Penguin dreams and the newest mega whale

in #steem5 years ago

My daughter told me she was going to dream about penguins tonight and in the morning she would tell me about her dreams, which is always about what she said it was going to be. It is a bit of a ritual we have - although tomorrow morning I have a 6 am flight out of the country and will have to be up at 4, so won't get to hear about her dreams.

Wouldn't it be great to be able to plan a dream before hand and then actually have that dream? What would that mean for when dreams come true?

At least for me, I don't think that I would dream about paying all of the taxes I just paid and I shudder to think how much equivalent Steem it would be.

I just did the math. A bit more than a triple dolphin.

It is pretty insane really, as I work very hard to earn the Steem I hold yet in the grand scheme of my life, the amounts are insignificant considering the country in which I live. some people might deem this crazy, but there is something compelling about working for what is earned over buying it. Sure, I buy also, but that is because I want to invest into the future here. The thing that keeps me writing is the ability to turn my work into something I value.

It is kind of like building something in the shed as a hobby, it isn't as good as a bought one, but it holds sentimental value. While some people don't believe in Proof of Brain, the work is getting done in the head, and likely in the proverbial heart a bit too. Some may think being positive on Steem crazy, but it is actually quite rational as we value the things that we put work into.

The first line of buy-in isn't with money, it is in the decision to move and that is based on the belief that the decision is valid and the terms acceptable. Some feel it isn't worth the work, like the many people who chose not or stopped mining Bitcoin because it didn't have enough value for them to start or continue. In hindsight they might have wished they had done differently.

Imagine if you could plan your dream for Steem price and know that it was going to come true, but you didn't have the money to spend to buy and had to earn. Would your level of work and how you interact change at all?

Would you tell anyone your future?

One of my friends said something funny today along the lines of

"Can you imagine if Steem blew up and the price skyrocketed and the platform became a household name. You'd be an instant celebrity of some kind."


As much as I want Steem to blow up, price skyrocket and mainstream - I don't want to be a celebrity of any kind.

But perhaps it would be inevitable.

It is interesting as when it comes to normal investing, the early adopters aren't necessarily ever going to be "known" widely no matter how well the company does. However on Steem that is a bit different because everyone here is already somewhat public and all of the past actions (on the blockchain) have been recorded. According to Steemitboard, I am the 326th largest holder of Steem Power.

Not bad for three years work.

But this is a pretty interesting account for a week old:

Bithumb is 10 million Steem lighter this week.

That is 8 percent of the entire liquid supply.

It is still liquid there but if powered up, would deliver a 125 dollar vote 10x a day.

It is quite incredible that any of this is possible at all by my measure, that we can write and post and earn tokens that hold value. Not just value to us, value to others also. While a lot of people might not consider it themselves, a lot of others are buying off the exchanges and that means one thing in their head,

they believe the price is going up.

Why would they buy otherwise? We are all rational actors in an economy but our rationalization of choices isn't necessarily a rational decision for everyone. People who are heavily risk averse will rationally make different decisions to those who are open to risk and accepting of the consequences - The, don't invest what you aren't willing to lose completely people.

Each will rationalize the why or why not's in order to fit their situation, and in hindsight rationalize again to either accept or lament their past decisions. For me, I have spent too much of my life in a risk averse mindset for investing my own money, but things changed.

What changed for me was that I was able to get a soft start into crypto investing through Steem and all I had to do for it was the work involved to earn. This replaced the risk of losing my money that I was highly averse to, with the loss of my work instead - something that I am quite open to. While I still see work as an investment, this layer that remove the feeling of direct loss of money helped me come to terms with risk and over time start understanding it in a way that allows me to now invest more then my time alone.

As I have said many times, I find Steem enormously compelling in many ways that keep my interest piqued every time I am on the platform. While I love to write, I also like reading, chatting, commenting, voting, looking at the numbers, trying to stay up to date with the tech, searching for new content, trading a little bit and of course - speculating on what factors mean individually and more importantly, in clusters.

