Where Was I When Steem Dollar Hit $22.12
I always look through graphs in Coinmarketcap website. But I was in shock to see that Steem Dollar value was able to hit $22.12 in May 17. I was surprised to see that.
I asked myself, how I couldn't recognize that at the time. And thought that I should share it with you guys. I don't know if you guys noticed that or not. For me, it's my first time to know it hit such value.
I am watching Steem more than Steem Dollar, but I guess it's fun for me to look into all coin progress.
Mostly I check, Bitcoin, Dash, and Steem.

Thanks for reading :)
It's a fair pump, except that those who did that didn't understand the principle of the Steem Dollar. I will follow you because you are a good person and your blog is interesting. Good job.
thank you :)
Ugh I was just thinking of that :( not the exact thing but when will we see a rise again. The end of June was fairly decent
it will get back there soon, probably even higher!
Its a blip. It might of been a trading error? Someone might of thought they had an bid of .2212 or 2.212 ? They didn't do so hot :-)
Really $22.12 ?? even i have no clue