Cryptocurrency 2.0: The Tokens Are The Basic Income: STEEM Is Going To Be A Big Part Of That

in #steem7 years ago

The world is changing rapidly and old beliefs need to be tossed out. Looking at the world today like you did 5 years ago is a major mistake. The impact of technology is advancing at such a pace that it will soon start to look like a Sci-Fi film.

In my last post, I referred to a concept I called Cryptocurrency 2.0. The basic essence of this idea is that the first generation of cryptocurrencies were acquired via some type of cash outlay. With this latest generation, we are seeing that, while purchase is still an option, people have the ability to acquire simply by engaging in the purpose the token was designed for.

Here is that article:

Looking into the future is obviously an inexact science. Just like it was hard to imagine Facebook in 1998, it is difficult to comprehend some of what will take place over the next 5-10 years. Nevertheless, the world of blockchain and its first application, cryptocurrency, give us a fairly good idea of some of it.

The world is becoming digitized which means it is going to be tokenized. As more of what we do ends up online. we are going to see the opportunity to acquire tokens for most of the activities we engage upon. One thing I must mention, is that today, at the beginning of 2018, the online and offline world are still separate. This will not be as much the case in 5 years. The Internet of Things will be in full swing with more devices connected. The Internet no longer will be something we "log onto". It will be all around us (it isn't far from that now).

There is great debate about the concept of a basic income. This topic made news the last couple years because many of the technology titans spoke out in favor of this. At the core of the entire subject is the idea that technology is advancing at such a rapid pace that unemployment is going to skyrocket. With the pace of automation, it basically is impossible for the masses to get re-trained quick enough to offset this. I agree with this outlook.

Another facet of this is, even with those who agree a basic income is needed, the contest of how to pay for it. People are very passionate about their beliefs on this matter. Lines get drawn in the sand with people digging in. Some do not want one single tax dollar spent on it while others feel that it is society's obligation. Whatever the viewpoint, I am here to tell you it is all moot.

The way I foresee Cryptocurrency 2.0 unfolding is that it ends the basic income debate. Those who do not feel it is right and are against this concept are going to have to adjust their views. It is simply a passe outlook since it is coming. At the same time, those who debate about paying, especially with the idea of restructuring the welfare state, you too are stuck in 1995. None of this applies.

Cryptocurrency 2.0 is the basic income. It is how that will be paid and a topic will not be a subject for debate in the future. Whether you think people should or should not get an income, the reality is that tokens will go to people for doing much of what they do today for nothing. Down the road, people will be "earning" money from 25-50 different sources. Everywhere you turn, you will be paid.

Again, we already see this forming. The tagline appears "Get Paid To ______________". Fill in most any activity that you do today and you will see a token for it within the next few years.

Take what we do on STEEM as an example. There are billions of people doing exactly what we are doing here. They are posting stuff on Facebook, Reddit, Linkedin, and Blogger/Wordpress. For the most part, at least directly, few are making any money. In fact, as I learned from some of the comments in my last post, it actually costs people in many instances when things such as hosting fees and promotion are accounted for.

Nevertheless, we are being paid for doing the exact same thing they are. What is the difference between an article on Steemit and one on Linkedin? Anywhere from a few cents to hundreds of dollars...that is the difference.

The nature of work is going to change from the traditional concept of a job to contribution. Someone who goes and spends time with the elderly, today is volunteering. Down the road, a service like that will be tokanized. The same will be true for cleaning up the beaches. Those who are concerned will create a token which will go to people that get involved. Watching advertisements will be the same. Take a look at all you do in a day and I will bet there will be a token for it.

One of the benefits I feel STEEM has is that it is leapfrogging into Cryptocurrency 2.0. STEEM is not figuring out what it is about. It also doesn't have major issues to overcome like some other blockchains. Basically, this blockchain is set for what it is designed to do and is being used for that purpose. Technologically, the blockchain is in prime form.

Naturally, we need to see app development/refinement but I am confident with the number of people working on it, that will happen. That just leaves the human aspect of things. People are not accustomed to a world run on tokens. To most, it cannot even be imagined. Well, users of email in 1994 couldn't imagine there would be Facebook and YouTube either. Nevertheless, we are at the point where the utility of STEEM will be the introduction people get. At the same time, as the price of the token escalates, it will be providing an income to many people around the world.

It is pretty amazing when you see how things are going to unfold, much of the debate ends.

In the future, Cryptocurrency 2.0 will be the basic income people receive. STEEM is already starting to be part of that process.

