💸💰 STEEM: Take The Long-Term View: It Will Create A Great Deal Of Weatlh

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

What if I told you that you could put in a few hours every day on STEEM and have a minimum of hundreds of thousands of dollars 5 years from now?

Would that interest you?

What if, instead of 5 years, you only had to do it for 3 years?

Are you interested now?

Well, my friends, that is the opportunity before you. Many look at STEEM as a social networking site and a place to earn a few dollars (Euros, Yen). Yet STEEM offers so much more than that, something many others are seeing.

Of course, there are those who come to STEEM, get frustrated and leave. They start espousing how there is no way to make any money here. Or that the payout system is unfair whereby only the rich are getting richer. Regardless of the justification, these people leave.

I am here to tell you STEEM might be the greatest opportunity that most on here will encounter. It is a system where one can come with no money and has the opportunity, through time and consistent effort, to generate more wealth than average person in the world ever thought possible.

Yet many still find fault with this.

In the technical world, the term "exponential" is used to describe growth. When we look at the financial world, that uses the word "compounding". Both mean the same thing. What went before is built upon so that the place arrived at is not a linear progression but a might greater one.

Here is a chart of how that looks:

One thing that pops out is the amount at the right hand side is much larger than the left. This is the power of compounding growth. Notice the principle stays the same, the interest no compounding goes up a fair bit, but the compounding interest goes up a great deal.

The key factor in this chart is time. As one goes further right on the scale, the time element kicks in, causing greater returns.

Why do I mention all this? Because too many people give STEEM a couple weeks and then leave when they do not have thousands of SP in their account after that time. They do not realize that there is a compounding effect that needs to occurs.

Let us look at some of the ways STEEM, as an ecosystem, is compounding over time:

A. More users signing up each day
B. Smart Media Tokens
C. More Applications being created
D. Automated Sign Ups
E. Growing familiarity of cryptocurrency
F. Facebook and YouTube upsetting their users
H. Utopian.io creating more open code for developers to use
I. The "Network" Effect
J. Better ranking in the search engines

I am sure I missed a few but that is quite a list. Each of these serves to make this blockchain more valuable. In turn, we should see the price of STEEM keep increasing over the next few years as this compounding effect takes place. The growth of this token, in price, should mirror that graph I put up. The only question is how fast is the growth rate?

As you can see many factors on that list apply to the growth rate of users. This is an important dynamic because it helps to kick off the "network" effect. At a certain point, people will need to sign up simply because all their friends are on here. Take an application like Zappl. People most likely will not come over in isolation. People run in packs on Twitter so it just stands to reason that it is going to take a few well-known people to really get that app going. However, if a well known person suddenly posts "Find me on Zappl", that will bring thousands of people over.

We also need to look at the way one's account is compounded.

As one spends time on here, interaction increases. One gains more followers. In short, you become more well known. This only helps your STEEM account. Earning SP is dependent upon the upvotes you get from others. To get those upvotes, one needs to socialize. People upvote people they know and like. There will be the occasional person who sees your vote in one of the sections, yet that is not the norm.

Therefore, the longer one is here and interacting, one's following grows at a compounding rate.

Another factor is powering up. Each SP that goes into your account makes the upvote worth more. Sure, in the beginning, it is an insignificant amount. Yet over time, 1 SP becomes 10, which grows to 100, and so on. I am watching people now, who had almost no SP 2 months ago, now approach the 500 SP level.

While that might cause one to say "big deal", keep in mind at $4 STEEM, that is $2000. Even using a linear return for the rest of the year, that is $12,000 in a year for posting, commenting, and upvoting. Do you know anyone who would turn down $12,000?

Here is a secret: If one's stays active for the remaining 10 months under the scenario I mentioned, it is impossible only to earn $12,000 for the year. The fact that the VP keeps increasing means that the individual will progressively earn more money with each passing month. The key is to remain active.

STEEM is not a get rich quick scheme. As you can see from this post, time is a key element. So is activity. However, if you combine both of them together over the next 2-3 years, you will have hundreds of thousands of dollars in your account (as long as you are powering up). There simply are too many factors creating exponential growth which will compound all of our returns.

So I ask you, is a couple years of dedicated effort for a hundreds of thousands of dollars worth it?

STEEM is a place that provides that opportunity.

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That is so true, a lot of people get dissapointed. It's the same with every trend I guess. If we joined youtube 5-6 years ago and started taking it seriously and consistently I bet most of us would be placed really well in the wealth terms.

There's nothing to do for the people that get dissapointed and leave, maybe they will find their inspiration and motivation in the next upcoming trends. Until then, I will hustle really hard on steem, crypto and blockchain space.

If you are new and want to get a chance of winning some steem dollars easy, check out my latest blog posts as I organize a giveaway contest 🎁

A very well written statement on the future of steem and the huge possibilities it bears for people who are willing to put their time into it. Unfortunately many still think it´s a get rich quick thing but it actually requires a lot of your time to become successful.

...it actually requires a lot of your time to become successful.

Unless one can figure out a way where networking and interaction doesnt take a lot of time.

That is one thing that I notice about the attacks on people who come on here with a big following. People say "it works for them because they have a big following so it is easy for them". This totally ignores the fact that individuals spent a ton of time, probably years, building up that big following.

This ecosystem is not going to explode over night nor does an individual account grow like that either. It all takes time and effort.

Yet the rewards are there if one puts both of those in...consistently.

You got a 8.13% upvote from @edensgarden courtesy of @steembusiness!

