptoeagle....

Thanks for your comment.

The update is live! Thought you'd like to be the first one to know! We still have things pending but it's getting there. Regards @taskmaster4450

I love the updates...

A couple things which you might be aware of:

  1. you might want to consider adding another unit to the price of the tokens....for example, I have one that shows $.01 when it is a sub penny token. That is becoming more common as you enter the lower half of the top 1000.... maybe go $.001.

  2. The + sign covers the last token....can you make it so we can scroll the list up a little more to see the final entry.

  3. I am not sure if you saw my other comment, but it might be best to "To Goal" as a cumlative total. I am down in two tokens but above in 6 others...yet it shows me with a negative balance. This might conflict with your system though so I understand.

Hi Taskmaster,

1- I never noticed that, I think it comes like that from the CoinMarket api but I have to check if it's the app rounding it. What's the coin in particular where you are seeing this?

2- You should be able to scroll the list up or down and thus "see through" the plus sign. Once you add more coins you will see what I mean. I'll try it mysefl and see if there's another way around

3- I did read but didn't understand your other comment too well and I was in a rush to publish. I think I got it now. We are only adding the negative amounts (not the positives which mean you already reached the goal and passed). The idea is to give an amount at a glance of what you are missing to "get there" and to help diversify

my best regards and thanks for your support once again. Loved your review! It was very popular, lots of comments!

  1. GRT
  2. I will keep an eye on it and play with it.
  3. Okay, I kind of figured that....makes sense with the system you designed the app for.

I am glad I could help out...hopefully a bunch of people downloaded it off android.

With all the updates, when the IOS version comes out, Ill do another review and see if we can steer some of the masses to the app.

I woke up to a great surprise! Crypto Millionaire made it to the Top 5 on Google Play's Finance apps! WOW! I didn't see this coming! Just below Android Pay, say what? haha. Check it out. It's not only great news for the app, it's good for Crypto in general! A lot of this success is because of you and your comments to make it better! Thanks taskmaster! Ohh Yeah! greetings



Actually scratch that and make it number #4, just hit it today! Say what!!

WOW! Crypto investing app hits #4 trending on Google Play Finance! Just below Paypal and Zelle!


I just downloaded the Robinhood app, I will download this as well,
I am working on my phone,
at the moment and running many apps. I am shooting for a used ipad pro or a pc pad
that can do fine muti-media
Work...any suggestions?
Thanks for the heads up on this cool app tool.

No suggestions @the.human.unioin since I am not a multi-media expert. Perhaps others on here have a good idea.

As for this app, I am sure you will love it....I find it very handy and check it repeatedly throughout the day. Of course, that could simply be my OCD.

Thanx for your reply.

L0L, yes this constant checking actually soothes
My A.D.D...hehe...but I do need to get away from my tiny computer Monolith thats in my I want a bigger one.

Your shares keep me on task*

By the way, make sure your browser has the 50/50 button checked...your last post on your blog is 100% SP...that is costing you will get more SP if you do the 50/50 and then use the internal market to convert it over to SP.

Wow, I did change it, the other day to full time sp. I thought that was better. THANKS

Yes keep it at 50/50 as long as SBD is above a dollar...that nets a higher payout then.

Are you using the slider bar on or do you post via Steemit.

I post on steemit,
Is busy better?
I fixed the slider on a post I'm working on...i guess that a fix

I use steemit...the advantage to busy is that is enables one with below 500 SP to use the voting slider bar...meaning one can vote at less than 100%.

So this is an app similar to blockfolio is I understand correctly ?

I cant answer that since I am not familiar with blockfolio.

This is not a wallet is just an app to monitor one's crypto holdings...based upon what one enters in.

Ok, than I did understand correctly, thanks man :)

Sorry for the confusion...that is on me. I might not have made it clear in the post. After reading your comment I thought it might lead people to believe it is a wallet which it isnt.

It is just a tool to monitor how much one is hodling of each token he or she enters.

No key info in put in or tied to it.

That's what I understood it is :)

It is a good thing that you are in the know on all this stuff, because otherwise I'd never hear about it! Downloaded, this will help me know where I'm at instead of having to calculate on paper or use an excel sheet that I have to update myself

Yes it isnt the end all but it is a very useful tool.

There is only one token I have that is not in the top 300 list so it covers most of my holdings. Hopefully, when the conversion for Manna is complete, I will be able to add it to my list.

