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RE: I'm Steemit's Content Director

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for reaching out and throwing us a bone.

I have some hard-hitting questions that has been weighing heavily on us. There is very limited information coming out of STEEM Inc. and I feel the community need answers.

First of all, some advice to communicate back to STEEM Inc.

What we need is an official website that is regularly updated to keep the community informed.

We need an official webpage ran by STEEM Inc. with up to date information, roadmap, upcoming events, rules, investor information, STEEM Inc. official bios, and Node status. Google any other coin for an example on how to do it. It is pretty straight forward.

One problem is cheetah. They seem to have a spam campaign for spammers. The anti-spam system has become the spam. They also have guidelines that are different from the Steemit welcome's page. How is that? People follow the rules per the Steemit welcome page and then get blacklisted by cheetah. What gives? Now they get spammed everytime they blog by cheetah. I have had friends leave Steemit because of this. One other major investor is ready to back out because of this. I've been trying to convince her to stick with it. It is not easy. The problem is misinformation and different opinions.

We also need SBD listed on a major multilingual exchange. Wanna know why growth is slow? German, French, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, and many other people that don't speak English or Korean are just left out. They don't have an exchange that they can take their SBD earnings and exchange it. For them, dealing with the STEEM/SBD currency is not convenient and may be the deciding factor in weather or not to use Steemit, Dlive, Dtube, Busy, etc. STEEM Inc. needs to include the rest of the world to be competitive and foster growth. The marketplace just doesn't do it. there is no other options except STEEM and SBD. Even then the trading volume is so low, they may take forever to sell their SBD. One other mention is the market is the worst exchange I've had ever experienced. It is downright awful.

What is the official information on why HitBTC and Poloniex suddenly stopped all STEEM and SBD transactions back in January?

What is being done to get STEEM and SBD on more exchanges?

Sorry for being so blunt. Just need STEEM Inc. to answer instead of leaving us in the dark.


They also have guidelines that are different from the Steemit welcome's page. How is that? People follow the rules per the Steemit welcome page and then get blacklisted by cheetah.

Can you let me know what needs to be updated on the welcome page to prevent this?

We also need SBD listed on a major multilingual exchange. Wanna know why growth is slow? German, French, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, and many other people that don't speak English or Korean are just left out. They don't have an exchange that they can take their SBD earnings and exchange it. For them, dealing with the STEEM/SBD currency is not convenient and may be the deciding factor in weather or not to use Steemit, Dlive, Dtube, Busy, etc. STEEM Inc. needs to include the rest of the world to be competitive and foster growth. The marketplace just doesn't do it. there is no other options except STEEM and SBD. Even then the trading volume is so low, they may take forever to sell their SBD. One other mention is the market is the worst exchange I've had ever experienced. It is downright awful.

What is wrong with BlockTrades? It should work for everyone.

What is the official information on why HitBTC and Poloniex suddenly stopped all STEEM and SBD transactions back in January?

This is something you would need to contact the exchanges about.

What is being done to get STEEM and SBD on more exchanges?

As a witness, I have reached out to multiple exchanges. I know from my experience, that exchanges require these types of conversations to remain private, which means this is a question that can't really be answered. STEEM has been listed on quite a few exchanges recently. That should tell you something.

Thanks @timcliff. We are just left in the dark, at least until you responded. For that, I'm deeply grateful.

I do understand that prior announcements of listings will cause pump and dump which is why it should remain secret. We just need to know if someone is working on it. Bolocktrades = high fees. There should be options. I have options because I speak English and I can go to bittrex. For everyone else, I really feel that they are being neglected. I much appreciate you reaching out to exchanges. That is what we really need.

This is something you would need to contact the exchanges about.

I have to disagree with you on this one. Those exchanges are not going to listen to me. They are not going to respond. That is going to require @ned or someone high up to have that conversation. @poloniex has about $44 Million dollars of STEEM and SBD tied up in their account. What happened? did they loose the keys to $44 Million dollars? Do they need help getting their account recovered? They are negatively affecting price of STEEM and SBD. I think it would warrant a phone call at the least.