I want more wealth

Here you can see the rise of steemit und steem:

This chart is included in my weekly steemit statistics:

Nobody can define benefit of steemit/steem more than you...always feel motivated after reading your post ...Thanks

Yes, you're right. I'm creat an account here in the month of July 2017... But the fatal error occurred is that I was going to get a strong account without effort.... And that's what made me leave Steemit.
then I'm back to activity here in November ... now I regret that I've been losing a lot of time before.
Now Steemit is a part of my life.
Advice to anyone who wants to succeed here: you must make Steemit a part of your life and you must make your best... the beginning is difficult but after this, you will find that everything is great...
thank you.@taskmaster4450

I agree with you @yagoub. It takes dedication. One needs to truly commit to steem if he or she wants to really grow an account. It is not easy posting each day but that is what is required.

As I stated, a couple years of dedicated effort could set up many for the rest of their lives.

Very well spoken.

It is a system where one can come with no money and has the opportunity, through time and consistent effort, to generate more wealth than average person in the world ever thought possible.

I am a testimony to this. Today makes me 21days on Steemit. But guess what, as I put it in my last post this afternoon, Steem offers me a platform that this morning I could buy food for 5 people who had nothing to eat. That's just in three weeks through the power of upvote.

You are right when you say that Steemit is not a get rich scheme - one could be discovered early. But the time factor plays a big role. Its a community and as one gets involve over time, the returns will increase. It might not be in the first few weeks but it will surely come. Thanks @taskmaster4450 for reminding me of these.

We are all testimonials to the power of STEEM @lordjames.

Most of us come on here totally clueless and start to build a following. It is slow and hard going but it does happen. Over time, as we improve, the attention we receive also improves. That helps the SP coming in.

It is a wonderful system designed to give millions the opportunity to succeed.

I hope as many take advantage of it as possible.

I treat Steem as a really good opportunity for those who are not ambittious to earn big money while hoping to make some money here and there by just doing what they would normally do in other platform.

Zappl for twitter, dmania for 9gag, dtube for youtube, and so on. The content might be lacking, but if they stick with it the compounding effect will surprise them very soon.

You bring up a valid point.

Many come on here, not for the big money, but to make some additional income....that is fine and a worthwhile cause.

Steem can change a person's life with only a few dollars a month depending upon where they live.

No matter what a person's goals, it can be found here.

Yes, seriously. Steem is like soon will covering everything one can do on the Internet.

You are really a task master. The way you have provided your sane advice with logical projections who can dare to deny the facts. You have opened a horizon of growth for us. Your blog has broadened my vision and understanding of steemit.

If we genuinely put some efforts and help each other grow then definitely the day will come in near future when we will have better place in our respective societies. Its not a bad investment of time and effort at all when you are being rewarded with grooming your personality and creating something good for whole community.

I really appreciate your vision and scope of your blog in broader sense. Its replete with so much wisdom and advice.

Thank you for those words @cheema1.

It is my experience on here. I started back in August, about 6 months ago, put in the time and effort which netted me results. While I did buy some STEEM, which helped, a great deal of my account is from doing what steemit was designed to do...post, comment, and upvote.

Each day I post, consistently post while leaving a ton of comments. In the end, it all adds up.

And the most important thing, I powered up every chance I can....

Thank you for such a kind reply. I am happy that you considered my comment worth replying. You have a lot knowledge of which I can get benefit.:)

Thats the plan anyway. Keep working, keep writing and build up the account as much as possible. I stared with 50 sp a few months ago and am pushing 550 now.
The bullet points you have are spot on and i think that steem is set to be one of the major cryptos in a few years due to all those and its cost.
Im backing it fully for the future and if the price ever hits $100 in a few years then a thousand sp will be massive.

Congrats on the accumulation of SP. You are right, in a few months, you added 500 SP. While that does not sound like much at $4....it is a great deal of money at $10....and $30.

I agree we will see $100 STEEM which makes that 500 SP worth $50K...not bad for a few months work.

That is the potential here....people do not realize how high this thing can go. $1000 is possible if development keeps taking place and more is added to the blockchain.

SMTs, whenever they are released should really help out.

Its not huge but it gives me great satisfaction. I remember not so long ago when i voted that it wouldnt even add a cent to people posts. Now when i go 100% its about 20c. That makes me feel a lot better about it.
Also i think growth on here is exponential like your graph. I feel it will be much quicker to hit 1000sp than it was to get to 500. Thats what i found over the last few months.

I fully believe the steem is going to be massive and will lead the way for blockchain technology for all of the points above and eagerly awaiting smt's to see what direction things take.

I feel it will be much quicker to hit 1000sp than it was to get to 500.

Certainly it is. You have a lot more going for you now than you did when starting out. The 500 SP makes your vote worth more than it was at 0. You also have a higher reputation which many people pay attention to. You have a following which allows you to get more for your posts. Finally, you know where to go and who to comment on. This is big.

You appear to be doing very well.

It's slow but I do it because i enjoy it. If i was here for the money i would have left long ago. I love the community and believe in the long term future of steem. The interaction here suits me and i enjoy all the new knowledge that i have gained from the site that i would never have seen otherwise.

You don't seem to be doing too badly yourself either.

Ty you...I put in the time...that is for sure. It really has taken over my life.

But I realize that it is a short term thing in terms of building up ones account. It does take time...lots of it. But with the passage of time, each month, our accounts grow. That is the important thing.

The time is now in my opinion. Once the floodgates open and a ton more people sign up, the reward pool will get diluted. That means we will see SP harder to acquire. That is why I say 500-1000 SP accounts will be viewed as rather large down the road.

Plus as the price of STEEM increases, those same accounts will be valuable.

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