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To be receive the free basic income tokens you are entitled to and help end world wide poverty, please click the following:

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I don't know if you realize this or not but there is a difference between "unlabored/unearned/basic income" and simply "labored (earned) income".

I think many blockchain cryptocurrency platforms like Steem allow for "earned incomes" from contributing. Technically, users have always generated these "earned incomes" on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, etc. through their contributions, but were never paid their earned incomes.

Take Facebook for example, people always labored/worked for incomes on Facebook, but Facebook Inc. never pays its users the incomes they rightfully earn. Instead of Facebook paying its working users their earning they steal it and call it "profits".

On the other hand "basic" or unlabored/unearned incomes pay people earning they in fact never earn, instead "basic" unlabored/unearned incomes steal the earning from other labors and give it to those who do not labor, this is called theft. No one has the right to commit theft on any ground. If a man/women does not work, a man/women does not eat. I know any moral person can agree on the fact that theft (taking "x amount" without giving "x amount") is forever ill-moral. If someone wants a "minimum income" (basic income) then they must do "minimum labor/work" and earn it!

THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH! EVER! This is generally speaking, you probably agree, but I just want to clarify. Great post, I'm a big fan of your content @taskmaster4450 keep the great work coming buddy.

None of that applies in the crypt world.

And what do you call receiving a token for allowing someone to use your medical records....or record where you are driving....or what you watch...or token you receive for listening to the radio.....

Are those unearned or earned. Is watching an advertisement earned or is that being lazy watching TV.

This is where the basis for the entire I am for/I am against UBI breaks down. When you enter crypto, nobody is taking from someone else.

Of course, the "this is theft" crowd will have a different view when they along with 25% of the workforce is replaced by robots. I witnessed this in 2006-2008 with the housing collapse. Many who work in construction who I know had the same mindset. Of course they were justifying not paying taxes since most worked until the table. Anyway, the market totally imploded, construction stopped on a dime...almost everyone I know in that field was either laid off or drastically reduced. Since they were mostly under the table guys, they had to bite the they were wishing they qualified for aid.

Another interesting aspect of this is the owners of companies that I new, due to over extension, lost their homes in many instances.

Of course, we know the banksters were at the core of all this. If you want to talk about theft, perhaps it is best to focus upon that realm instead of arguing over tax money.

Thanks for your comment @markhalen...I appreciate it.

I definitely agree with you on that part. To keep it simple, if you spend you time and energy doing something I say you earned it. (work = energy / time) so if you are spending your energy over time watching an ad or "selling" your medical records that you've generated, then you've earned the profits up to its worth. I think that is the beauty of crypto and blockchain like you mentioned in your post. Up until now people were not paid for all the things they "unknowingly sold", but big companies would and profited billions i.e. Facebook, insurance companies, media conglomerates etc.

Take for example: "allowing someone to use your medical records....or record where you are driving....or what you watch...or token you receive for listening to the radio..... or even watching an advertisement." You can share in the profits for almost every aspect where you spend your time/every; that is just beautiful.

Of course, we know the banksters were at the core of all this. If you want to talk about theft, perhaps it is best to focus upon that realm instead of arguing over tax money. One of the best statements I have heard on this platform.

Your viewpoint on cryptocurrencies and how it ties in with the concept of basic income is one I agree with completely. We live in a world that increasingly values what an individual produces - meaning the content they create, the knowledge they share, even the opinions a person holds. These things hold value to both the creator and the consumer and tokens are the perfect medium to communicate that value.

We are still in the infancy stage of what cryptocurrencies and the blockchain can achieve, especially with a platform like steemit. I was already very excited for what the future holds, but this post just amped it up 100x.

I agree is very exciting.

Make sure you follow the link at the end of the post and get yourself signed up to get your wallet and tokens when they start releasing them in the next two weeks.

Your post is very good. Interesting and inspiring me all your posts are very good .. Thank you yes for having. Very beautiful postage. After I read and see your post makes me more confident again in working in this steemit account. Once again thank you for inspiring my best friend

Great post. With this in mind, we also need to be turning to the blockchain as the foundation of virtual government. I'm even currently working on a post about our own Steemit having it's own "Declaration of Independence". These are very exciting times.

Thanks for the comment @edicted.

I believe blockchain is going to attack government in the same way the banksters are in its crosshairs. Simply put, government cannot stand up to blockchain.

Estonia already offers digital residency...this is just the first wave.

All government documents will be on the blockchain in the next few years. Voting will be done. Most likely aspect of tax collection will also be on the blockchain.

