R.I.P. Steemit - My Thoughts Good and Bad about the Steemit Platform

in #steem8 years ago

Steemit is a revolutionary concept but it is dead in the water. This is my last post.


First things first, I want to congratulate Dan and Ned for putting together an unbelievable platform. I have listened to your interviews about Steemit and kept shaking my head in approval throughout the interview. You can read why I am big believer of it here.

About two months ago I became disenfranchised with Steemit. Not because of what the Steemit platform is, but the direction the community was going. I would see shit posts that would earn two or three thousand dollars. It would be some random photo of the beach and without hesitation a whale would up vote it. I wonder who's post that could be? Here was my attempt at a rebuttal at the time without actually calling out the whales.

It doesn't take long for people to notice what is really going on behind the scenes. It is either whales creating fake accounts and upvoting themselves, or, some people end up on a whale's automatic bot- upvote list. One of those people happens to be conspiracy theorist @dollarvigilante.

I'm sure a lot of the ancaps here are happy they got a big fish on board with Jeff Berwick, but in all reality you got the Alex Jones of ancaps. Steemit won't be going to the moon anytime soon when your biggest celebrity doesn't believe in the moon landings.

Steemit is too anarchist. The majority of people who would use a platform like this are not anarchists or even libertarians. When they get on the front page and see five 9/11 conspiracy theories they just keep moving. If you want to gain massive user adoption you are going to have to get past this. You don't need to believe in the Shemitah to know this won't happen anytime soon.

I gave up on Steemit when I realized I was only trying to impress the whales. It is like we are just a bunch of jesters trying to impress the king. If you get on his bad side you are done. You can go ahead and dump $20k into Steem Power but you are still aren't shit and your voting power is still irrelevant. At this point I knew the best thing for Steemit was if the whales would just disappear.


Now I know why Satoshi Nakamoto just got up and left Bitcoin all together.


I predicted this was happening about a month ago:


You may think, from the subjective data you have in front of you, that there is a rot in the core of the curation scene here, but a tomato seed does not sprout unless the fruit first rots. My Steem Power is now up over 1250, and in a month's time I get another 1000 for showing up at SteemFEST.

I have finally found what could at last be a serious and competent group of investors and developers and we will be working on setting up a Steem Developer Hub in Amsterdam (most probably). A lot of people are concerned that steem is dying, but it was never intended that Steem by itself, and especially not the blog system, was the be-all and end-all of what this project aims at.

Even when 95% of the posters are shaken out of the system, and the top 19 witnesses are barely earning enough to operate, the network will still be around. This will be the point at which new developments can really start, and one thing that I have been banging on about since nearly the beginning of my time here:

Steem is not (just) a blogging platform

Steem is not even (just) an ad-hoc public and transparent corporation

Not only is this a transitional process, as some whales engage in stupid, selfish and pointless collusions continue to waste their SP skimming a bit of the pool of rewards for their mates, regardless, those who understand and believe in the bigger mission for the platform, and understand it well, have been gathered together, and they are slowly finding each other and Steem Outposts are going to pop up all over the world, and accelerate development towards the bigger goal.

Steem's evolution has been following a process a lot like the condensation and solidification of a cooling vapor, from vapor (pre-beta development and discussion), into the liquid form (what we have now), and the next phase is crystallisation. I am pretty sure Dan and Ned realised that there would be quite a significant shake-out process through all of this, and that many who they managed to get to join, would not stick around to see it through to the next phase, the physical manifestation, the solidification into a strong and robust but decentralised network of development projects running that build all the very things that anyone who has been following cryptos for a few years, knows have needed to happen but nobody has up to now found a way to make it happen.