Again, I'm grateful you responded!

All communication that takes place with exchanges is going to remain private. It is understandable that you are asking about it, but I am just letting you know how it is and not to expect a response.

Their team is not incompetent. You should not assume that just because conversations are not being made public that conversations are not taking place.

I hate to say it, but when you have people asking for answers for literally months, and get literally zero responses or feedback, one tends to assume either incompetence or bad news. It would be nice to be proven wrong, rather than simply being told they are not incompetent. Personally, I don't go anywhere near Poloniex and haven't for about a year, because they don't give any explanations about why they just up and halt all Steem transactions. It's well and good to say that all of these conversations remain private, but frankly we don't even know they are happening. I'm really glad I got out of Poloniex and HitBTC when I did, because zero communication in the crypto world usually means you just lost all your coins.

Hey man tell @ned thanks for making more posts and for coming into voice chat discord with @mughat and for talking and responding to people on His SMT telegram group, (like how i had to get a response from him to dispell FUD article from "icoexaminer" "fake news site saying ned was leaving steemit, and made a post about it showing him confirming chat hes not leaving)

and so yeah its importanmt we hear from ned right now with the price this low

the price is the most important thing sometimes, sorry its true though, i wish it wasnt but people just care about their investment and if the truth is that steem just needs some new upgrades and THE the market will react and steem price will grow... WELL we NEED to hear that frpom ned, i KNOW he cant speculate on the price but i think itd be reassuring from SOMEONE to explain all the reasons why steem COULD be worth very high as a cryptocurrency I think THAt would be responsible and prudent, because to not reassure users is a lil risky.... letting them have to just deal with low price on their own and come to terms iwth it on thri OWN is risky... some cant handle it and will panmic powerdown and sell... especially after ned powers downm.. because peopel dont know the difference between a sell and a power down and that they are completely different and powering down doenst mean at all someone will sell.....ned is just using that steem for othe rprojects like @brixtongg some im guessing music project? Anyway music SMT sounds cool and anyway, i am SURE the projects neds powering down to fund are going to HELP steem, but people NEED to know that!

I know ned cant talk about secret new projects but his wallet is public so he should write a post explaining how the icoexaminer article claiming he is leaving, is all fud and wrong......i know it sucks ned has to make refrebnce to a new secrety project but he can just at least ensure people that hes not trying to sell his stake and its DEFINITELY not HALF of his stake as the fake news article on icoexaminer claims

anyway thanks fopr the constant engagement with the users man!

u came from the users as an organic DEDICATED user and we love that about you tim!

Hiring from "within" like you and Inertia were some of the best decisions ned made in terms of hiring that I know about :)

Ned would not be able to make any public statements that could affect the price without running a serious risk of committing a crime. Given his position, it would likely be seen as market manipulation.

Regarding his power-down he did make a reply here:

Yes, @Cheetah has bothered me, and there are many bots and things we can talk about. We can always try to reform Cheetah and the other bots and the systems. Some bots and some people have accused me of spam. They put me on blacklists on Steemit. I told people about it and made it through it, it seems. Not too sure of the details and it does discourage new users. I've been banned on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, on many websites, social networks, many times, for many years. So, I've learned how to deal with it but not everybody may be like me. So, I understand that Steemit is tough to learn and live through, especially the first month or so for new users.

I have used Bittrex for SBD and there may be other exchange markets out there as well.

It would be nice if there were official rules to follow and cheetah also used those rules to determine bad content. Instead, they are changing their own criteria and leaving a wake of destruction.

There are only 2 major exchanges that support SBD.
#1 Bittrex, However Bittrex only supports English language.
#2 UpBit, However UpBit only supports Korean language.

That is my point about the language barrier. Most people that already speak and understand English don't think twice about SBD on exchanges, because they aren't impacted. Everyone else has the problem.

