How To MAKE MONEY As A Designer On Steemit

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

today I'm gonna show you guys how you
can make money using a platform called

steamit which utilizes cryptocurrency
and it's actually very very easy for you

to use as a graphic designer and make
some money so stay tuned as I explained

to you what steamit is how to use it
and how to make money as a graphic


steam it pays both the content creators
when their work has invited as well as

the people who curate the best content
on the website by uploading other

people's work this is possible because
the steamit platform is built on top of

a new kind of digital currency it's kind
of like Bitcoin which is another kind of

digital currency has been around for
quite a long time which I'm sure you

know about everyday new units of this
currency are created by the network and

distributed by its users who can
exchange these currencies for actual

real money in USD the longer that
someone has been on Steam it and the

more steam power they have the more
money they will give to other people by

voting their work the accounts and
steamer that have a huge influence on a

lot of USD or steam dollars onion as
Wales the whale accounts are the ones

that you want to have attention from and
here we're gonna give you a post the

tube is going to be posted on your steam
account as well automatically but my D

Tube video was not voted by several
different people but one of eight in

particular was D tube itself and seeing
as that account has a lot of steam power

behind it and that one of them gave me
the equivalent of around eighty dollars

in Steam currency this figure is going
to fluctuate daily because the steam

cryptocurrencies do actually change in
value compared to USD as any other

currency does so as you can see here on
the d2 bifacial account you actually

have voted my video they have 67,000
followers if we go and look at their

wallets you're going to see that steam
power and steam dollars are really quite

high but not only that the account
estimated value is in over two hundred

and seventy thousand dollars USD now
this is a prime example of a world

account on steam it that can give you
value on your posts every single post

that you make on Steam it will be open
for uploads and edits for seven days

after the seven days are up you're going
to be awarded a large percent of your

money earned on that post which i think
is around 75%

and when you do earn the Steam dollars
by creating content you have three

different choices you can convert the
steam dollars into steam and sell them

immediately on the open market for real
money essentially cashing out

the second choice is you can hold on to
the steam dollars which keeps the money

in the network and pays you 10% interest
and the third option is you can exchange

your steam dollars for steam power if
you want to invest in the future of the

currency and reap the biggest rewards
this is the way to do it but let's look

at posting on Steam itself you don't
have to post videos you can post imagery

or graphic design work when you get
started you're gonna make very little of

a Sun money I'm a SAP have only been on
Steam for two weeks and it takes you

engaging in the community commenting on
Paris and adding people who you like and

the content you think is worthy steam is
a community after all it's kind of like

a reddit but with money so the first way
you can make money on steam as a graphic

designer is to post your work make sure
you post engaging content that looks

professional and stands out so try not
to simply post one image with a very

little text added to it what I do when I
post my actual designs is I tend to post

a huge long image around four to five
thousand pixels and height I'll add my

design process and captions as I go for
the thumbnail make sure it's the first

thing attached to your post you can add
five tags and the list of tags can be

found on the home page of steam it there
are limited tile choices but have a look

through and find five relevant tags to
your posts the second way to make money

on Steam as a graphic designer
is an awesome awesome thing if you

search around your steamer on Google you
can actually find accounts to have a lot

of steam power behind them that hold
graphic design competitions I entered my

first competition last Saturday and the
results are we gonna be given on Tuesday

the awards are often esteemed currency
which of course you can cash out into

Bitcoin and then USD after it's all been
said and done

there's quite a little bit of legwork to
do to sign up to these contests but you

just need to read the bio and adhere to
the regulations plus is free to do you

can see the contest here on page now so
there was today's tutorial on how to use

steam as a graphic designer
let me know what you guys thought to

this video write down the comment
section below

and of course you did enjoy today's
content drop a like and also share on

social media so the people can see it to
steam it can be kind of complex and a

bit confusing when you get started
but trust me paying some attention and

give it some time and you will see some
rewards quite quickly if you know.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62170.06
ETH 2415.65
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65