What would Steem Weiss Rating Be?
Steem and EOS will always co-exist, they are different chains but maybe with the same Blueprint. Hence, the two Blockchain might have similar flaws and maybe same advantages to it's users and investors.
The screenshot above is a Tweet showing Weiss Rating of EOS, centralization seems to be the Bone of contention and I and maybe a lot of people couldn't agree any more or less. Unfortunately, Steem too seems to have traces of the same highlighted problem.
Cardano seems to have some silver lining only if the Devs could upscale their game, but could it be that Steem is underated?
Steem is Scalable, its Decentralized nature allows dozens of project to scale to, this property isn't just the only thing that makes the Steem Blockchain a game changer, it's lightning speed transaction is something other chains out there doesn't have. Ease of use is also something I personally think Steem has to edge over EOS, maybe its a wrong comparison in terms of simplicity but I would like to see another Weiss Rating for the Steem Blockchain.