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RE: Fishing for None Fishes - Promoting outside of Steem

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Hi Meno. Great blog. I continually share my steemit work on twitter and FB. Almost everyday; although, yesterday it would not give a proper link. I would happily recruit other poets and bring them over here but getting attention if you are a newbie is very hard and then there are limits to our BW and VP. I have seen a lot of people come on, get frustrated, and leave. I don't think the problem is recruiting; it is retention.

At the moment almost all the attention goes to the established steemians and a lot of the newbies quickly adapt the why bother mentality. Steemit is top heavy; not an anti-bitbot person but it is clear that too much of the rewards are filtered through them and they actually tend not to build a user''s SP. We want people to want to build SP. The balance is off. I have started my own initiative with #poetryweekends to try to spread rewards around to poets with a smaller wallet. I am working on the solution too. I don't just mean to be a complaining jane.

We are very small platform, really. Only a million accounts and we both know, a lot of those accounts are dead. Steps need to be taken to build a stronger base on steemit; then the platform will grow. Like with an economy, there has to be a strong middle class. We are very, very top heavy. Bringing in new people just to have them peel off and never come back is not good for business.

Looking forward to a situation where a newbie can function on the platform in a more meaningful way and then I'd be happy to recruit like nobody's business:) I am pro steem but I know how hard it is for a new person on here.


Thank you for the thoughtful comment Pryde. I agree with the observation that retention is a big problem, the truth is that most who join, do so with very high expectations, but at the end of the day "making it" regardless of our personal definition is somewhat obtuse.

I applaud the fact that you've taken it upon yourself to try to do something about that, I think that's fantastic, but we need thousands of Pryde's in here, and maybe, just maybe, those are the ones we are fishing for?

I started something myself, its been growing, just like any project it slow to take off, and right now I'm trying to scale it up without killing anyone on the process.

@helpie <--- maybe you've come across this account.

Btw, if I may be so bold. Are you on discord? I'm attempting to gather enough community oriented people to cultivate the right culture.

I am on Discord but I don't go on there very often. Single mom and I have to guard my time but I have followed you and @helpie. I will stay abreast:)

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