Niches in the city and the infrastructure needed to support it

in #steem6 years ago

Imagine you are building a city from scratch, where do you start? Do you build the infrastructure, roads, electrical, water, waste systems? Or, do you build a little Mediterranean restaurant that specialises in an assortment of Kalamata olives in a selection of infused oils?

A ground up city would be awesome to build and I have always wanted to build one. In my city, the center road network would all be below the 'ground' level that leaves above the traffic for gardens and recreation. Good infrastructure should be unseen and not heard in my opinion but, this is impossible to do in an already established city.

Right now, we are building a city from scratch. Well, a virtual city anyway and like any city, it needs the infrastructure to support the citizens. Past the necessity infrastructure (the blockchain etc) there needs to be the community centres like schools, libraries, hospitals and the like to support the community at a general level.

Cities generally grow organically from small communities that know each other into a metropolis' that can support a massive array of diversity. A small town of a handful of people are unlikely to be able to field an ice hockey team, build a skyscraper, fund a large hadron collider and populate it with the scientists needed to create and operate it. That takes a much larger community.

A small community is also unlikely to be able to support a wide variety of niche interests financially since a niche is by definition, narrow and shallow on support. There just isn't enough to go around, even if people are somewhat interested.

Steemit has a lot of niche players but, they are unlikely to get the support they may want if they only stay within their niche. Just as a new account is unlikely to make large inroads into an over-saturated market filled with already established providers.

The first pizza store in the city might make a financial killing no matter the quality of their pizza but, if there is a pizzeria on every corner, there is unlikely enough clientele to support them all, even though the first might still enjoy history biased customers.

Similarly if someone opens up a BDSM store in a tiny, backwater country town, they are unlikely to get enough support to keep their doors open. However, if they did manage to, that would be quite an interesting town to visit perhaps.

To have niche supported it requires a community that has a wide variety of interests and the financial means to provide for it. At Steemit, some niches have whales who support them however, not all do. If one is operating in a current niche at Steemit and there is no Steem Power available to support that niche, there is not much that can happen.

It doesn't mean the niche and provider need close shop but, it does mean that they are going to have to develop their audience and build a market or, go outside of their niche to earn and keep building it as a hobby, until a time it gets support.

Currently, this is a problem facing niche content providers here, especially if they are not willing to do the large amount of legwork required to build their audience. People come in with a 'get paid for quality content' mentality but, there are still market forces at play. This means not all content no matter the quality, is going to be supported.

Besides niche players buying in or finding large support for their community, the only option is to keep building the infrastructure and various services that attract, spread and fractal into suburban areas. This is where I have talked about a large middle class and community nodes that are able to spread support and link the network until no community is isolated. This takes time and a lot of support in itself.

Good city planning does this when it builds a new suburb. It lays down the infrastructure, adds some community centres like a school, a supermarket and a pub and then, people move into the area to populate it. It take a lot of investment before the people find it attractive enough to build a house there though.

It is frustrating for niche players to develop their loves in a small town, I know, I am from a small town. I remember a friend and I almost being beaten by a group of guys on rollerskates because, we were on rollerblades... yeah, that happened. But, at some point when the city is large enough there is a tipping of the scales and niches aren't so niche and this in turn drives more and more interest and will of course attract more support.

But, these cities all take a lot of time, energy and investment to build and much of it in the early stages goes into the infrastructure and the community centres required to support the majority of user interest. In time, distribution of resources will accommodate much more variety of content here and this is why it is imperative to develop the infrastructure well, so it doesn't keep needing to be repaired.

This frees up resources to spend on the community and all of the little eclectic pieces that make a city so great. All of the speciality shops and various ranges of business plus, the mega malls and department stores. It will have the hangouts and arcades, the bakeries, the cinemas and the open park areas where some people practice Tai Chi, go for a jog or meet their friends for a picnic. And the Mediterranean restaurant will have customers too.