There's Blocktrades too. And also, Bittrex is unavailable to certain countries now, I don't remember the whole list, but parts of the middle east and India, I think. They just up and closed those people's accounts with a "too bad, so sad" blaséness about it. 😬

Isn't Binance considered a major exchange?

I think you are right in asking so many important questions. There are many more questions too. What exactly has the Content Director been doing under the hood all this time, unrelated to creating/directing content? I almost laughed when I saw the title because I thought there was no such thing as a steem content director.

Binance doesn't support SBD and they are a major multilingual exchange. SBD listing on Binance is exactly what we need.

Binance is a major exchange but doesn't support SBD yet

This comment is too long and too off topic, therefore I am not responding and muting the user so that I will no longer see anything they post ever. Short and to the point questions are always welcome, though I would prefer they are also on topic (which this comment is not). My blog is not an opportunity for people to air all of their grievances with the platform. I am here to engage with considerate users. This user is not considerate and now has lost the opportunity to engage with me.

I just want to point out the irony of your statement.

As a content director responsible for ensuring "production of Content coming out of Steemit Inc", and yet your first official public interaction as content director is to make a statement to ignore the people that have concerns and suggestions about content coming out of Steemit Inc.

I'm just asking the questions that everyone has. I'll let the readers read through the comments and determine who is being inconsiderate.

so having Steem on binance is not good enough for you?? its only one of the biggest exchanges in the world.

I will support that a website might not be a bad idea, with a little bit more information for the layman to be able to understand what is going on. There seems to be a bit more coming out of the Steemit Inc what information is concerned and that is only positive.
But they are very hard to reach. For example I am part of a team that is organizing a conference here in the crypto valley in Zug and I wanted to reach Steemit inc to see if they could send a speaker but they are a closed box and nothing ever came back from my inquiries. I even send an invitation to @Anrarchy /Andrew Levine on linkedin with a message explaining. No message back, nothing and that was disappointing (invitation still pending by the way).

I have been here a while as well and had an early run in with cheetah, like 7 months ago and nothing since. So i did not know things had gotten that bad. And for Europe, I would say that most people that are in crypto understand enough English to handle an exchange. It would be an added small boost to get a few more but I doubt it will make that big a difference until the overall issue is fixed that we do not have a big enough to constitute a steem middle class.

There are 1% accounts (roughly everything over 500SP) and the minnows and a lot of the SP is sticking to the top and not flowing down fast enough. And then what is flowing down is taken out instead of being powered up.

Binance doesn't support SBD. You have to understand that the language barrier is going to limit new accounts and potential investors. The value of STEEM is tied to the number of active users. If you exclude all the people that don't know English or Korean, then that is a huge population. On the currency side, you have to consider that most people pick an exchange that they like and stick with it. Therefore, they are limited to whatever that exchange has. SBD is just not available which makes it useless as a currency. Other currencies have dedicated staff working aggressively to get their currency listed on exchanges . What is STEEM Inc. doing? Nothing?

STEEM is severely deficient with the number of exchanges it is listed on. Compare it to all the other currencies in the top 50 and you will see there is a problem. Remember you have to subtract Poloniex and HitBTC. They both have stopped supporting transfers back in January. When you take those exchanges out of the picture, the number of exchanges that STEEM is listed on is downright dangerous.

Hi @felander, I'm sorry I was unable to respond to your invitation. Unfortunately, we are incredibly busy and get a lot of those types of messages. I do read every message I receive and I encourage people to email me at [email protected]. I read all of my e-mails, unfortunately I can't respond to them all and do my job. Thanks for the invite though!

well could you please revisit the proposal, I will send you a new message, we have a slot open and would really like to have someone from steem there if possible
resent through linkedin

I saw @cheetah go after a post that quoted a Bible verse. It seems they found similar content...seriously?

They have picked a tough nitch, and may need to add a little more thought to their program.

Yep, cheetah needs to go. The very name makes an accusation, and the accusation is often false but it kills a newby post dead as a door-nail. When I complained I got told "It just upvoted you" but it was the LAST upvote the post got and I see it happen on pretty much every post it "upvotes."

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