I think a lot of these value promoters and supposed financial-crypto-gurus could learn from rule #8. I love steemit, but I sure hate to see ponzi schemes being shilled by certain users. I guess thats why the flag button exists though. Anyways, keep up the good posts!
Omg, absolutely priceless post! lol I usually don't read others comments very often, BUT I'll be back to view this one. Absolutely priceless replies too! lol
How can we see our steempower? Im brand new so I know its nothing, but I can't seem to figure out how to see it? And thank you for doing God's work, amen.
Not to be pedantic but...
...it's "shalt".
ty @lexiconical! So glad to see you here brother! :)
What ever happened to thou shall ... makes it sound more epic. you shall makes it seem more like a promise than a command.
Thank you, but ofc!! :D
So what is the punishment for breaking any of the rules
You shall be flagged if thy don't repent and send SBD to the absolution account...
😂😂😂 wow
I think a lot of these value promoters and supposed financial-crypto-gurus could learn from rule #8. I love steemit, but I sure hate to see ponzi schemes being shilled by certain users. I guess thats why the flag button exists though. Anyways, keep up the good posts!
Me too! It is my second day and I was so bummed at all of the bs :(
Hopefully as more normal people start using steemit, it will make them less of an issue
And, I have already seen a very strong community of anti-spammers. Keeping people honest :)
Once it's written on the blockchain it's the same as being written in stone
Omg, absolutely priceless post! lol I usually don't read others comments very often, BUT I'll be back to view this one. Absolutely priceless replies too! lol
hehehe glad you like it!!:D
these are fulfilled less than the original 10 commandments :D
I like it. Very clever of you. You come up with so many good ideas. You should have an official title for that. "Ideas Man" Reko, or something.
I was concerned this would be a buzz killer but I had a good chuckle, especially #4 xD.
I'll bookmark it for spammers, haha
How can we see our steempower? Im brand new so I know its nothing, but I can't seem to figure out how to see it? And thank you for doing God's work, amen.
in your wallet and https://steemnow.com/