2018 Sharing Is Caring: Time To Make People Rich And End Poverty Around The World!!!!

in #steem7 years ago

2017 saw a couple of interesting changes for me which will continue into 2018.

As many of you are aware, I am fully committed to doing all I can to make STEEM as successful as possible. I believe that the foundation that is in place is going to really shift the social media industry while also bringing the idea of a "tokenized" world to the forefront. STEEM is one of the first cryptocurrencies which can be acquired without purchase. For this reason, people are going to see what it is like to develop another stream of income doing what they already spend time engaged upon.

I titled a number of posts with "Sharing Is Caring" idea to denote that there is a different mindset starting to enter into the framework of society. While it is still very early, a enthusiastic percentage on here already have it. Basically, we are seeing the emergence of caring about our fellow human being and tying our success with theirs. This is a radical difference from the bankster created, scarcity mentality that so many of us were programmed with.

At this point, I want to mention my other passion in addition to STEEM. This is also going to radically alter the world. It is a time that has come and everyone needs to participate. Like all other revolutionary ideas, one or two people cannot accomplish it. Collectively, we can stamp out a great blight on humanity. Since it is also in the crypto realm, it requires us all to establish the "network" effect.

Before going any further, I want to ask you a question that I asked myself few years ago:

Do you think that every person on the planet deserves the basics of food, clothing, and shelter?

When I was left to ponder this question, I was unable to come up with anything other than a "yes". For this reason, I had to change my mindset about certain things. Being a student of technology, I realize that the future is changing for most of us. Few seem to be aware of the radical differences we are going to see in the next 5 years. Steemit is just one of many things which will alter the world we live in...for the better I believe.

Cryptocurrencies are a new form of financing. Because of this, we are able to embark upon things which were dead ends before. Many great ideas were shelved since people were not able to get passed the question "how do we pay for this?". Today, with the advent of crypto, we are seeing a new model of financing that is the next advancement in crowd sourcing. For that reason, we have the ability to feed, clothe, and put a roof over the head of every person on the planet.

For the last couple years, I heard many reasons counter to this idea. Once again, I keep going back to the same question:

Do you think that every person on the planet deserves the basics of food, clothing, and shelter?

If you do like I did and answered with an affirmative, then read on.

Much of the debate regarding this subject is regarding the payment. Most agree it is a good idea yet depending upon governmental institutions is not a smart idea. I concur with this assessment. For the most part, government is bad and dependence upon it only enslaves people. Therefore, how do we provide people with the basic necessities without bringing government in?

We do this by creating a cryptocurrency specifically to provide to people without attachment. Steemit created a magical breakthrough with the Proof-Of-Brian concept. Well, now we can take it one step further with the Proof-Of-Breathing approach. If you breath, you are entitled to tokens. It is really that simple. Anyone on the planet, just by signing up, will get tokens put in their wallet. The goal is to eliminate world wide poverty by giving people the basics of what they need.

This has become a passion of mine. No longer should people suffer because they lack the finances. People can contest the idea of materialism all they want. A central fact that cannot be debated is that we live in a world where monetary resources are required for the essential goods. Until we figure out a new system that is not this way, people around the world need some form of money to provide their families with food, clothing, and shelter.

The reason why we need everyone to sign up is because we are dealing with a cryptocurrency. Therefore, we are dependent upon the Network Effect to take hold and increase the value of what is being distributed starting in the month of January. The more people with the tokens, the more valuable they become. For those in the Western countries, the payouts will not have much of an impact upon your income (although it might depending upon your situation and how fast things accelerate). However, for those in countries where a few thousand dollars is a ton of money, this will really help.

It does not matter what your lot in life is, this is a program which requires us all to succeed. If you are fortunate enough to not need the resources, there are going to be opportunities to donate the tokens to different causes. Of course, if you are one who is looking to change your own path, and that of your family, then you can amass the tokens while we build up to the network effect. Finally, if you never dealt in cryptocurrencies, this is a wonderful way to get involved and learn what is going on.

