we are not steemPEAK its steemSPEAK a discord server, other only one people use when they have problems.... one of the only live 24/7 support discords, unlike most other steem discords where people are bored are are not there, but theers always someone on steemspeak
EOS has actual Hip Hop music videos , unlike steem where I send the money to pay for one and never get one.
No you dumb bitch, its a discord server established years before steempepak, ytou stupid bitch https://steemspeak.com its just a fucking discord server, dont be afraid, here its not a security risk either @dayshot https://discord.gg/FEK2ynq
its @fyrstikken 's discord STEEM SPEAK not Steempeak u dumb bitch
Well now you know that you arent always right, and yes this is the Internet a BOYS club where we did ALL the work and then you girls want to just come in one day when you see theres some money to be made, and you wanna co0me in here and tell me about langauge on a free speech centered blockchain?
Seriously this is not twitter, and you need to remember steemit is not gonna just coast along ...
your gonna deal with me and any other voices in here because this is steem, and il fucking pay to push this comment to #1 on steem for a week if i want
These are words, text, and if your offended by the 5 letters B I T C H then fuck you, i dont care, stop offending yourself imagining me yelling at you, im just pushing buttons and you are just reading squiggly lines on a screen
none of this matters while we are bleeding users and investors to bitcoin, steem is not gonna go up with bitcoin unless poeople can actually signup
ned hasnt even sponsored the creatoion of a instant account faucet so peopel can sdignup same day liek if they have reddit or facebook accounts
Could also open the post from google and then use the amazing @steem-plus quick switcher function to easily switch interfaces :)
I agree, Steemit should become a verified publisher. It’s relatively easy (a lot of verification steps) but once you’re set up you’ll be able to collect monthly payments/tips from users of the brave browser. Highly underrated, I’m glad I took the time to add it to my own site! Brave ads in the future will allow users to opt-in and then we’re off to the 🌙
Great pro tip regarding @steem-plus@khaleelkazi! Another one many Steemians might overlook :-)
Yes, Brave/BAT might go big and it would be super cool of a website of the size of Steemit.com would be one of their early adopters, right? Shows we want and are able to look outside of the box :-)
You’re exactly right! Us crypto projects ought to band together, brave/bats success would = Steemit.com’s success and vice versa! Good publicity is always good publicity, I would think that brave would be stoked if Steemit joined the ranks and brought some major traffic!
Or just come onto https://steemspeak.com DIscord @steemspeak NOT steempeak

or here is the direct discord invite https://discord.gg/FEK2ynq
You gotta put some Respect on our necks
we are not steemPEAK its steemSPEAK a discord server, other only one people use when they have problems.... one of the only live 24/7 support discords, unlike most other steem discords where people are bored are are not there, but theers always someone on steemspeak
EOS has actual Hip Hop music videos , unlike steem where I send the money to pay for one and never get one.
Why like this?
Because he put a wrong link. The correct one is: https://steempeak.com/ (without additional "S" in between Steem and Peak).
No you dumb bitch, its a discord server established years before steempepak, ytou stupid bitch
https://steemspeak.com its just a fucking discord server, dont be afraid, here its not a security risk either @dayshot
its @fyrstikken 's discord STEEM SPEAK not Steempeak u dumb bitch
Oh, come on - there is really no need for such language, I really thought it's just a typo.
Well now you know that you arent always right, and yes this is the Internet a BOYS club where we did ALL the work and then you girls want to just come in one day when you see theres some money to be made, and you wanna co0me in here and tell me about langauge on a free speech centered blockchain?
Seriously this is not twitter, and you need to remember steemit is not gonna just coast along ...
your gonna deal with me and any other voices in here because this is steem, and il fucking pay to push this comment to #1 on steem for a week if i want
These are words, text, and if your offended by the 5 letters B I T C H then fuck you, i dont care, stop offending yourself imagining me yelling at you, im just pushing buttons and you are just reading squiggly lines on a screen
none of this matters while we are bleeding users and investors to bitcoin, steem is not gonna go up with bitcoin unless poeople can actually signup
ned hasnt even sponsored the creatoion of a instant account faucet so peopel can sdignup same day liek if they have reddit or facebook accounts
Also a good suggestion. For now Google search and other ‘links’ often point to steemit.com though, so I still use it a lot :-)
Posted using Partiko iOS
Could also open the post from google and then use the amazing @steem-plus quick switcher function to easily switch interfaces :)
I agree, Steemit should become a verified publisher. It’s relatively easy (a lot of verification steps) but once you’re set up you’ll be able to collect monthly payments/tips from users of the brave browser. Highly underrated, I’m glad I took the time to add it to my own site! Brave ads in the future will allow users to opt-in and then we’re off to the 🌙
Posted using Partiko iOS
Great pro tip regarding @steem-plus @khaleelkazi! Another one many Steemians might overlook :-)
Yes, Brave/BAT might go big and it would be super cool of a website of the size of Steemit.com would be one of their early adopters, right? Shows we want and are able to look outside of the box :-)
You’re exactly right! Us crypto projects ought to band together, brave/bats success would = Steemit.com’s success and vice versa! Good publicity is always good publicity, I would think that brave would be stoked if Steemit joined the ranks and brought some major traffic!
Posted using Partiko iOS