Of course, this is all virtual and just for illustrative purposes but essentially, that is what we are doing here and if you look at what interests you in the real world, it is likely impossible to just do that as you still need the services of the city and the community who provide them to give you the resources and space to do what you love. Some of them are your customers, you are also theirs, even if not directly. The infrastructure however lays the groundwork for all.

A wide range of skill and diversity doesn't make a community, it is the interaction between that creates it. The interaction is the social infrastructure that builds the network so no person is isolated but, that requires each person to also build their own network that spiders out from them. If all did this, in time all would receive a relatively fair amount of support while still under free market laws. Each will also support niches other than there own.

Some people feel left out of conversations here (I know I do at times) because either a lack of interest or skills. When those conversations are focusing on the infrastructure or, the community centres, it is easy to think that people have forgotten about the niche markets that make it all so creative, diverse and gives people a chance to do what they love.

I can't speak for everyone but at least for me, that is why I am trying to develop the infrastructure and develop a community that is able to support a growing network of providers. I don't want a community of cookie cutter content driven by advertising revenue and optimization of profits, I want to be part of building a city where real people can work, earn and really live doing more of what they love. That takes a community.

[ a Steemit original ]


And that’s what we all should do.
There more niches available on the Steem blockchain, the more people will feel at home. The more people who feel at home, the more interaction there will be.
And all this interaction well attract new users. It is like the best advertising in the world.
Suppose that someone finds an article on google and is directed to the Steem blockchain and the article has besides good content an lenghty discussion. Image how this person will feel. But if he finds the article but there is interaction. He will read the article and move on!

I think that in view of information, good discussion adds to the post so if someone chances on a Steemit article with good discussion, they will get more out of the post too. Of course, this makes investigating Steemit further more compelling.

I've been writing a comment to your previous post, but since this is the chapter 2, here it goes... a mix of topics ranging from our earlier discussion and the two most recent posts of yours:

It's all about the people. The content is just a conversation starter.

As a member of a niche community (sports betting), in my short time here, I saw a lot of promising tipsters quitting after a few weeks. Yes, some of them were under the illusion of getting easy money, but most of them quit for nobody cared about their content. A meager vote here and there and a few views on the post they'd spend hours to write.

I'm a poster child of what can happen in the niche community when you are greeted by a member that cares. Do you want to know what my first post was? Here it is in its entirety:

Celta Vigo to win and both teams to score.
decimal: 3.0
fractional: 2/1
american: +200

That was 3 months ago. The bad news is that it meets no quality standard that I know of, but the good thing about it is if you've placed a $100 dollars bet on that tip, you'd walk away with $200 dollars in pure profit :-)

Now, enter @costanza with kind words and his Getting Started on Steemit (Sports Bettors Edition). There's someone here that's showing a genuine interest in what I'm doing! It may sound funny (or even bizarre), the reason I'm posting each and every day since I've joined is that guy. I don't want to let him down, to piss on the trust and support he showed me. I had many falls starts (many yet to come), but I try to improve and do better because someone cared 3 months ago.

Long story short, I'm depleting my voting power at an alarming rate having discussions about the future of the platform that just 3 months ago was something to drop a tip on and see what happens.

You must remember my rage earlier this day... Ever since I was the beneficiary of the @costanza's warm welcome to the steemit's sports bettors community I try to do the same and pay it forward. I saw yours and @timcliff's proposals as something that will screw my actions, hence the rage :-)

Regarding spam and bad actors, nobody has eliminated them from their platforms, it's hubris to thinks that we can do it here. All we can do is to police it. It's boring, it's tedious, it takes resources that could be put to better use, but it is the only thing that works (as far as I know). Cheers!

It's all about the people. The content is just a conversation starter.

I have some entire articles on this ;)

Long story short, I'm depleting my voting power at an alarming rate having discussions about the future of the platform that just 3 months ago was something to drop a tip on and see what happens.

