Put it away: Why to Power Up a little continually

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I am going to have to do the "This is not financial advice, this is opinion" thing here (perhaps ranchrelaxo will upvote me? kaboooom!) as like anything future based, this is speculation. This is also not an in depth look at the mechanics of how Steem works, just a basic idea.

The reason I am posting this is because it seems to have helped @tezmel get a clearer understanding of why powering up is potentially important. I had said to her in a comment to 'put some away' and she asked for clarification as to what I meant. I explained and she said it would be good for others also.

Many people are critical of me not taking into consideration the life positions of others less fortunate than myself as if I live in world of privilege and fancy. I am not blind, nor am I inexperienced with personal hardship and it is because I am thinking of people in hard situations I do as I do and will continue to do so in a way I think will eventuate in less suffering for as many as possible. Not just now, but in the future.

I have mentioned before that some people use this place like an ATM without powering up but, as prices increase so will competition, as SMTs arrive, so will more pressure on price. As mainstreaming takes place, the taps will close and all but dry up. What will be left to distribute from the pool will be STEEM POWER holders. People think it is hard to get noticed at the moment but, this is just the start.

People also think that the small amounts that allow them to survive will continue on or, they can just use bidbots to 'earn' more. The small amounts will become smaller, the bidbots riskier or, with a small tweak of code, gone faster than they arrived. Those who are using them and not powering up some of their gains are going to potentially kick themselves hard.

The reason that it is so hard to earn now is combined with the pool being largely commandeered by maximizing bidbots and circlejerks, there are very few accounts powering up enough to be able to support others. A 100 SP vote is worth 2 cents, a 100 of those add up but, the *vast majority of users here have much less than 100 SP and many don't have much more than the 15 SP Steemit Inc provided them for bandwidth. Many have even less as they have created alts with 2 SP... Good job people, good job.

So the goal is that when the taps close, there are enough people holding enough SP and able to support others. If you look at the chart on the post from yesterday, that is not enough people at any of the tiers and way, way too many people in the 0-100 category needing/wanting support.

But, i am getting off-track a little. So, what I did for @tezmel in regards to the clarification of putting some away was to breakdown a scenario as to why powering up is useful, even in small amounts. Putting some away means to save a little for the future, a rainy day or hopefully in the case of STEEM, a very sunny one.

Let's say there is a 10 dollar payout after curation
(both at a market rate of 2.50 to make it easy)

paid: 5 SBD / 2 STEEM (=5 SBD)

5 SBD has a value 12.50 US /the Steem has a 5 dollar US value

assumption: 2 years from now the hope is that Steem is ~50-100 dollar value each.

So, you have 2 steem but, with the SBD you can buy (in this scenario) 5 more.

That means that if you exchange all to steam you will have 7. That is a future price of (at 50 dollars) 350 US. Not bad on a 10 dollar payout, is it?

But, you need some money right now to live.

Instead of living off all of the 5 SBD, live of for example, 4 and buy 1 more steem.

That means you will have 3 steem with a future value of 150 dollars and 10 dollars US to spend now.

It also means that your account is growing faster and in 2 years when there is potentially that 50 dollar steem, your vote will be quite valuable and you won't need to worry as much and can also support others. It is a risk of course but, the payoff could be enormous for you. People are selling their SBDs for 2.50 when they could invest into Steem and potentially have it worth 20 times that amount in the future plus use it to earn and support others. So, if I was in this position that I needed it, I would try my hardest to not need all of it and I would power some up for the future.

In that future, a vote would be able to sustain others on the platform to do the same. But without SP, you are always going to have to work for every dollar and can't support others as well as being vulnerable to various influences like competition and code changes. This is a big part of the issue.

Support is low for so many because people aren't powering up enough to be able to support others. Currently, 100 Steem is a 2 cent vote but that is a 40 cent vote at about 50 dollar Steem. Does 4 dollars a day make a difference in your life? What about the effects on your real world community? Does powering one STEEM down for 50 dollars help more in 2 years than powering one down now? Most people only have the delegation Steemit gave them but fail to recognise that as prices increase, that will decrease further or just disappear.

There are many places where a dollar a day makes a difference but this means that working even slowly towards holding potentially valuable SP can make an enormous difference. 100 Steem at 3 dollars can help some one for months but, 100 Steem at 50 dollars can help them for years. the goal is to get to the 50 but that future value will only be accessible to those who hold Steem, those that have some stake on the pool. Those without are going to have to keep working and hoping for the favour of others. I don't want that for people, I want as many as possible to be able to support themselves and their communities as possible.

