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RE: HF20 Update: Operations Stable

in #steem6 years ago

Maybe if someone else asks these questions I am willing to put time in to answer them. But I don't think they were sincere this time so I rather disengage. Conspiracy people tire me. I know that I need to post more so that people actually see what I am doing for Steem and I want to post more. Doesn't mean I always do as I want do have some threshold of quality on my blog. If I post it should be important.


Maybe if someone else asks these questions I am willing to put time in to answer them.

Wait, so you acknowledge the questions are legitimate, but you won't answer them anyway because @sircork asked them? What the hell? If these are legitimate questions, why not answer them?

I did not say they are legitimate. He asked them to discredit me and I did not feel like going down that route. He has a history of personally attacking people who even slightly disagree with him. Very simple ad hominem. I am not willing to engage in any discussion with him, as is my right. If other people think these questions are valid, they are free to ask them themselves.


None of my business what you are discussing here guys. Only one remark - as far as I can judge that @reggaemuffin has done a lot for the community and was one of the always reachable witnesses during HF20 for the normal users and answered questions.

Usually I hate wars between people but this guy @sirfork (edit: @sircork) indeed seems to have an attacking gene he likes to use - have discovered this quite often in the last weeks where he played the card of the experienced dad, the well-known Steem Witness and all others that disagree are called "sons" without any idea and should go f... themselves or similar wording.

just realised - apart from the usual typos of a non-native English speaker - I even misspelled the name of the known witness - apologies - corrected

I'm sorry, you spelled "defending" gene wrong too. And since you have no idea of the prior relationships here or the history of these people and I, your input is allowed, but not incredibly accurate or relevant to the context.

Also, I don't know where you reached him, but it wasn't in more than 16 discords reaching thousands of users that I and several other witnesses were in.

You were correct though, in your first sentence.

If you said you'd answer them if someone else asked them, then you're acknowledging that the questions are legitimate. Not really sure why you're trying to spin this, as that's a pretty straightforward logical deduction.

So can you answer them and pretend that I'm the one asking them and not Cork?

Here we go:

  • I set up my own steem development environment so I can produce my own patches to the Blockchain, also planning to write build instructions and teaching others to code for steem itself
  • I reviewed as much as I could of hf20, before the fork happened I was just reviewing the mana bar implementation and might have discovered that voting power transition bug, but the code gods were not good to me that day
  • during both chain freezes I was calming down communities, being in communication with users and ensuring that everyone knows what was up. I ensured my servers were working and helped other witnesses
  • I worked together with SteemSTEM and Utopian-io (and was on their meetup) talking with people, shilling steem and helping the communities grow as much as I can
  • I worked at Buildteam ensuring that our services were not impacted by the fork and worked on cooperations with other steem businesses that are not yet ready
  • I made two small patches to steem that I will blog about once they are merged (utopian-io rules)
  • I welcomed important actors onto steem and did outreach whenever I could
  • wrote my thesis, which took quite a bit of time and which I submitted yesterday
  • reworked some of my online presence so that I am available on more channels
  • onboarded new users, being there for technical questions about steem, especially the internals and details of the inner working of the chain
  • wrote posts about the fork, proposing improvements (and immediately implementing them myself), learning from the failures of the past
  • being on the utopian-io msp waves open source radio show (I don't enjoy voice talk but wanted to give users some insight), I was the only witness that definitely said yes, all others joined spontaneously
  • discussed with the negative people of steem, trying to get them to improve themselves (which failed spectacularly, as you can see above)
  • running a stable witness (as I should)
  • and probably many other things, I am surprised that I have a private life still...

I could improve in actually shilling my witness more, talking about the things I do for steem. And probably I could post more and ignore the drama queens like all the smarter witnesses ;)

See, that wasn't so hard was it? The questions matter, not the person asking them :D

Well the person matters because before it was not worth the effort to write it all out ;)

Which is basically an admission of being afraid. ;)

Just means you were not worth the effort 🤷‍♂️

You showed up with the intent to discredit.

More double talk from "top" witnesses. LOL

Not well played. People see you talking in circles, you understand that right?

I just called you out on the "no one talked about fork requirements at all". Before you ask why, ask if. Then you took about a quest to discredit me. You fail to see that it is not about me in particular. I just want the witnesses to each state what they want before they complain about not getting it.

So you've actually just said you've been absent for the last two years then, lol, what the hell do you think witnesses outside the inner circle jerk have been DOING for two years?

We've been pretty clear about what we want.

Then tell me: What are your personal criteria for adopting a hard fork as a witness? Link me to a post from two years ago.

Nice try, but you know or should know everything here happens in "secret" chats lol.

If you operate in secret, don't complain about the secrets. If you want less secrets, be transparent. If you call others out about your own shortcomings, that only reflects on your character.

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