It is amazing isn't it? My first three or four months here amounted to very little financially but, I was building some really good friendships, relationships, audience. Many are still here posting much like I am. That network, the feeling that someone cares if you are here or not is what keeps many people engaged.

This is why something needs to be done as the spammers are stopping many of the interactions that kept you here. Again, I don't know what the answers are and even when witnesses like @timcliff mention these ideas, rarely are they going to get traction in the for they are presented and the discussions go on a while.

I understand the rage (although not necessary) but think about all the cool things you have learned and will learn on this platform that would have been missed if you decided to only drop your bet comments. There are values here that go beyond Steemit also and being part of the conversations (even when nothing changes) adds a level of connection that most miss out on because they decide, 'it isn't my area'.

Talk soon :)

This is a pretty important principle to consider when looking at Steemit. It is unfortunate that the extant code in combination with market forces results in the increasing concentration of SP in the accounts of those with the most of it already. As you point out, it is the breadth and depth of diversity of niche communities that characterize a vibrant society, and the continual reduction of economic support that extends to niches debases Steemit society.

"...that would be quite an interesting town..."

That made me LOL. I am reminded of the Chinese curse 'May you live in interesting times.'


It is unfortunate that the extant code in combination with market forces results in the increasing concentration of SP in the accounts of those with the most of it already.

Yes, distribution still needs to happen. Imagine if rancho, instead of voting Haejin created 8 dolphins with 50k each and diverse interest areas and community-oriented minds. The could support hundreds of accounts quite heavily who in turn would support more at a lower degree. Distribution can happen but, the fight against gluttony is a problem.

'May you live in interesting times.'

These days, there is no choice. ;)

Back in November, @fulltimegeek, @stellabelle, and some others (@aggroed?) delegated moderate stakes to dozens of minnows, of no more than ~5k to each.

What I noted and @abh12345 provided data for, is that all of the delegates decreased selfvotes, spread their votes to more minnows, and engaged more in comments.

I consider this a huge success, although the @haejin flagwars ended the experiment when those delegations were withdrawn so they could flag away at him. This is the great thing about such delegations: the stake, and potential for capital gains when the retention rate improves, totally inures to the delegator.

Prior to that I recall @ned delegating ~500k to a dozen or so folks, and all of them increased selfvoting, sold votes, etc... Except @surpassinggoogle, who is a saint.

I note the difference is in the amount. It seems people can handle ~5k responsibly, but not ~500k. I suspect ~50k would also be too large to expect people to treat with honor.

~5k just doesn't offer enough vigorish to folks to rampantly selfvote. It's not enough to fund a votebot, or to sell votes with, and so that would be my suggestion.

The massive stakes funding the votebots is voting now, and taking rewards from the pool, so parceling it out in moderate delegations won't change that at all, but will totally change distribution, and I believe that is the fundamental factor affecting retention.

My last information on retention is that ~10% of user remain after a year. Which means 90% give up before a year is up. This promises a short future for Steemit, and the votebots are making the problem worse.

I am plum tickled to be actually in conversation with @haejin and @transisto now regarding this very matter. Can't wait to see how that conversation goes! =)


'get paid for quality content' is true but as you said that there are far too many forces at play to justify a statement that simplistic. Particularly when we look for niche content providers. You made some incredibly valid points.
Some of these content creators could soon loose their desire for legwork since there content doesn't get the attention they wanted.
As an example I have seen some content creators who just post pictures of their hobbies now. Although if we scroll down their blog page, one could find that their earlier posts had a lot of written and art content as well. It is easy to ascribe this deterioration to laziness but I think other things at play here as well.

It all depends what kind of legwork the entrepreneur has done. By only writing good content but not interacting on other posts will get you nowhere!
I also see a lot of people who do buy their posts up in the trending but don’t take the time to respond on the comments they are getting.
We all know that it is hard to get noticed! It needs dedication!
But I can relate to the things you are addressing!

