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RE: Steemit necessary changes

in #steem7 years ago

Don't you see the irony of your post? You paid for votes in order for your call to fairness be heard.

I am new here. A noob. I have read as much as I could about steemit and I have to say that this system is rigged. It's not what you do, it's about who you know. Same shit as in the real life.

The thing that goes on my nerves is how everybody is pretending and lying about what steemit is and how it works. Those who invested real money are getting return on it because the small fishes are believing they can make some of it too.

Tens of thousands of small fishes are polishing the turd while the big players are buying votes and upvoting themselves to riches. Welcome to the AnCap decentralized blockchain future. Give me a break!


I'm a new user also. You are spot on about bigger wallets getting more returns but in fairness they should, they have hard earned money at risk here. It's no different than anything else in life the more you have at risk should mean greater rewards. From what I've seen so far it looks like the community will grow and develop and as it does so should your steem power. Be patient and let it organically develop. Get friends involved and help each other out. The more you put in the more you get out, that's life.

Let me indulge in a bit of vanity and quote myself :)

I'm not hating on anyone who is leasing their steem power. I'm just ranting a bit for I've found that the article does not live up to its advertising :)

The advertising says:

Your voice is worth something
Get paid for good content. Post and upvote articles on Steemit to get your share of the daily rewards pool.

What I've found almost immediately is that all the beginner's guides talk a lot about good content, but as I dug deeper I've found that the way to earn $$$ here is to invest money in buying steem, powering up and then leasing that power to the bot owners. Writing good content is not the way to do it.

I have been waiting ten days or so to get the account approved and in my mind I've built up steemit to be something more than it is. Now, I feel cheated :)

The site is very basic, finding interesting topics and people is hard, you can't send a direct message to anyone,... as a social platform steemit kinda sucks. Usability is low and there are a ton of missing functionality that would make it a modern social network.

You can send a PM buy transferring a small amount of steem, and attaching a msg to the transaction.

Your right tho the site is very basic and it needs a better search function.

I would also like to see some ads or another way to earn steem.

I often post my steemit posts on reddit or facebook and can generate alot of extra views.. but i don't earn any extra for doing so it seems.

So you aren't here to participate and interact with people like the rest of us, you're here simply to make money, why the heck do you care if a social media platform comes attached to that is my question at this point?

So you aren't here to participate and interact with people like the rest of us, you're here simply to make money

Now, be honest and answer this: Who would join if there was no monetary reward for doing so? What else does this platform offers that others don't? Why did you join in the first place? Did you somehow saw a group of people having an interesting discussion here and decided to jump in, or you did it for the reasons the rest of us did - to get something out of it?

Remove the monetary reward and see how long this platform will live. I give it a week.

WITHOUT A DOUBT bro, I value what steem offers, as opposed to all other competitors :


You could have made me PAY for it for all I care!
O yup, I expect you explain WHY are you still WRITING when you could be making bank of BOTS HERE?!, stop wasting your breath, stop SPAMMING the ledger with your useless, meaningless however comical ironic irony and start living the reality of Steemit, no?

Now be honest, why are you still here?

I agree with you and this is why we need changes to make Steemit better.

I don't see what can be done to make it fair. I don't think that your proposed solution will work. It will boost voting on others content a bit, but it won't solve the core problem. From what I see, the accounts with a lot of SP are not doing anything, they are not posting, they are not commenting,... they are leasing that power to the bot owners and collecting money.

The whole thing depends on the new users getting engaged and profiting enough to stay and invest their time in it. No new (and active) users and the whole thing goes down.

It's in the interest of the big players to prop up the small fish, but who will do it? Not me, not me, not me,... A classic example of the tragedy of the commons. Everyone is going down, but there are no incentives for a single individual to do anything about it. Lease your STEEM POWER to the bots and collect the money while it lasts.

Perhaps, the whales should put together a Welcome aboard! bot that will upvote the efforts of the new users. I don't know.

I was very enthusiastic about it, but the more I read and the more I see the less I like it.

Also, I'm not hating on those with a ton of SP. They are doing what they think is in their best interest. I don't hate the players I hate the game. I've been mistaken about what the game is when I decided to join in. I thought it was something better, but it is not.

Sorry for ranting on your blog

No reason for sorry, I really like to hear other opinions and I agree with you at many things.

Good points, however I myself have never leased my steem power to anyone, nor do I ever plan to do so.

Why not? As I understand it is a good way to make money.

I'm not hating on anyone who is leasing their steem power. I'm just ranting a bit for I've found that the article does not live up to its advertising :)

"Why not? As I understand it is a good way to make money."

If money was my bottom line, I would be much more richer than I already am in "money"

Perhaps someday in the future I will make a blog post on steemit about why money is not my bottom line.

And when you write it I'll make sure to read it.

I think if steemit had an advertisment, and users got paid on a per click basis it might help generate more revenue for new users.

They could also spread their posts around on social media, generate more traffic to their posts and promote steemit at the same time.

What did you expect exactly?

Damn straight my dude. But with time I should be able to get up there without cheating! Hopefully!~

Maybe it's because I'm new here and don't understand how the system works, but self-upvoting does sound like cheating! Joined to share content that I believe is relevant to shape better future for us all. Now not so sure I'm in the right place. Thank you for sharing your concerns, @rfburton

I do hope that I am wrong.

Perhaps you will be one of those lucky people discovered by the whales and your message will be heard :)

@rfburton, you are fucking right my bro! It's about who you know and how much money you have to invest. But I don't necessarily see any bad in this. You can go to discord and get to talk to whales, you can just put more money. Some people will not survive. But just like in real life. People are dying and go bankrupt. That's just how it is. (wanted to quit steemit like 5 times, but carried on)

I have no problem with how things are, they are what they are. My problem is all the lies about it.

Write good content and you will be rewarded... NOT! Shakespeare can rise from the dead and publish his work here and still get nothing for it. So why all the lies?

What lies? The fact that people make bank, verifiably al the time from good work, does that guarantee that "everyone will make bank from their good work?" No.

You've lied to yourself, because you have nothing to look forward since others are making money another way than creating content, which because some people aren't getting rewarded what you believe they should, the promise that good content does and will get rewarded is evident day after day, by new people all the time.

And I will spread that message as opposed to being stuck in this obscure corner that nobody listens, after the whalecock has touched me. Nobody is discovering anyone bro, they aren't a publishing house, they are regular people that got some stake, they have no special powers, and their cock might be mighty but they still have only 24 hours in a day.

Having $20+ regular upvotes on any shit you write the minute you write it and because of it automatically getting on the trending page for the subject you write about is what I'm talking about when I say discovered, but you already knew that.

Sure, they are regular people, Buffet and Gates are regular people, too.

It looks like you are the only one here happy with how things are, the only thing that makes you angry are my rants. I'm guessing you are one the major stakeholders here and baah is just one of your accounts.

I might be because I can appreciate what Steem IS and not what steem should be for all the people that want it EASIER to make bank.

Why are you still here then? The realy irony has only begun.

To annoy you, perhaps?

Why are you so upset about what I wrote? Is it because people are upvoting it and agreeing with me?

Why are you assuming things about me?

To annoy you, perhaps?

How has that been going for you?

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