People who want better futures for themselves need to start building it now and there is always risk in this since the future is not yet written. However, the future of Steem looks much brighter and healthier if people invest even small amounts into their SP if they can, when they can. The small steps and personal investment build the community, create the engagement and raise the chances of long term success also which back the investment and help it grow.

Steem was not a revenue possibility until recently and for many, until very recently yet, people are already relying on 100% of their rewards here. Struggle just a touch more and rely on 80-90% instead and power that little bit of SBD up. I am pretty sure that Steem will eventually rise significantly but, I can't say if SBD will go up or down. Just remember though that SBD is supposed to be always be valued at 1 US dollar. What does that mean?

Well, under 'normal' circumstances, the ratio that people think is bad:
1.4 SBD : 1 STEEM would be 2.5 SBD : 1 STEEM

My very long-winded way of explaining things that many might see as basic or unnecessary is because like @tezmel mentioned, she had the feeling that it takes large amounts to invest and have any real significance. This is similar to the guy that thought 10,000 bitcoins to buy 2 pizzas was once a bargain. Yes, there is risk as I keep mentioning but, there is a future to think of and that takes work and investment into it. Here we are lucky because even though we might not have the real world collateral to put in, we can earn it on the platform. But, this isn't going to last for everyone forever.

At least, consider powering up a percentage of what you get, and that includes the people using bidbots. If I did boost my posts, a percentage of the earnings would be going into SP at every payout so one day, I might not need to rely on the bidbots to earn at all. And if they disappear, I can still survive.

The current health of the platform is not great but, it isn't going to change until there are enough people holding SP to distribute. That chart shows there are not enough willing participants yet. It is going to take a healthy range of people to grow at all tiers and remember that even if you have zero today, 2 years from now there is the potential to be able to help many, as well as yourself. I am now aiming for that two year point in my approach and you can do as you please also.

@ranchorelaxo? Anything? No?.... ok.

[ a Steem original ]


I can NEVER thank you enough of this. For those of us who have had one perspective (which is withdrawing whatever small amounts you earn). I really hope this gets to enough souls who believe they have a future in this community. We really need to understand this and much more to attain that future :)

Thank you. A whole lot.

No worries Tez :)

Morning. Sorry be a pest. Please can I have some advice on my reply on this post. I'm just really trying to get my bearings straight

I am too lazy to withdraw. Sometimes it works to your benefit I guess. Someone should create a Chrome addon where you can tweak the value of payout to 100 dollar STEEM value so you see the accurate future amount.

Is this possible? Or when to buy steem...

Make an addon sure... I try to buy when it's dipping... Making those Bank loans hahaha

I love this philosophy. I'm from Venezuela, a third world country with a huge economic crisis and I really need to earn some money but I undestood that what I really need most is to have vision. That's why in the month I've been on steemit I haven't spent a cent of my little earnings. Instead I've powered up my SP because I want to have enough SP to vote for myself and others, specially the ones that I'm convincing ton join steemit.

I so relate to this! Thank you for sharing :)

I'm from South Africa and I completely feel you.

I'm new here though and this valuable information does shed some light in my new journey and certainly the future, especially here on steemit

Superb! When I started back in December I didn't know what to do with the earnings, so I powered up everything.
Then I learned a bit more and I still powered up.
I want to reach at least 500 SP, after that If one day in the future I manage to get a greater payment I will see if it's worth selling half (to pay fo the adventures) and powering up half.

But now I have so many questions... I have a bunch of SBD piled up that I wanted to power up, but price seems to be getting to high SBD - Steem. Should I wait more to convert to Steem and then power up?

Very future visioned. I would like to add to this. I am still somewhat new here, having been here around 3 1/2 months. I was stupid excited (I say stupid because of the stupid preconceptions I had) and was going to be rich because of Steemit. Not in a few years, but this year. The videos on YouTube said it was so.

I became disillusioned when I did not find the Steemit I had been promised. I had even invested in a little Steem. So I started a power down of my meager investment. The vote bots were a loss, the vote bots were about all seeing my posts and my vote was worthless. This was stupid.

