
i get a cheque from it. like every six months for like $80 -- it was always a half baked coffee shop brain fart reaction to half heartily paying something to basically put tracking banners on ya site ;) - how things are changing!

how things are changing

Yes....let us with unfettered optimism believe so...

Ah, I remember the 'disdain' for Adsense...the first's obvious YT is (smh) steering deeper and deeper into the world of alternatively supporting 'itself'...

Logging in now means getting a big banner ad for you to have to click off of...rme...

I said at the start, unfettered optimism, so I won't yield to the concern re: Steemit's trek into this world post beta.


i don't see it in the same breath if i'm honest. one was made because of a need to pander to the boys in suits in marketing to give them something to sell and get and i think these tokens are way different from adsense, sure it's a revenue path but it's way bigger than the adsense idea. adsense was a code for a standard block of ad space that's ALWAYS been around since we had the 468x80 sized code banner block from netscape 1.0 days. it was kinda an extension to monitize that because nobody had a scooby doo what to do with it to be honest.

this, well this WAY different. why do i say that? well, let's just say this, steemit has been the only forum, conversing, conversational platform i engage with the comments in over a decade because i truly believe that the social ripple effect WORKS here. i think the financial incentive has a lot to factor into that but it also kinda semi self regulates the 'kinds' of conversation that go on here when you find your tribe within the pages.

adsense was just, well, code, these media tokens, well they are like adding a complete ECO system to your existing digital assets! :)

Wow, @teamhumble... You explained this so beautifully! You must copy and paste this into an original post.

Thanks for sharing!
