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RE: Introducing dMania: 9GAG on Steem - Make money with memes

in #steem7 years ago

It would be a good thing if upvotes on dmania have a limiter just like the flags have. Like if you are a whale you should only be allowed to upvote memes with a small percentage.

I really digg the idea behind it and it will make steem grow immensely. I just want you to be aware that there will be resistance if whales start using your platform.

You need to establish a form of original content protection, so that reposts won't get rewarded. If this becomes another 9gag with all the social behaviors 9gag has nurtured over the last years then I will probably have to watch the dmania tag in an interface that allows for 100% flags...

This is not a thread, just a friendly reminder to please think about these issues and find a solution to them before whales will find a solution that essentially kills your project.


Why should a meme not be allowed to receive 100% upvotes by whales? Who says a meme can't be as valuable as a blog post? I am not going to limit anyone if he thinks a post should be rewarded.

If you see a repost, you can flag it. If enough people think it is a repost, it will be filtered and won't receive rewards anymore.

Well, your interface filters out flags, why not filter out upvotes too?

And sorry I don't have the voting power to flag all the stolen memes I saw just today. That is probably a job for the steemcleaners...

Well if we are going to be drawing these lines about stolen memes, then why not police ALL iomages used by steemit users? I can go through the steemit trending page and find all sorts of images that are "stolen" also plenty of youtube videos, all sorts of images "stolen" used in posts where maybe they have a lot of their own original content but where do we draw the line? and what if someone gets mad at steemcleaners for makeing themselves the content cops and buys their own steempower to "fight" steemcleaners? (;D I hope they DO buy lots of steempower and people get into steempower wars and the price of steem can skyrocket! )

Do you see how from a minnow perspective, whales seem to only slectively enforce rules? I always wonder where we draw the line, and about the arbitrary seeming decisions of content ownershipo and wether your making money from expecttaion of having been the creator OR if youre just making money by SHOWINg us the cointent??

Many peopel claim that they upvote a post not because they are rewarding the poster for creating it, but simply for SHOWINg it to the community, that literally bringing up what you call a "stolen meme" to the community is good enough to gain a reward and this is how many people think, and it makes whales seem draconian for claiming that all content posted on steemit has to be original or it deserves a flag...... see the big issue here? It may not be that important to whales but for minnows its very emotional and good leaders should be aware of that, and we should consider all whales leaders and any whale who does not want to be a good leader should realixe they are being very selfish and it probobly won't realy help them in the long run, or it might, dunno, i just know that it seems strange to minnow swho dont have steempower

when you DO start getting steempower you start to realize that you can do whatever you want because its your steempower and that you cant stop others from doing things and if peopel want tof lag stuff they can, i think people just want to address how leaders tend to create norms and make it OK to flag pots just bevcause they arent original content, when there has never been a rule about that, so i just wanna bring that up, and please understand that I know about the whole argument about steemit being flooded with crap or trash but again the definition of trash is all subjective 100% subjective , who knows we might end up with a majority userbase that enjoys "trash" posts, u never know, so we should let the audience decide what deserves to be upvoted, and maybe we should accept that steem is just going to be awarded to people, wether we like it or nogt, and yes we can flag stuff but flagging is not going to help anyone ina case like this, people are going to post "stolen" memes to steemit and we should be careful when drawing the line of whether or not someone deserves steem for reposts ....i dunno i dont think it will ever be such a huge problem, because people are just going to post whatever they want and u cant stop them and even if you create bots etc your just restructuring the entire steemit space, it is like a virtual centralization, i think steemcleaners goes against everything that steemit represents but whatever, i have just never seen what steemit would look like WITHOUT steemcelaners, i guess there would be uber powerful scammers with tons of steempower walking around? I guess that would be really bad so I should be thankful for steemcleaners! I just have an automated aversion to people making their own online police forces, and I fel like we should just let the free market take its course, and i guess steemcleaners counts as part of the free market as well but something inside me makes me want to make sure people can know that this discussion is important and that we should ask ourselves, what is the difference between having a centralized moderator who can flag stuff and having a high steempower account that can flag stuff, is there really any real difference? If someone could do tghis with bitcoin, like reverse a transaction if they had enough bitcoins they were staking or something, man no one would ever use bitcoin!

No one has ever been used to a system like steemit where the more steem u have the more power u have, its an alien system to people that ANYONE could get power if they just have the money! its almost like a plutocracy? Rule by the rich, no it IS a plutocracy, and we shouldnt pretend its any other way!but this is an ADVANTAGE! Steemit is ruled by the wealthy who are statistcaly more inteligent! and the more money you have the more responsible you probobly are, AND those who have mroe steem SHOULD be in charge of steemit because i would trust the bag holders with the most of steem to want the best for steem becaiuse its in their self interest!

Ok anyway sorry if you ghot upset aboput anything i wrote here, i just washaving fun with my thoughts, i only wrote it this l;iong becaiuse i was just rambnling and having fun typing, not because i feel super strongly about the rule of the whales or steemcleaners anymore, im way passed that stage in my steemit career, now i symptahize with whales more than new users, and i am on my way to becoming a whale myself so i understand their issues more and mpore and wy they do what they do, and i dont mistake the whales knowledge for arrogance anymore, well i try not to,

now i KNOW why the whales might sound like they sound, its the attitude of someone who gets a complaint about something they have heard over and over and so they get SUICK of peopel complaining about stuff they dont have any uidea about!

Steemit is very interestingt to study just as a human opyschology experiment, and i think i just figured out the suibject of my next post! XD

This is the most important part! What is destroying 9gag is not only the censorship but mostly imo all the reposts. Sometimes you see no difference between Facebook and 9gag :(

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