RE: @officialfuzzy's BitClones! New Steemit Clone(S) for every language! (pending license from Steemit Inc.) -- A Golos Inspired Parody
Hey fuzzy really I can only say wow, what an initiative.. I feel a bit bad of giving this first comment a bit on the nono side of the initiative, since it seems you have given it some serious thought.
I have my doubts about why there is really a need for a dedicated blockchain for other languages. In my opinion this makes stuff unnecessarily difficult, with overhead and less ideal for end users... It could be me ofcourse, way, and yes for such big languages (and rather 'unaccessible' for the untrained eye) such as russian or chinese or arabic, it can seem like a logic step.
However it would mean that if I want to post something in Spanish I need to be sure to post it on and I then when I am interested in someone else (who writes in english) i need to switch back to another site.
I would rather opt for better language tools, like translation on all buttons on the site and serve those big languages in that way. And then one could even just make either a 'sidechain'-project or a frontend view which only includes a certain particular language...
I'm curious what, according to you, would be the benefit to the regular (non mining /witness capable) user of having a completely new blockchain?
And would in your case 10 different (or 20 different actually) currency be created such as the SBY (the Steem Based Yen) and the SBR (the Steem Based Rubel) etc?
Upvoted with my 2 cents to get the discussion going :)
I don't have that much experience as you have in the blockchains / graphene, so really curious how you see the clones for end users be benificient and could elaborate on the currencies, and especially stuff like user login on a gazillion of clones :)
Thanks for the #introduceyourself along the way :)
This initiative is a joke. It is meant to show everyone a very similar version of the Announcement for the Russian Steemit, but with 10 chains instead of one. It is to show how preposterous this idea is.
I would walk away with 30 million if successfully completing 10 chains being launched the way this russian one is being proposed.
omg so bad i did not see through this... Slept 3 hours only on my first coffee :)
its ok i just finished reading your whole reply.
"I would rather opt for better language tools, like translation on all buttons on the site and serve those big languages in that way. And then one could even just make either a 'sidechain'-project or a frontend view which only includes a certain particular language..." <--this.
Lool I also thought it was real, I was about to call the CEO of and give him the scoop on what was going down.
I think I am one of the responsible s for that :)
enjoy the coffee, im having mine now :)
$30 million? Nice. Can I be an advisor?
Of Course! If you add another language to pay your 3 million cut ;)
I think that this is @officialfuzzy's point here:
No one benefits from the fragmentation. if the chains were connected, he'd feel differently about it. Personally, I am ambivalent on this matter: I can see it helping in some ways and I can see the potential for ecosystem destruction and I think that the difference between the two will be made by the way that this stuff is implemented, not just the fact that it is implemented.
@faddat ok i did not that from this post.. I read clone as a fork / split of the main chain where it exists as its own entity (just like ETH and ETC atm). Or do you think he means that the chains would 'merge' again at a later stage?
Imho having that developer power added towards the steem chain would be a better idea instead of diversifying, athough one could say that a 'competing' team could trigger original ideas and that this 'feedback' indeed somehow would be fed into the main steem chain. It's interesting for sure and I'm curious to learn more about it.
this is not what i am saying actually. though I do believe in cloning chains, I think doing so early on is very destructive to both communities that are created from a single one initially. This can be fine if one chain becomes so dang corrupt that everyone agrees it is needing a change.
What I AM saying is they should actually INNOVATE and ask for 3 million dollars. Like I have said before, we can have multiple steem based blockchains running services like Gitit (github repo that pays!), Sexit (stream from your cam hosting site for another way to get paid!)...and many other options. Why do they choose the easy path? Does it mean they don't want to be in this chain for the long haul?
What happens if they earn a bunch of tokens and then buy the crap out of steem with it, power up and let their chain die? We do not know these people....
Changing it for the language alone is a sad and bland value proposition for ALL but the devs who want to make 3 million off an ICO on tech that other people paid for.
On the other hand, opening up the restrictive steem license would be nice..
The problem is that in the name of open source many people are just sharks using other peoples work to make a buck.
I can see the intelligent use being valuable, but not in the way that a chain per language makes sense.