I thank you for your time. Together, we are all going to make a major difference in the world. The bankster's control is threatened; we can see that based upon their reactions. Now is the time to end the scarcity model while moving towards abundance. Manna, along with STEEM, are the two ways I see to accomplish that.

So please click on the link provided and sign up. After that, you will have you own link which I suggest you use to sign up your friends and family.


It is time to end the suffering for all on the planet. Manna is going to be one of the programs which provides people with what they need.

If you found this article helpful, please give it an upvote and a re-steem.

Pictures by Google Images.


I share your idealistic view that we should end poverty and cryptocurrency can help us do that, but it needs to be done with sound economics. There are reasons that Steem has value and if it was distributed to everyone so that they could pay for their basic needs it would lose a lot of it. In my opinion, most cryptocurrencies operate to a certain extent similarly to a ponzie scheme where the value they have is dependent only on everyone holding their coins and not cashing out. If most people are cashing out to pay for their needs, the system will not be sustainable without investment that offsets the selling. We can accomplish what you are setting out to do, but we need to do it in a sustainable way. Cheers to 2018!

Actually, for the Network Effect to truly make an impact, holding isnt what is required but people actually using the currency. In the end, for the blockchain, it comes down to what is being transacted on there...what is taking place.

STEEM is starting to amass value, as a currency and the blockchain itself, because of the transactions taking place on here. People are still amassing STEEM in the form of SP, which is a type of HODL, yet the system is established in such a way that there is a lot going on. That is the value in this system.

I agree there are a lot of tokens created with the sole intention of ponzi scheming or some type of get rid quick operation with no viable solution. What is sad is many of them dont even have the intention of creating anything or solving a problem...they simply want to get some quick money.

That's a good way to look at it. I've always described cryptos as being largely speculative and far out pricing their inherent value, but each good crypto solves an important problem. Maybe how well it is solving that problem is a better way to measure its worth.

I understand the doubts concerning the economics and inflation and in truth I have my doubts too.

The thing the naysayers are overlooking is that something will HAVE TO BE DONE. Even if one discounts the plight of third worlders, this problem is headed to the first world. As AI gains traction more and more jobs will be eliminated.

This is the result of the bankster paradigm. They will be fine when AI takes all the jobs. They will further insulate themselves from their subjects and enjoy their days while we starve.

We have to do something about this. They don't care. We have to care. If we let excuses stop us, then there won't be a third world anymore. Just one. The bankster world.

If for nothing else than self interest, we have to take this matter into our own hands.

Wake up people.
Thanks for the post man.
Keep Steeming!

Thank you for the comment @wdougwatson.

Yes I do agree that something has to be done. Humanity is facing something that few people are aware of: how fast technology is upending society and all we know. The pace is only increasing which means we will see radical changes in as little as 5 years.

Everything that people knew basically goes out the window. Again, few think their present reference points are valid.

I live in Jordan, we have huge amounts of Syrian refugees, seeing their suffering makes you wish that the earth would split and swallow you as a whole when you feel helpless, and I am sure many other areas in the world with the same problems, but together we can show the world "real" end to suffering. You are a wonderful human, Signed Up, Upvoted and Resteemed.

Thank you for your comment @phuzz.

Now the important part....enter your email in there and you will get a referral code yourself....pass that to everyone you know and get them involved. This is something we need to spread to all...

Hopefully, if enough people in your area sign up, word will get to the refugees you mentioned so that they can get involved too.

This is a non-prejudicial program...it is for everyone.

Done :) I got my referral link now, Thank you

Good job my friend...it is great to have you on board.

I hope a ton of people use your link and get involved.

Each one that does gets you into the bonus pool...there are extra tokens given for direct referrals.

I hope you can make the difference in a ton of lives over there.