What does a 7-day-old account that if powered up, would be the 4th largest account on Steem mean?

The three above it are Steemit Inc owned - the one below is Freedom.

Is it another Steemit Inc account? A new mysterious whale? Justin Sun?

Steem is a cocktail of factors that are further complicated by the social aspects and the fact that so much of what goes on is traceable to some degree, which means there are a lot of opportunities to creatively think and as we see time and time again, emotionally react.

If you could plan your dreams, would you be able to create the complexity of Steem?

This place is pretty great. But obviously, I am biased as fuck.

@rap7tq6vu58ujg - Are you going to power up?

[ a Steem original ]



That is one mega account. Could it be the Polo Steem? Has to be some kind of exchange holdings as buying so much ina short space of time would pump dat price

From bithumb.

Coukd be from polo, but wasn't the bithumb wallet closed for an eternity?

Whatever and whoever it is, it is a big account.

Mahsoof, it was closed or down I believe. I love the secrets of the Steem Blockchain!

One day, I want a steemfest forum panel discussion with all of the usual and hidden suspects to explain it all :D

I can see each hardfork become a full length motion picture.
The deliberate ones, the emergency ones. The scrambling, ad hoc collaborations between the witnesses. I'd watch them.

Wouldn't surprise me. These days people watch other people play games that they could play themselves. Everything is entertainment fodder.

Hehe, that would be magic. It would be like the reveal to Lost!

Justin Sun???

They do say the SUN's the one! :OD

You are already a superstar steem celebrity
!giphy celebrity

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

Lols, SteemyGaga

Maybe this mega whale is gonna make a huge airdrop to all of us.😁 😁 😁 😁

Now that’s a dream I would like to plan.

me too 😁

Hopefully it goes to active users and not every account :D

I think I read that dreams are your brains way of sorting out all the sensory inputs of the day, but I rarely remember mine, so I don’t know. I admire your daughter for being able to plan her dreams and remember them.
One day perhaps she will plan a dream on trading bitcoin successful and then wake up and share that dream with you. Then you can write a post sharing those secrets with us..,

That is the dream. :)

I have always imagined dreaming as a sorting and cleaning process of things that can't be done while we are doing other things. I have heard that it is vital for flushing toxins since the brain has no lymphatic system.

I have heard that it is vital for flushing toxins since the brain has no lymphatic system.

I've also heard that there's a cleansing process happening while asleep, but I'm not so sure whether it is linked or the cause of having dreams. REM sleep is happening only part of the sleep cycles.

I don't think it is directly linked in the studies, but I would assume there is a reason we dream. It could be that as the toxins are being flushed, they cause hallucinations on the way out :)

It could be that as the toxins are being flushed, they cause hallucinations on the way out :)

It is a theory I thought out also – I hope we'll figure that stuff out someday.

I wish you were the biggest account. 1 dude like you as the top whale would shift the shit out of steem!

I don't know about that, but it would be fun in the attempt :)

Humble as ever.... but from the point of my spinning view it is true😎
‘a true leader is chosen not by vote, but communal sentiment’

Mini scrolls down to see if rap7tq6vu58ujg has answered an affirmative to your question.

Hmm,Taraz the celebrity, eh. I wonder who would be the Steem Pewdiepie. You could certainly be a contender.

Would be nice if they do power up.

My nightmare would be me as someone famous.

The nearest I got to famous was on my wedding day when everyone wanted to get photos of us. That one day was enough for me!

That one day was enough for me!

My wife and I eloped for a couple of reasons :D

Is it another Steemit Inc account? A new mysterious whale? Justin Sun?

¿June 18 2018?

Uhm yeah, looks like this NewHumbleRap whale may be older than just 1 week.

And definitely some Sunny username allegories & moniker might justinfy your suspicions about who the owner of this account prolly is. };)

That looks like a bithumb account.

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