Those who are jumping out, that's perfectly fine, and thanks for your participation in the project up to this point, you have been very helpful and thanks to your help, within a year you will all see how important you have actually been, even if you were not rewarded a hell of a lot in the process. Steem will probably bottom out at maybe even as low as USD$0.20 before the next wave of momentum kicks in, I have been saying this for at least 6 weeks now. Once a realistic valuation is found, investment will flood in, and if you thought Steem was revolutionary, just wait until Steem has enough Power to persuade governments to accept identity documents issued by us as valid passports. It's going to happen, even if it seems like Steem dwindles away to a shadow of its former self. The hype is about what it can be, not about what it is. To become what it can be, it has to be refined into its pure, solid form, and then from there, it will start to grow really fast.

just wait until Steem has enough Power to persuade governments to accept identity documents issued by us as valid passports

Is it really time to drag the body of Keyhotee ID out of the grave again? That was all promised to investors previously at least twice, then dropped once the profitable "consensus" headed the other direction.

well, i like my dutch passport anyways... but i don't travel that much, except in europe. i'd rather go somewhere there is no border checkpoints.

It is tough to see you go Steve but I 100% understand. You and the rest of the great content creators are all leaving this platform. I wish we could save the platform and have spent many restless nights thinking up a way we could save it. Unfortunately even if I traded my house for STEEM POWER my vote would only be worth enough to buy a Snickers candy bar.
-RIP Steemit

I can see your point, but at the same time I think persevering through growing pains makes a lot of sense. We are still in beta, and unless you have invested much of your own money, you have lost nothing more than time (though time is precious, we waste it often on other social media with no rewards).

I think instead of people leaving they should join together and make even greater content and use their voices for good. Yes there are problems that need addressing, but I hope some of the great writers will reconsider and stay with this platform and see where steemit heads.

People are creating great content every day. It goes unnoticed by the whales and their votes go to their sock puppet accounts. They are intentionally draining they system for their own gain.

People are getting so upset with the situation and their time is too valuable to spend here. The cryto community isn't very big and unfortunately as great content creators leave there aren't a lot of new people who have enough crypto knowledge and content creation skills to fill their place.

The reward pool is shrinking and if STEEM hits my price target of $0.05 in two months the entire reward pool for content creators for the day will only be a few hundred dollars of liquid crypto. The rest would be stuck in Steem Power. We know where any rewards will be going. Buddies and Sock Puppets.

There isn't a lot we can do. I have spent over 3 months creating content consistently and my upvote is only worth $0.01. Someone would have to put millions in for their vote to be worth anything and that is too risky for people to do.

The only ones that can do anything are the whales. If the top 50 would stop their power downs and send a message to everyone they are in for the long haul and also stop the bullshit with the sock puppets then we would have a chance. That would create stability and would make the content creators feel that this is a place to spend their time and that it can realize its potential.

80% of Steemit is the coolest thing we have ever seen. The other 20% is going to crush it if nothing is done soon.

If the top 50 would stop their power downs and send a message to everyone they are in for the long haul and also stop the bullshit with the sock puppets then we would have a chance.

It makes sense... I would like to see the whales experimenting and stop the power down for a week... It must be not so difficult to be patient for a week for a little experiment...

Steemit dead!? Just become a conspiracy debunker and pacifist...gain notoriety butting heads with them all! Go against the grain to game the lame claim to fame

I haven't been using Steemit too long personally, but have known of the platform and coin for much longer. I believe it should have been more Bitcoin based at first, but I think more and more that having it as a separate coin makes more sense.

I think it is too early in the life of the coin for anyone to try and make Steemit a full time or even part time job to allow fluctuations in price to occur, but instead focus on making the best content and see the site and third parties upgrade looks and use. I wish you luck leaving or staying with the site.

That is harsh to here this as i have only been on here over a month, i am just a newbie... and some of the stuff you just said, i can really feel where your coming from, yes it is a great platform, and should find a way to save it...im just an normal average guy who is trying to better myself, my content i put up i think is very good especially some of my poems, and to see it not get nowhere, is disheartening. And i really think that i would put up crap on here and expect. But i will strive, i would like to stay here, but if it gets worst, then i may have no other alternative. Hope you have a nice day guys. @kev7000

dis enfranchised?

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Too bad, I only just created an account. And your topics and opinions are looking very interesting. Especially your stance on government intervention/coercion is (as far as I can tell) truthful. Hope you change your mind!

Peace steve, begone.

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