Your sharing is caring line drew me in. I've been putting that in my posts at the end for a little while now and I was instantly drawn to your post because of that.
Really enjoyed your perspective as I have a similar mentality. I am hopeful for the future. I will be checking out the proof of breathing link you shared. I love the concepts you're fighting for.
Synchronicity brought me to your post and unexpectedly I posted a blog on poverty earlier today. Great minds really do think alike ;-)
Happy new year, Great post! -Namaste

Yes @amariespeaks.

It is one of those synchronicity events that happen so often if people are looking for them.

Thank you for the support on the crypto basic income....it is something that solves a lot of problems. As some of the comments on here show, there is still a lot of doubt. It is sad really....people are still caught in the old mentality like it is still 1995 or even 1985.

Today we are in a face paced, high tech era, more so than we ever saw before. What is great about that is we are now getting the tools to combat some of the plights of humanity which existed for centuries.

It is time to ratchet things up and stand up for all of the planet, not just a few.

Your heart is in the right place.
I never liked the idea of just because one exists, one should be provided with basic necessities. If one exists and is willing to make basic contribution to society then it makes sense.
I do need to be certain that for myself to feel deserving of anything, I should do my part first before I look at society for repayment.
If I could find 5 more good and generous people like you, I may quit my job.
I greatly care for what you have to say but if an idea like yours ever comes close to fruition, it will cause such massive inflation that things will be worse than before.
What steemit has done is already great. It has provided a platform for anyone to come in and EARN.

It is impossible to have massive inflation when so much of the world economy is starting to fall under the Laws of IT.

In the developed nations, that is more than 4% of GDP....where the basic yearly deflationary rate is between 16% and 50% depending upon which of the three facets of IT you are referring to. This, in the US alone, puts a deflationary rate of .75% on the entire economy. Of course, this will only grow as software increases it rate of doubling due to AI.

It is also one of the reasons why the Central Banks easing around the world has not sparked the massive inflation so many predict.

The next 10 years, inflation will not be a problem....deflationary is going to be the thing that takes center stage. Anything that is digitized ends up demonitized.

I was not expecting a response to start with. So Thankyou for taking the time. There is no way I can even start a conversation here taking an opposite point of view because your cause is that noble. I don’t care if your hypothesis is wrong or right. If you are wrong even then it is a step in the right direction and the next step can always be modified. Who am I to attempt tp theoretically prove a social experiment wrong from the comfort of my living room. You go ahead. I want to see the world get better. You have my support

I love your posts so much!

For the last month I've been very much in the 'grow my account' mindset... and you always bring it back to the bigger picture! I really don't think capitalism can work in the long run, it's constant requirement of continual grow just can't be sustainable... and here you are offering solutions to world problems. I hate that the gap between the haves and have-nots is so huge... how did we get here?

I've never left your page without being inspired. Thank you so much!

There is nothing wrong with focusing upon growing your account...it is necessary for you to have more impact.

Plus, we do live in a world that has a monetary system as a basis so, for survival, it is crucial. Personally, I hope your account is worth multi-millions at some point...nothing would make me happier.

To me, at some point, the light goes on and we realize this is more than just our accounts at stake...we can do a lot for humanity. By helping others to grow their accounts, we profit. Plus, there are many ways we can carry this mindset to help break the others who suffer from banksterism like we did.

It is hard not to fall back into it...especially when most of us are stuck going to a job and trying to pay the bills. However, my point always is we are seeing a different model emerge and all of us will be out of that old slavery...things are changing...not fast enough for me but they are changing.

This is an amazing concept! I have been talking up the idea of a universal basic income for quite some time. I told some that one of my major life goals would be to assist in getting it implemented in Washington State and hope that would inspire other states to follow - but the idea of using blockchain to accomplish this in a world wide level! Wow! I need to delve deeper into the fundamentals of this program before I can commit, but I am VERY intrigued! Can you direct me to any other resources? Additionally, if I commit to this platform I would like to become more involved than just a bypass member.

The sign up is simply putting one on the list of emails....the verification and KYC stuff is going to come out in the next few weeks. This token is already traded under the symbol GRT. This went through a trial program for over a year under the name grantcoin before it distributions were stopped in September and the platform was redesigned/automated.

