Let me know what you think, if you did read through :)
I kinda got caught up in thinking about the influencers part. Can you imagine if we got Tom Ferriss here? He would break Steemit in a heartbeat - there would be no way to handle the load (i think - I’m not really privy to how many people we could onboard a day after HF20).
There is a thing called the Tim Ferriss effect where he mentions a product in a blog or on a podcast and it’s sold out and back ordered within hours. Oh! And do I mention I’m a huge fan?
Kevin Rose would be another I could think of who could create a lot of ripples here.
But how to entice them?? That’s the question you raised and a great one at that. I’ll be looking forward to some of the more creative people on the playground chiming in.
As always, an interesting and thought provoking post - I’ll be following.