But over the few weeks I allowed myself to stupidly power down before stopping I wandered around the place. I mean, it wasn't like I was posting, might as well look for something interesting while I waited this ungodly 13 weeks to get my money back out of this den of scammers. And this was when I got to see what Steemit is. Actually see the communities I had been missing when I sat back waiting to be discovered as the star my mom always said I would be.

Now I power up everything, except what I invest in those of you reading this. I ended up spending 50.00 more out of pocket (a lot more than the little powered down) so that I could lease delegation and hit the 500sp for my vote. Because I see what this is now. I see that investing in myself and investing in you can be life changing. Just not so visible today.

One more community paragraph, then to some math observations. I have noticed in my time here who the givers and takers are in my circles. And this does not mean solely based on what one can do for me financially. If one looks at my voting history they will see those who have nothing to offer me in vote payout get the majority of my votes. The reason why they get this is because of how they conduct themselves. They are givers, and their quality of character is like a magnet. They bring quality to the interaction, and they are what I see the platform needing to grow.

Now to add to the math. First the vote bots. My friend did the math, and unless the votebot is paying out at a little over 200% you are losing money. Most pay well below that, so for those of you thinking you are profiting, lol. Do you not stop to ask yourself why people would delegate their SP to these bots? They do so because the return is higher than if they curate your post themselves. Without going to deep into the math, it is because they allowed SBD to be worth way more than they should be. When a SBD is worth almost the same as SP, and you are paying the vote bots in SBD, you are allowing them to bypass the split at payout and you are eating that loss for them. If you see the return of SBD to being pegged at 1 USD, you will see many of these bots vanish as only those looking for passive income without logging in here will be delegating to them.

I mentioned I spent 50.00 leasing delegation. This did two things for me. The slider (which still doesn't give me enough votes, lol) allowing me to have more votes to better build this foundation I am building. Think about this. I could have powered it all up. But I am building a foundation that has to include the community. I have no foundation if there is no you in it. So, with that acknowledged, I discovered something that blew my mind.

You don't really make crap for curation when you are new here. I mean literally nothing. In my 3 1/2 months here, I just broke 1 SP of payout in my entire time here. That's it. But get this. Almost 3/4 of it has come in the short time I have been leasing this SP. Please think about this. This system is set up to reward those who believe in it. Who invest in it. Out of the 1.02 SP from curation I have earned, 0.65 of that has come in the last 7 days.

This place is not meant to do a whole lot for those who are not willing to invest into it. So I am going to say if you can, don't just power up. If you have spare money, invest in Steem and power that up. Invest in it and invest in those who you are building foundations with. You will thank yourselves in the coming years if you do.

Many say they are broke, yet waste lots of money on eating out, movies etc. Investing in a momentary pleasure that is quickly yesterdays memory. It takes a person of vision to see investing in others and in future tomorrows can lead to a quality that can be much richer.

Thank's again for an insightful post @tarazkp. Your posts were instrumental in helping me see what Steemit really was when I was about to give up on the place. In my eyes you are the unofficial prophet of Steemit. Leading by action as you share your vision.

nothing to offer me in vote payout get the majority of my votes. The reason why they get this is because of how they conduct themselves. They are givers, and their quality of character is like a magnet. They bring quality to the interaction, and they are what I see the platform needing to grow.

You and me both . The long term people is worth the investment . to get them to a point where they can duplicate what has been given them . It will be a long journey but one worth taking with good company .

The key value with voting Bots is to get in front of peoples eyes. That is the true value since Time and Attention is the true currency of our time. That will say it's only worth it if you have something real solid to promote. That will say a solid personal brand or something of legit value that people want to see.

People were boosting their posts 150 dollars (but not into trending) and had 2 views, including the one of me viewing it. unless boosting very high, there is little change in viewer count. Before they removed the little eye, a post of mine that had a 100 payout coming was not anymore likely to have more views than one with 10. The 'visibility' is not a valid argument as far as I have been able to observe.

Well just as advertising these days it takes around 20-30 times before someone will truly become a loyal follower. But yes boost for just something short term will of course never be of that much point. Same as if I upvote and support a person for months and then they go do some other thing then that was an investment where I lost it all. Since they stopped.

The future is targeted advertising like when you reply to someone in a comment. You can focus in on that specific person and create a niche reply that has a high likelyhood of success. Majority will clearly try to boost something and then quickly cash out since almost nobody knows how to build up a cool name. This Internet thing is still very new to people and it doesn't come with a manual for how to use.

