Dan Larimer’s Auto(nomous)biography Vol. 2 – Plagiarism vs Fair Use – Where does our community draw the line?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Last week, Dan(theman) Larimer paid me $200 SP for teaching you how he used logic, psychology, and Austrian economics to create the world’s first Meritocratic Micro-Employer.


The STEEM Hive is by far, the coolest company I've ever had the pleasure of working for. Let’s see if I can impress my Boss again this week with my Larimerology Lesson #2 where I teach the masses why our community pays tens of thousands of dollars to make-up artists and plagiarizers.

Why does Dan pay me to explain his brain? Not because I’ve listened to every “Friday Morning with Fuzzy and Friends,” and not because I have supported every Bytemaster proposal in history (ESPECIALLY THE MERGER!). It’s because I’ve understood everything Dan ever said, THE VERY FIRST TIME HE SAID IT. We share the same vision of the future, but he’s the builder and I’m the user (the mass man).

No, I did not write The Revolt of the Masses, but you should let it be read it to you:

And what did the crypto masses crave when STEEM was young? Booty of course:



This makes perfectly logical sense according to the science of human psychology, because any man (especially the mass man) is always preoccupied with the bottom levels of the pyramid until they reach the next level...

Young and dumb, we rubbed the magic STEEM lamp, and our wish was granted so hard that we stopped overpaying for that stuff overnight. Then, we became little free-market anarcho-capitalists the moment we got tired of complaining about inequality and started to accept the natural fact that we are each responsible for securing our own security in an unfair world.

And now that we have realized that the world is unfair, our hive is beginning to appreciate the SteemWhistle-blowers who expose not only the thieves among us, but also the current Keynesian trust based debt currency pumpers whom are historically all about the old pump and dump.

(Which Twitter? The censored Twitter or the immutable Twitter?)

Which way will they bubble blow next?

Will they raise the rates and bail us in (dump)?

Or will they bail us out with more QE (pump)?

Why should I care, because my wealth is stored in a currency that is backed by my own hard labor. As the STEEM Hive issues me slices of daily bread for my teachings, it loves how transparency increases our security, and that is why we are still in stage 2 of Maslow’s pyramid. By level 3, after we have achieved some level of financial security, your plagiarism discussions will be just one of many general political debates we must have in order to agree upon what is “acceptable fair use” of an idea worthy of whale upvotes, and what is going to be considered “evil plagiarism” worthy of banishment, I mean thousands of dollars!


Considering that Lan Larimer forever became the richest plagiarizer (of himself) when he forked Graphene, how can we ever hold a grudge on Piper20 who makes more money for apologizing than he does plagiarizing! Therefore, the STEEM chain hive brain automatically pays humans for publicly confessing their sins. STEEM loves salvation.

Graphene2.O was just one of countless ideas tossed out off the top of Dan’s head one freaking awesome Friday at Fuzzy’s a while back when we were all flat broke and pushing brownies because the BTS community needed more money to fund BM’s brain. Who gave BM the money to complete his improvisational journey? Who took care of Dan Larimer when he needed it the most?

You guessed it. None other than Dantheman himself. With the success of the recent STEEM fundraiser, it appears that BM’s brain is now fully funded for at least the next few years, which of course means quarter after quarter of enlightened engineering eloquence for who?

ME! THE MASSES! THAT’S WHO! Woo Hoo! (stolen from the idea below)

That’s right, all we have to do is sit back and watch the dev updates come rolling in month after mindblowing month without wondering where Dan’s next meal is going to come from. Now that Steemit just got announced on The Keiser Report today, it looks like the bottom is in, and Dan Larimer has officially gone from Van Gogh to Picasso (rags to riches). And the big winner here is definitely humanity. Imagine Tesla with funding. Imagine Walt Shaw with free access to phone lines.

(steal this video)

I love how everyone is nodding head when he says “Steemit” (19m20s)

The world is finally beating a path to Dan's door, and why not? He just optimized the fastest, most scalable blocktech on the planet!

Us low class ghetto dwellers have somehow gained access to the most powerful technology since the nuclear disaster. Real money is backed by labor instead of human trust promises. Dan Larimer has access to the internet, and enough funding to ensure years of groundbreaking technological discovery and application of this magical Graphene. All without the necessity of a single patent!

Someone last week said that I was here to pump BitShares. The funny thing is that Moby Dick swims in BTS too! Give my cosmic brother another and let him ramble on for more than 5 minutes, and you will see that Dan never stopped building BitShares ("The Sidechains!") Dan Larimer is in the prime of his life, and on top of his game, inventing solutions to fortune and fame:

The only one I follow is a blatant Plagiarizer, but I not only forgave him, I funded him. The next person I choose to follow will get the same public political pool party treatment as I explain to the masses what we are currently debating on a grand scale. But now, let's end this plagiarism vs. fair use debate once and for all. All you need to do is listen to this little improvisational piece of my own creation using the following instrument:

Am I a thief like Walt Shaw?

Or am I a tactical genius ala Dick Butkiss

Give me an upvote if you think that I am the greatest soloist since Motzart or downvote me if you think that I'm just another dickButt Plagarizer?

Hint: Your answers will determine the form of my next artistic submission for community review. In other words, if you say that today's submission is pure plagiarism, then my next piece will be derived from samples that I made myself. But if you say that I am the best Improvisational DJ since JC (if I could learn that H2O to vino trick), then my next submission to the hive will have even less original samples on it than this one did.

The choice is yours STEEM hive.

Choose wisely.

Is it Motzart?



Dickbutt's Guide to the Galaxy; a Steemit original Novel

omg kooler everyday

plz mash-up something a little more danceable next one

It’s because I’ve understood everything Dan ever said, THE VERY FIRST TIME HE SAID IT. We share the same vision of the future, but he’s the builder and I’m the user (the mass man).

THE SAME! That is the true reason why I am powering up and why I'm not "bashing" Dan, with hey centralization, hey you are "rich", hey this, hey that.... I trust that man, I understand he's vision, I know he can handle the power he currently has(he even explains that in a post of he's), I understand he's creative mind, I could say so much more, but no need....

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