Sign ups just started a couple weeks ago (the wallets are still being updated from 4 year old technology to the latest in peer-to-peer wallet system..hence why the sign up now is just email..). I believe they distributed over $150K in the time they ran the trial to see about the feasibility. Grantcoin.org has a bunch of updates that they emailed over so you can kind of track the course of it.

They do run a one level referral bonus program which allows people to share in the bonus pool by enlisting others. Since we are at the point, from what I can see, of trying to get people involved, that is where my focus has been. I went to a couple of monthly gathering in my area (fortunate that one of the co-founders and CTO live near where they held the events) which are being used to help spread the word.

Beyond that, whatever your skills are, they could use them. I type and talk (sales and marketing background) so this is my arena. However, if you are in graphic creation, they could use that....video editing is needed...and I am sure much more.

Hit me up on steemit.chat and I will be able to put you in touch with one of the co-founders if you are interested in helping out.

Thank you! When I get onto the laptop, and not my phone, I will message you a proper response. I am excited about the prospect of this!

I lived under a socialist government. I know just how much harm socialism does, so I’ve never been enthralled with the thought of universal basic income.

Can blockchain technology make universal basic income a reality that won’t require more government theft (taxes)? I suppose we will have to wait and see.

I agree that technology is going to eliminate a lot of jobs, but I’m sure some of those jobs will be replaced. How many new jobs will get created? I don’t know.

It’s going to be interesting to see where blockchain technology takes us in the coming years!

Can blockchain technology make universal basic income a reality that won’t require more government theft (taxes)?

Blockchain and government have nothing to do with each other. Blockchain is borderless, nationless, and has no master...the government, well we know what they are.

Manna is not paying based upon any countries taxes...in fact, it isnt even in a fiat denomination...it is a crypto.

Yes, I figured as much.

My intention was to talk about the people out there who are calling for universal basic income who want it paid for through taxes. If blockchain can actually do it without government intervention or by collecting taxes, I’d certainly be open to the idea.

The entire cryptocurrency was designed solely for that purpose. It has no other reason for existing.

And you have no fear of UBI being paid through taxes anytime soon....at least in the US, our politicians cant agree on lunch let alone anything major. It will be a decade before they realize what is going on.

I’m Canadian. I don’t live in Ontario, but there’s already been talk if them trying it out in Ontario.

Back when I was younger, Ontario was the economic engine of Canada. Now it’s an economic basket case. It’s become the California Of Canada with the direction they’ve gone in. It’s quite frightening to me, because they hold about a third of the seats in Canada’s federal parliament. They can elect our federal government almost singlehandedly.

Yeah and it will be a two year study by which time, technology will have leapfrogged whatever they are trying to do. Remember, the politicians are always late to the game. They are reactionary.

One thing that they do have going for them is that those entities talking about it are at least aware of what the tech giants refer to...that technological unemployment is a real threat. There isnt even a mention of that in the US...either the politicians have no clue or they dont care.

You will like my next post...it deals with this issue in the future...we are seeing the basic income developing before our eyes...and most arent even aware of it.

Sounds great! I’ll check it out for sure.

I know politicians are clueless. One good thing about blockchain? Blockchain will make them way less important!

Thank you for telling me about this opportunity. Happy New Year, I wish you all the best, let all your wishes come true, a peaceful sky over your head, health, love, happiness, financial independence and good luck.

Спасибо, что рассказали об этой возможности. С Новым Годом, желаю Вам всего самого лучшего, пусть все Ваши желания сбываются, мирного неба над головой, здоровья, любви, счастья, финансовой независимости и удачи.

Spot on, steemit is an unbelievable breakthrough that is currently and will continue to revolutionize social media for the better. The more people that sign up, the more it will benefit everyone who is apart of this platform. I hope that steemit does as you say, and helps to drastically curve an enormous issue that our world is faced with in that of poverty stricken societies. Awesome stuff here @taskmaster4450

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