You seem to be making a good career out of posting excellent comments. I appreciate that. Wherever I go, you seem to already be there! I do have a question for you: my Steem seems to grow slower than a glacier moves. Why is that? Am I missing something?

Thank you for the kind words. They mean a lot to me coming from you.

my Steem seems to grow slower than a glacier moves. Why is that? Am I missing something?

I peeked at your account and while it may seem slow to you, you are actually doing really well. According to another comment you made here in this post, you have earned every bit of your SP. You have double mine and I have invested a little. From another post that @tarakp made that has a breakdown on how many members fall in what level of SP holdings.


Based on the numbers, your account is in the top 19224, and without better numbers to work with I would hazard a guess that you are actually within the top 17000 or so. According to the figures on the chart he provides, only 1% of Steemit has 500 or more SP.

As I am discovering more daily, the more skin you have in this, the quicker your rewards will accumulate. I would say you are missing nothing, and you might just be the best example I have seen of one who has done as well as you have off the back of the sweat put in here in contributing and networking. Others are drawn to your energy and views. You don't see it, but you are a perfect example of how this can work if others value your contributions.

Of course, this was a given since I follow you and interact on so many of your posts. I only write books in the comment sections of quality posts. 😁

Well Dang! Guess I might even pat myself on the back then. You seem to be well balanced in posting and commenting, and in your tech savy. That's my biggest weakness: tech. It seems to me that most, if not all, of the folks who get past Minnow level all have pretty good tech savy and are invested in all sorts of apps, and crypto's, and services to Steemit, etc. Like @davemccoy. He has his hand in several ...I don't even know what to call them... apps? Oh, well I'm one kick ass poet! Blessings.

and in your tech savy.

This gave me a chuckle. I am far from tech savvy, shying away from all apps. I don't trust them, and the only reason I finally gave crypto a chance at all was because of this platform here. This place naturally began with tech savvy people, but over time this dynamic is changing. As you see communities grow, accounts set up to help people in their normal everyday lives as we see taking hold here the tech knowledge grows to be less of a qualifier.

I don't use Discord, I don't use Steemconnect, I don't use Ginabot or any of the other things pushed out as necessary. And without any of them, here we are conversing and building a foundation together. Using people savvy to do so. 😃

Well crap. Somehow I got the impression you were a tech whiz. I bet you are and just don't tell people you are a super geek. That must be it.

Every week I tell myself that this week I'll take on one tech app and try and understand it completely. So far it's been 14 weeks and ... well, things just keep getting in the way somehow!

In their current form, the bots are not profitable for the majority of users however, they are not going anywhere either. It means that the less community oriented are growing faster than the more community oriented currently. that is not going to lead anywhere good. Something needs to happen. SMTs and hivemind can make a big difference but they are still some way away.

@tarazkp This is a really great piece that MANY more people should read.

Ps. Thanks to @snowpea for the resteem which is how I spotted it. :)

I get what you mean. Wish I had known this when the price of steem was below 1$. I should have invested then. Better late than never. thanks for the great tips.

you and me both.

I appreciate the post very much. I also appreciate that it has prompted some really good comments that are helpful too. Perhaps I am missing something however or doing something wrong. I think glaciers move faster than my growth of Steem. i'm actually getting some good rewards on my posts but still...? I've only ever powered up. I've not spent a cent. I have no money to invest, unfortunately, or I would. I have not been using bots the last few weeks.

Anyway, many blessings. Thanks again.

I think glaciers move faster than my growth of Steem.

It is going to get worse and worse but, the values will increase meaning what you do have will have more power also. One day, new users will have almost zero chance to earning a few hundred SP perhaps as it will be like coming in and earning 20 Bitcoins. That is still a long way off though so there is still a lot of opportunity to earn.

My motivation? Follow my gut instincts. They tell me that Steemit is where I am supposed to be. I'll trust that and on the way hope to prosper. Blessings.

I don't fully understand, but I am all powered up all the time, i'm hear to see where this adventure goes... for sure the little more each one of us can share and support the "next G" of steemians, all the better in enhancing the rep and power of decentralized steem

I think that was a very good point. People need to look at steem (SP) as their retirement account. Pay a little now and hope that when you want to retire in two years that your account has outgrown inflation.

Investing in oneself is sometimes not an easy thing to do but needs to be done.

This is very enlightening, the future of steem does look good, and I would be a fool not to take your valuable advice.

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