Ultimately, government decisions will also be on there.

We are at the time when corporations will be scrambling to get on board. We all will be ahead of the curve. Can't wait for the day I pay for items with my steem. Its closer than they think!

Interesting read as always. Should there really be a basic income for mere daily tasks? I am not referring to things such as writing as that requires efforts rather as you said, "watching advertisements." That is something that requires little to no effort and should not be rewarded. If you reward people for doing nothing they will be used to that and do nothing and expect to be rewarded. When the revolution comes and bankers are taken down those who put in the effort and played a role should be rewarded not those who were on the sidelines just eating potato chips on a couch.

It is rewarding the access. Advertisers want to get your attention (and that is what this is all about). For that privilege, they are going to have to pay you.

As it stands now, advertisers pay for it now, it just goes to google, facebook, or get nothing out of the deal.

And by the way, to get you to eat those potato chips as opposed to cookies, someone will most like have to pay you.

Advertisers pay as you said Google, Facebook, NBC, etc... However, advertisers paying both big corporations for them to place their advertisements on their website or phone or etc.. and then having to pay the people who watch them seems to be too much. They would lose too much money and the fruits of their labor would seem to be spoiled. It seems like there would be room for exploitation and that would lead to a corrupt system. How will the universal basic income gain traction although it is needed in a sense; if it can be corrupted and big companies are at risk of losing money they will do all in their power to stop it from coming into fruition. Is this where the community comes in and it's the beginning of a revolution?

Companies will cease paying google and facebook since they do not control the attention. If you are on blockchain right now, advertisers cannot get to you without permission. At some point there will be methods developed where you can opt-in to see ads.

Big corporations are already at risk of losing a great deal of power. DTube for example, is a site where videos are posted without censorship. Hence any voice can be heard. This really affects the MSM that delivers the politically correct message.

Banking is under intense fire from decentralized exchanges and other financial systems. BTS is looking to put a major hurting on them.

Some companies will adapt, others will not. There still will be many forms of business done as they presently are but there are also going to be radical changes because of blockchain.

Earning tokens whether from a basic income like the link I posted to manna, from Steem, from bitradio, from Sia or a host of others, that is the future...people will choose where they put their attention and will be compensated for it.

steem is gradually higher it is nice to see it @taskmaster4450

always looking forward to your posts. good writing and useful Information, but i dont see the steem token heavily requested on a (potential) token market. the only appeal to me for trading such a token would be the network and confirmation speed of steem, but hey, let's see where we're heading!

Each of your posts is very nice to me, which enhances our work inspiration. We're spending our time in the right place. Steemit will occupy the highest place on the cryptocurrency market, there is no doubt.Thank you very much for the speed of our work.

As you said, It's kind of obvious that unemployment will skyrocked due to automatization, and it's also obvious that existing social systems won't be enough to keep the angry masses at bay. We see the beginning in the worldwide rise of destructive iditiotism a.k.a. populism.
Until a few minutes ago, I didn't connect steem to that. ty a lot for your point of view, I have something to think on now!

P.S.: We'd rather be quick in transforming the world ;-)

...It's kind of obvious that unemployment will skyrocked due to automatization...

There are many who would contest this point with you. I tend to agree, I do not see how it turns out any other way since the pace is so quick. Even if governments around the world got on the ball today about it, which they wont, and started retraining programs, I am not sure they would be able to get ahead of the curve. Plus, the major corporations have a vested interest in automating what they enables them to get rid of labor.

Thanks for the comment @sco.

I see it the same way.
What I really like about the idea of this "tokenized" BI is, that - in opposite to a BI granted by states/governments - there would still be competition, which is the major driving force of human progress.
If you generate the better content& build the better network, you will still get more steem tokens than others. If you clean more beaches, watch more ads etc., the same applies.

Great points @sco.

Plus there is no entity that can turn around and say, sorry, we changed the rules which happens when government is involved. Elect a new party, they spent the first couple years simply reversing what the other party did. Back and forth we go with nothing getting done.

Also, government is the passe. Over the next decade, its power will diminish. The blockchain will also take a great many of the functions away from government. Like the banksters, the politicians will fight it...and lose.

The biggest part of "tokenized" BI (good term by the way) is that it is up to individuals to choose what they want. If you want to watch an ad, it is your choice. I might choose not to...that is mine. We will all choose where we put our attention....some like sports, others art, others science...whatever one's interest will be tokenized.

We just need to hurry up and get there lol.

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