Do You Have An Abundance Mindset???? STEEM Is Providing, Why Do You Fret?

in #steem7 years ago

There is no denying that we were all raised in a bankster controlled world. Because of this, significant psychological damage was done to us. The world around us is one based upon greed and fear. This was erected by making things scarce. Hence we have people yearning for more.

"Enough is never enough".

This is a line from the movie Last Holiday.

"Greed Is Good".

Who can forget Gordon Gekko in Wall Street?

Madison Avenue is lined with companies who exist solely to control what we think. They are the ones who determine what is pretty, successful, beautiful, desirable, and attractive. If you do not fit their image, they have a product to sell you which will get you closer.

Of course, they are creating an image which never can be reached. It is a moving target, something few realize. Reach one goal, there is another to pursue. Get that promotion, it is time to work even longer hours to get another one. Happiness is measured in "stuff" and you better have more than your fair share if you want to be looked up to.

The obvious fact is very few of us ever enter this realm. We all know the system is designed to reward only a few. Most people in the world struggle just to get by. Poverty, while coming down, is still at about 20% as defined by the WHO. Even in first world nations, many have a difficult time making ends meet. Millions are suffering from a lack of money. Naturally, the stats bear this out as we see the eradication of the middle class while the divide between the haves and the have nots gets wider.

This is the world created by the banksters. With scarcity as their main tool, they have the resources to do whatever they please. They have choices. The average person has no choice. He or she takes what is given because that is all there is. Try not going to work for a few months and see how you do.

That said, times are changing. Many people take exception to me proclaiming that the Age of Abundance is on its way. Nevertheless, when you understand what is really taking place, it is clear what the future holds.

If you want to see how one's life will be in 10 years, look at the wealthy today. Over time, technology ends up moving down the scale so that it gets into the hands of the average person. When I was caddying in the 1980s, only doctors had beepers: 10 year later, I had one. By the early 1990s, they retired that device for the cell phone, something I had by the start of the 2000s.

Look at any personal technology and you will see that the price drop put it in the hands of the masses within a decade..

Today, we are seeing the Internet come to money. This is going to revolutionize how things operate in the future. It is this mechanism that is going to create abundance.

Ten years from now, everyone will have the money of the wealthy. The reason I state this is because cryptocurrency is a technology. Most look at it as a financial instrument. While it has those properties. this is a technological development. Hence, over time, it starts to spread into the hands of the masses. I believe many on Steemit are starting to see that perspective. We are going to see many millionaires created off this blockchain in the next few years. In ten years time, it is possible that almost everyone who is on the steem blockchain will be a millionaire.

The prospect of technological automation eliminating millions of jobs is starting to get a lot of publicity. People are really worried about this. What are we going to do when people do not have the ability to work?

For those who read my last few posts, this mindset is almost humorous. The answer is becoming clearer by the day. Yet most of society has no clue what it is. They are stuck in the scarcity mindset.

Fortunately, we are seeing the overriding majority on here starting to grasp this concept. That said, we still see the fear arise from some on here. They lash out, cussing and calling others names. At the core of this is their fear over not getting enough. They feel that someone else is going to prevent them from getting theirs. It is the world of abundance, that is impossible.

People still want to cling to the scarcity mindset. It is understandable. As I said, the banksters did a job on all of us. There is no way we were reared in the society were fear was a basic tool used against us and not suffer consequences. However, it is time to move past that.

Each day, more STEEM is offered to anyone who wants to come on here. There is nothing that says anyone is precluded from earning STEEM off a post. The only requirement is people upvote said post. This is where many get fearful because others are getting higher rewards than they are. Thus, they get jealous and lash out.

Relax. There is plenty of STEEM. The blockchain is programmed to provide STEEM everyday for the next two decades. Tens of millions more STEEM will be available and that doesn't even mention all the other tokens which will be available on this blockchain. If @ned's visions comes true, we are going to see billions of dollars created on this blockchain.

So why are you fretting? Why is there the fear over what is taking place in the world? Why do people insist on lashing out at others? The world is changing for the better and we have a front row seat.

Someone who is locked in a sealed container worries about having enough air. A person, on the other hand, who is an open field does not have that same concern. Under the first scenario air is scarce, the later abundant.

The steem blockchain is an open field. We were in a sealed container with the key being held by the banksters. However, we were sprung. Now we can take in all the air we want without even giving it a thought.

STEEM is going to be something people do not even think about because it will be so abundant. When tokens are coming at you from every direction and many are going up in value, are you going to fret about someone getting a few tokens more.

It gets to a point where money simply is a way to keep score. And that is exactly what it is for the wealthy.

As I said, if you want to see your life in 10-15 years, look at the wealthy today. Much of what they have will be yours...if you even want it.

Being on STEEM means you entered the land of abundance.

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From a poverty mindset of competition for survival - to a creative mindset of technological innovation.

Paradigm shift is in the protocols - recognizing where the value and importance is.

knowing the basics - the base layers here - is key - instead of it being a trickle down effect......we build from the ground up....and actually both ways - like a tree we make deep roots and we branch out.

Enjoyed the post - cheers!

The world is changing for the better and we have a front row seat.

I like this sentence. It just really spoke to me. I'm not usually one who is in the proverbial front seat; so this is a nice change of pace for me. I've pretty much been a follower and now, me and all these other active steemians, are getting the pleasure of being in front. No more backseat for this girl!

No more backseat for this girl!

