in #steem7 years ago

Ajaran Islam mengatur segala aspek kehidupan Manusia secara utuh dan mendetil.Demikian juga keberadaan hukum Islam yang juga mengatur segala sendi kehidupan Manusia.Tidak ada peasalahan kebidupan yang terlepas dari aturan hukum dalam Islam termasuk masalah Polotik,sistem sosial dan tata Pemerintah.Hanya saja yang menjadi masalahnya apakah hanya saja kita mau menggunakannya sebagai pedoman atau tidak.
Islam pada dasarnya tidak hanya mengajarkan bagai mana aturan hubungan denga sang pencipta secara vertikal.namun juga Islam mengajarkan hubungn dengan sang pencipta secara horizontal.
Hubungan horizontal seperti bagaimana beroganisasi,bermasyarakat dan berpolitik diatur dalam Islam,dengan prinsip-prinsip keadilan sosial,etika,moral(akun tabel dapat dipertanggung jawabkan )dan transparansi(keterbukaan).

  Islam sebagai agama keadilam tidak hanya menuntut persamaan dan perlakuan adil dibidang sosial ekonomi,tapi juga  menuntut persamaan adil dibidang.politik.Sebab tanpa berakarnya prinsip keadilan dan persamaan dalam Masyrakat,maka dukungan dan partisipasi Masyarakat dalam pembangunan yang dijalankan oleh  Pemerintah tidak akan ada.

Islamic teachings regulate all aspects of human life as a whole and detailed. Similarly, the existence of Islamic law that also regulates all the joints of human life. There is no problem of life that apart from the rule of law in Islam including the problem of Polotics, social systems and governance. the problem is whether we just want to use it as a guide or not.
Islam basically not only teaches how the rules of relationships with the creator creator vertikal.namun also teaches hubungn with the creator horizontally.
Horizontal relationships such as how to organize, socialize and politics are organized in Islam, with principles of social justice, ethics, morals (account tables accountable) and transparency (openness).

Islam as a religion of justice requires not only equality and fair treatment in the field of socioeconomic, but also demands equitable equality in the field of politics.

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Life Mamusia can not be separated demgan lingkungan.Contojjmya.kita breathe from the air from the surrounding environment. Environment affects the development of human life.baik direct or not langsumg.Komponen Environment can be Abiotic Environment, Biotik, Sosial Budaya.Lingkungan Abiotik is an element of Environment consisting of on non-living objects, such as Land, rocks, Air and others. Biotik Circle is a living environment consisting of living creatures, such as Man, Growing plants, Animals and trivia.
at first, human interaction with the environment is more natural and includes components such as Abiotics (which can not be updated) if Biotics (renewable).
But the number of people and the needs continue to grow so that continuously take the resources that exist in Alam.Kenyataannya not only increased, but the necessities of life or style hidulpnya also change.Makin forward human life more banyanbanyak kebutuhanya.Kebutuhannya not merely the fulfillment of Primary needs in the form food clothing (food) and board (shelter), but also secondary kebutuha in the form of Vehicles, clothes branded, etc.Manusia create various objects support to fulfill requirement of them. Material object becomes part of environment as a whole.
In fact, in urban areas, the environment is dominated
by components of urban life components such as Roads, Bridges, settlements, offices, Hotel.dll sebainya.
Sample Rural Environment.


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Development has some problems with the Steem API at the moment as loading and comments slaves the website down significantly. But we are working on that.

Besides that, we made some progress with the website and started working on the whitepaper and the big promotion which we publish once everything is done.

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