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RE: Should I be ashamed?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Wow, such wisdom .. my eyes can't bear it.

So few are willing to let others go about doing business their own way.. the trolling and aggressive attacks being done on people like @joeparys for instance, by people who really have noideaslefttowriteabout, is pathetic. It's almost embarrassing to observe. Unless one is experienced here, one could fall for all the whining, but to others it's very transparent fear and envy that others are entering a platform hitherto dominated by mediocre posts being upvoted by friends.

There's a blindness, an anger and disregard for those who don't do things exactly the way others wish them to.. it's so often i find people who can clearly write, yet they don't read or consider before flagging when it's someone they're not familiar with.. or worse, when it's someone who poses a threat. The biggest threat is from ideas, creativity, any actual product or service which might find traction. Good post by the way

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