R.A.S.T.A. or Ganja Cigaretes!!!

in #steem7 years ago

The original tobacco of aceh cigarettes
"Punishment" RASTA in Indonesia.
Previously, we will recall
Louis Armstrong, a figure who
considered important in music history
the twentieth century. Louis renovated the music
jazz, he is a genius musician in
his time. Louis Armstrong is more than a person
others, which encourage young musicians to
take the method of improvising his music
as the basis of their musical knowledge.
Louis Armstrong was born on August 4, 1901

  • July 6, 1971 first liked marijuana
    in the mid-1920s and he
    enjoying it all through life. Louis is a regular
    using cannabis before the show
    started and before recording. In the year of
    1954 Louis published a book
    entitled Satchmo: My Life in New Orleans.
    Gary Giddins, a jazz critic from
    America revealed that Joe Glaser
    and Al Capone became manager of Armstrong
    after the pressure it receives due
    writing in his related book
    with marijuana.
    Louis Armstong is one of the artists
    reputed one which is one
    Ganja users in tempoe first on
    next to the person who consumes marijuana
    such as famous musician John
    Lennon, a legendary guitarist Carlos
    Santana and an environmental activist
    and freedom of conscience
    fighting for the cannabis legislation of Jack Herer
    and other big names like Icons
    Jamaican marijuana Robert Nesta Marley
    (Bob Marley).
    Then what is RASTA's relationship with the story
    above and Cannabis ?, cannabis with names
    latin Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica
    is a plant producing fiber,
    but is better known for its substance content
    narcotics on the seeds,
    tetrahydrokanabinol (THC, tetra-hydro-
    cannabinol) that can make
    the wearer experiencing euphoria (taste
    happy happy for no reason).
    Cannabis plants are usually made into
    These annual crops can be high
    reached 2 meters. Leaves for more
    from Lima (mostly marijuana type) with
    male and female flowers are in plants
    different (two homes). The flowers are small-
    small in the dompolan at the end of the twig.
    Cannabis only grows in tropical mountains
    with altitude above 1,000 meters on
    above sea level.
    In Indonesia, the users of marijuana and para
    "Community" users of one type
    This drug calls it by name
    unique, the Original Tobacco Cigarette Aceh
    (RASTA) or under another name Cimng.
    RASTA is usually referred to by the users
    from outside Aceh, where it is reported
    is the largest "cannabis" field in
    Indonesia to date. not even
    little mention that marijuana on
    Indonesia comes from Aceh.
    Users outside of Aceh who have
    addicted and join with fellow
    This RASTA user is called RASTA MANIA.
    It means they are everyday
    makes cannabis a "symbol" inside
    carry out daily routine, where
    marijuana is a substitute for tobacco.
    Some of them mix
    marijuana with clove cigarettes with dosage
    Noted on plant references
    cannabis in Chinese manuscripts since the early 2700s
    SM. Known European explorers on
    originally introduced marijuana to the world
    in 1545. This one plant
    considered very useful by
    the Jamestown colonial government earlier in the year
    1607 and began to be cultivated. In Virginia,
    farmers are fined for not wanting to plant
    marijuana. In 1617 marijuana began
    introduced to England, From the century
    seventeen to the middle of the century
    the twenty cannabis is considered a medicine
    household useful for
    treat diseases such as headaches,
    menstrual cramps, and toothache. From year
    1913-1938 stronger types of marijuana
    cultivated by companies-
    American drug companies to use
    in their drug products. That type of cannabis
    calledCannabis americana.
    There is a positive side of cannabis if used
    wisely, A report titled
    Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the
    Science Base, is one of the studies
    most comprehensive about marijuana
    written in 1999 by a medical organization
    non-governmental, Institute of Medicine.
    In this report described in detail
    anything plus minus the use of marijuana and
    development of cannabis to date.

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