No even on your anniversary for old times sake?

Hubby might like that. 😁

Being on STEEM means you entered the land of abundance.

Sometimes, our bankster-corrupted mind finds itself so difficult to grasp this astounding truth, but I think it's gradually catching on, with the increasing number of sign-ups and an equally increasing population on steemit blockchain.
Welcome to the land of abundance! See you at the top @taskmaster4450. 😁😁😁

The rate at which we are progressing is both frightening and hopeful.

Frightening in the fact that it's all uncharted territory, and the people who have the Power are doing their best to keep it that way now.

Hopeful in in the regard that people are waking up to realize they don't have to be a cog in the machine. AI, automation, and more emerging technologies will be used to supplement and complement work and improve our overall quality of life.

Whether you want to pursue something you are actually passionate about, go back to school, take other creative investment risks, or spend more time doing leisurely things - the choice will be up to us. We have a long ways to go, but if we play our cards right and don't let the centralized forms of authority suppress us, we will be far "richer" in every sense in just a matter of years.

Thanks for sharing

I agree completely.

The steem blockchain is an open field. We were in a sealed container with the key being held by the banksters. However, we were sprung. Now we can take in all the air we want without even giving it a thought.

Yeaaaaa..we can proudly say yes to freedom.

STEEM is going to be something people do not even think about because it will be so abundant.

Nothing can be compared to steem at the moment . It has set itself apart for greatness.

Being on STEEM means you entered the land of abundance.

Can never be said any better

The early adopters are the one that will reap the rewards and continue cascading the abundance mindset in Steem.

We have seen it before billionaires from Bitcoin as they got into the game early. We have seen Ned and the developers here have so much vested shares and delegating it to early adopters and investors who in turn are earning quite a lot.

They are able to freely support topics and advocacy that they care about as we see such a diverse range of STEM, Homesteading, Art, Literature, Charities and everything else in between being supported.

It is so exciting to be part of this change that will disrupt the scarcity mindset.

I was at the start of my career here in Steemit had that mindset that there was simply not enough votes to go around. We were taught to vote bet to two whales and each one of us were clamoring to get it and looking at each other's post earnings.

People are greedy and jealous because we have been taught ever since that for all the actions we do we always had a What's In For Me. This mentality of WIFM has made us treat other people bad as we see them as a threat in our earnings.

The Steem community is large and there are other people from minnows to whale that will like our content. With that thinking that I should not be limited to my local community that is when I thrived.

In turn I now learned the power of the gifteconomy. It's not what you earn that fully matters. It is what you give out that it important. The more people that you communicate and help, the more blessings are returned to you.

Sure you can sit in a corner and keep upvoting yourself and eventually you will power up but your grow was not organic nor have you created influence in the community.

This power is meant to be shared and for everyone to grow and be ambassadors of abundance.

Exactly. It is a different model completely from what we are accustomed to. Embracing that mindset is difficult. It is not easy to get go of our fears since we know them so well...they are comforting to us in a strange way.

That is totally true, the market tends to renew itself and increase the quality of life as it manages to distribute to the masses the products that previously only the rich could acquire. There was a moment in history, where having a single television in the house, was very expensive and only a few could afford, now, everyone has one or more. This is how the market works, sometimes it is a bit slow for the expectations of people, because these have become more demanding, in a way the market has badly raised them, but in the past centuries, the material development that we have developed would be quite admired.

Absolutely @vieira.

Another thing is the pace of penetration is speeding up.

It took over 60 years for US households to have a took 30 years for 70% of the US to have a took under 7 for a smart phone.

As the television, now every smart phone is a are carrying the t.v. around with them.

That is a radical difference from my child hood days. Hell, I was the remote control.

Even though I read most of your articles I still find it hard to imagine a world where I won't care about money. It sound way too good to be true on an emotional level. On a rational level I'm starting to understand more and more that the future will be that of abundance.

Consider what the internet did.

30 years ago, the information people had in their homes at night were the evening news, a newspaper, and the radio. Now, you have abundant information.

At that same time, communication was limited to the phone, writing a letter and mailing it, or yelling out the window. Now we have unlimited ways to communicate with each other.

The internet came to money. Not only are you getting STEEM on here, you will also get Vice (if you had any steem as of the snapshot date) and Appics. And that is only what we know about....I believe there will be more to come.

The Internet copies whatever it gets it hands it is money.

The age of abundance is here. But then, people still have to open their palms to pick the manna drop from heaven and until people learn to leave their fear and adapt to the changing system, the wealthy will still grab a large portion of the manna.

Thanks for the comment @lordjames.

The skeptic in people causes them not to believe. I have talked to many who simply will not believe it.

Free money = scam.

Especially when Jamie Dimon is stating that....why people believe him I have no idea.

I see Steemians with hundreds of dollars worth of upvotes and if I have time, I'll check out their posts. Sometimes I can understand how this post is Trending, but sometimes I'm scratching my head.

Maybe they have thousands of followers or maybe they know the right bots. I don't get upset about it. One day, I'll be sharing the pot of Steem with my followers and friends.

All in good time. 😎

That is the attitude @wonderwop.

They did what they did to get there. Many of them put in their time plus caught some fortunate waves with an insane inflation rate for a while.

Either way, we can only deal with what where we are at. And that is a glorious position. Even though just starting out today on this blockchain are in great position. There is so much going on that one who makes a few hundred SP in the next couple months will be elated.

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