Steemit Update [ June 20th, 2022 ] : Community Curators for July - Applications Open

We hope you all enjoyed another month of the Community Curators.
They have been doing a great job expanding the curation reach of the @steemcurator accounts.
Now it is time to prepare for the new month of July.
We are again inviting applications from teams who would like to take on the role of Community Curators.
Current and past teams are welcome to apply again, as are new teams who have not yet had a go as Community Curators.
The Community Curator Teams for July
We are looking for the Curator Accounts to be managed by teams of up to 7 people.
Within each team, we would like to see a diversity of nationality and language.
The themes for the teams for July are…
Arts - art, crafts, photography, music, poetry, creative writing…
Finance & Technology - finance, business, crypto, science, technology, computing…
Lifestyle - health, fitness, sport, leisure, food, travel, pets…
My Life - the Diary Game, My Town in Ten Pics, acts of kindness, charity…
Steem Growth - Steem promotion, marketing, development, contests…
Learn with Steem - courses, tutorials, lessons...
Curation teams can be made up of people that are already involved in running existing communities, as well as people who are not.
Teams should not include more than one Country Representative from the same country. They should also not include more than one person from the management team (Founder, Admin, Moderator) of any single community.
Every member of a Curation Team must be committed to at least #club5050, and ideally #club75 or #club100. Preference will be given to teams with most members doing #club75 or #club100.
How to Apply as a Curation Team
Prospective Curation Teams should appoint a Team Leader who should make a post including…
Which of the six themes above they would like to curate for.
Details of the team members (nationality, languages, Steem history, #club status).
Why they would make a good curation team.
Anything special about how they will do their curation to ensure the widest reach.
How they will ensure they will not vote for any posts with plagiarised content.
Keep posts brief and easy to follow. Include the tag #curatorteamapplication in the first four tags.
Applications can be made in any language.
Posts should be submitted by 11.59 pm UTC, on Tuesday, June 28th, 2022.
How will Curation Teams be rewarded
Every day the teams will be allowed to allocate one full vote to a member’s post - ideally in rotation.
In total therefore no more than 10% of the account’s voting power should be used on team members each week.
Additionally each week one member should post a report for the team in the Steem POD community with a list of their top 7 posts, with a brief note of why each post was chosen.
These posts should set beneficiaries to share the rewards with other members of the team.
The posts will be voted by @steemcurator01.
And finally…
While these are guidelines, rather than hard rules, we are hoping the Curation Teams will favor posts that are #steemexclusive and following at least #club5050.
Plagiarism of any kind will of course not be tolerated.
The plan is to rotate the Curation Teams every month. Although some teams who are performing particularly well may be invited to continue the following month.
To give more impact to the Community Curator program, the Steem Power on the @steemcurator accounts has been increased from 250,000 SP to 500,000 SP.
Thank you to this month’s Community Curation teams. You are all welcome to apply again for July with the same or a different mix of team members.
We hope many other people will also be inspired to join teams to apply for this great opportunity to help grow the platform.
There have previously been complaints that the Community Curation teams are not changing each month. This is commonly because there are not enough applications coming in. For June, for example, there were only two of the themes that had more than one application. The other themes each only had applications from the existing teams.
Don’t complain - make a team !
The winning Curation Teams will be announced by the end of the month, with a view to starting at the beginning of July.
The Steemit Team
I'm Looking forward to seeing the curators for July
Interested in joining any team
My Profile
Username: @sikakon
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Club Status: Club 5050
Languages: Bangla, English
Rep: 67
Pro newcomer verified r3
Discord: sikakon#3742
Greetings friends of #steemit
I am @josemen
Joined Steemit: April 2021
Country: Venezuela
Languages: Spanish
Club status: Club100
Activate Communities:
Sponsor spud4steem with 1000 Sp
Achievement 5 motto 1
-Godfather of @cryptokids
I want to be part of any curator team, I have experience and time available.
Hello, i am forming a curation team and i like you to be part of it, thats if you are still available
My discord saxopedia#6055
Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening, craft etc
I am also working as moderator in
Discord: allahnawaz03#7360
hello good evening, if you need a friend to make a team this july. I am ready to accept your help, and I represent Indonesia
I'm Looking forward to seeing the curators for July. I am interested in working with any team. I am a musician as well as a web developer. I can work with any team with Music and Learnwithsteem. I will be able to follow Club 100 very soon. Below are my details.
My Profile
Username: @rokibulsanto
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Club Status: Club75 But soon I will start following #club100
Languages: Bangla, English
Rep: 62.657
Pro newcomer verified r3
Discord: rokibul santo#9168
Should grow Steemit by getting it listed on payment processors like !
Nice post knowledge content
This i great and good news, i must appreciate those that have been working hard to serve humanity on steemit
Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening, craft etc
I am also working as moderator in
Discord: allahnawaz03#7360
Ok this is great news
Looking forward to seeing the curators for July
Interested in joining any team
My Profile
Username: @wase1234
Nationality: Cameroonian
Club Status: Club75
Languages: English and French
Rep: 65
MOD for Steem Cameroon
Pro newcomer verified
Discord: Wase_Elmina#0440
Would you like to join us..
Interested in joining any team.
-Joined steemit: 10th December 2021
Would you like to join my team? I have sent you a request on discord
This is goodnews. It keeps getting better every month.
Nationality : Pakistani
Languages : Fluent in English and Urdu and can manage other languages with translator
Club status : Club75
Interests : life and humanity, creative writing, gardening, craft etc
I am also working as moderator in
Discord: allahnawaz03#7360