Some of these content creators could soon loose their desire for legwork since there content doesn't get the attention they wanted.

This is true but what I also find is that people limit their legwork to what they are comfortable in doing. I know, i did this too and wondered why I wasn't getting engagement.

As an example I have seen some content creators who just post pictures of their hobbies now.

I see this too and it talks about their willingness to invest. Don't get me wrong, this is a social media still so there is room for that but, some people also start and end with that. Some lose interest in it very fast also. If they are really interested in their hobby, the reward shouldn't matter. If rewards matter, then they may have to explore a little further afield.

There is definitely the laziness factor. A post or a couple with nothing but a snapshot might actually be appreciated if a person posts frequently.
Loss of willingness in one's own work can be seen by the readers/followers. A question like 'Will I follow myself?' can bring some of our own slack to light.

this post also falls in Line with your last post .
Communities / infrastructure
they all go thru the same thing every single time and no one develops for the future . The infrastructure is always playing catch up and redoing what they have already done . communities are trying to figure out who or what they are . everything is in disarray.
The reason is no forethought and it can be done later . A city will crumble with poor Communities and lack of infrastructure . We know this to be true and yet every system goes through this over and over . It's been going on for 100 of years and will continue for the next 100's of years .

Communication , good leadership and community involvement is the only way to combat it . Collectively we lack all three

this post also falls in Line with your last post .

Yeah, it is kind of a chapter two I guess. But both are 1200 odd words so if I forced people to read them together it likely would get read ;)

A city will crumble with poor Communities and lack of infrastructure . We know this to be true and yet every system goes through this over and over . It's been going on for 100 of years and will continue for the next 100's of years .

This is why acting on habit just isn't going to cut it as we are acting with what has already failed.

Communication , good leadership and community involvement is the only way to combat it . Collectively we lack all three

Yeah, it takes a village to raise a child as they say.

Yeah, it is kind of a chapter two I guess. But both are 1200 odd words so if I forced people to read them together it likely would get read ;)

If you would have combine the two post
the community would come together , involvement would be massive , steemiens would give up some freedoms . Bots would crash and all post would be on the trending page . Pandamonium would ensue as a run on the blockchain would cause it to close .

Well maybe you should...........

I feel like I should paint half of my face blue and wear a kilt for that ;)

This is pretty much how i visualise steemit, you have pretty much said everything i had in mind and even more, content creators and niche players have their roles to play and no one can do it but them, a simultaneous fission of vision and effort towards a common goal, a build from scratch agenda where each party is constantly hustling their part in the real actual sense of it, however a lot of content creators are impatient, and not cultured(steemit culture), then there's bound to be a gap, yet again...just my thoughts

I don't want a community of cookie cutter content driven by advertising revenue and optimization of profits, I want to be part of building a city where real people can work, earn and really live doing more of what they love. That takes a community.

Sigh, this is the eventual vision. So help me God😇

I feel that in some way (society in general), many people have lost their hustle past the short term. If it doesn't happen near immediately, they give up and move on. I think that for the most part at Steemit, the ones that seem to stick it out are a bit older. Perhaps there are several reasons for this or my view is skewed but, the older also seem to be less prone to the tantrums.

Like how you compare Steemit to a city. Quite right you have one chance to get the basics right. Once it's built it is hard to go back and change. I know it is still in test level as such so can be tweaked here and there. Wholesale changes would be more difficult.
Remember in a city you are always one meter away from a rat. That was some useless information that has stuck with me for years.

Well, I live in Finland so the rats mostly freeze ;)

good postings, and I apologize, thank you for you have written a lot on this issue, but what is my celebration is true or how? Sorry

You would need to be clearer to be better understood, can you come again?

Good post.Thank you for this beautiful post. If you follow me and like all my posts, I will follow you and I will comment on all your posts
images (1).jpg
Image Source:

Comments like this are definitely not helping the community.

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