Either way, it really is a quick reference. The only drawback (if you can call it that) is that you need to manually add all new tokens acquired. Nevertheless, hitting STEEM and hitting +20 is fun. LOL

I am glad that what I post is informative and helpful to you....I keep looking for stuff that people can use.

There is a lot going on so it can overwhelm all of us. If each of us share what we uncover, all of us can benefit.

Thanks for the post.

Seriously, when I first jumped in I was like: "This is so overwhelming."

Steem has been great in helping me learn quickly and stay up to date on new developments, and I'm thankful to you and countless others for that help. Keep it up, small tidbits like this help more than you know.

You are a fine one to add to the community @jakeybrown.

You embraced what we are trying to create here and understand how success is achieved. There is no competition but, rather, cooperation. On here, we all share. Those who think this is a contest or a race to outdo someone else are sadly mistaken. That is not the path to success. It is only through the enlarging of the base of people you cooperate with that one is on the path to success.

Thanks, it means a lot! And I totally agree, competition here is a bad idea and I find more value in voting others (I still upvote myself on posts, just rarely on comments) because it helps them and sometimes they return the favor. That's the only way we will truly build this community because I know it's frustrating to see people making hundreds on a photo and they spend hours on a post for pennies. I think as we go this problem will be largely resolved, but our sample size is fairly small.

That is how I approach it.

I upvote my articles but not my comments. If others find value in my comments, let them upvote it.

According to steemworld I spend about 20% of my vote total (in amount) on myself and 80% on everyone else. I try to write two articles a day so that makes sense.

Another site! I'm at 13.84 but I think I missed a few posts this last week, I gotta step my game up!

I had downloaded this a while back but not really messed with it. It is sitting in my crypto-apps folder on my phone right next to blockfolio. It has a clean interface and I like it better than blockfolio.

Right now, I am completely ignoring prices and buying so I don't have a need to use it. My strategy currently is accumulate and hodl Steem. In time I will leverage some Steem into other projects I believe in so I can increase my holdings for free.

I'm the kind of guy that just can't look at price action too much. If I do I'll get weak hands syndrome.

Thanks for the post.

Keep Steeming!

I agree with you @wdougwatson.

I am focused upon accumulating tokens...whether it is STEEM or some of the others that I am working on. However, I simply do not have the self control to not keep checking. I do not worry if the numbers go down on the pullbacks since I know I am a long-term hodler of all of them. I am not selling out anytime soon although I do re-allocate my hodlings at times....

I just dumped some LTC and rolled it into BTS.

That seems like a solid buy to me. I love BTS. I like LTC as a gateway currency for moving back to fiat but I see a day coming not too far off when we won't need a gateway currency.

I agree with you completely. There is going to be a time when we see swaps as the means of going from one currency to another....

Plus, as more of us convert our fiat to crypto, then we have little need for that also. Once we see more commerce in steem, as an example, we wont even need to convert over to fiat to buy stuff.

I am not sure how long this will take to pan out but it will happen.

Thanks for the confirmation of BTS....I think it is a good one.

I will definitely download the app, I am not sure if I am going to use it, as I don't hold many different crypto's. And the ones I do are for long-term, so thats that.

Hard Workers deserve some love !

That is the outlook I have...I am a long term hodler.

That said, I still am on the app throughout the day. Even with just my STEEM hodlings, I keep adding when I get more STEEM and the app keeps up to the moment track of where the account stands. Not that I am selling any at the moment, because I am not.

Perhaps just my compulsion disorder. LOL.

Well, everyone has a disorder of some kind !

Gosh those auto copy paste bots and users which hardly provide any sort of conversation is annoying lol.

Anyway that is indeed a nifty tool and as much as I like using the discord bit to get prices for all my inquiries and checking one by one in coinmarketcap this would solve everything at quick glance.
Thank you for the share.

Yes @maverickinvictus.

I find it a lot easier to use. As I mentioned above, all of my tokens but one are in the top 300. I am glad @cryptoeagle put this together. We are lucky to have so many talented people on this blockchain. There are a lot of creative things coming out from these people.

Will try crypto millionaire app by @cryptoeagle . Right now i am using Blockfolio , i wanted some alternative option to it . There are 1500 cryptos in the market . We need more app like this for android and IOS platform to keep track of our beloved cryptos. Developers who create such app would become successful as there is a lot of demand for crypto apps . Lets see what crypto millionaire got for us !

What is exciting is the new update will have the ability to add in whatever tokens are on coinmarketcap...right now he has 300 in there.

It is an app I really like...I hope you do too.

I saw that . That would be great , sometimes i play with coins with very low mcap .

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