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RE: Just A Pretty Face? | Are We Missing Important Things By Taking Everything At Face Value On Steem?

in #steem6 years ago

I've had to stand up for myself in the past; point a few things out, but I don't like drawing too much attention to anything I do that might be considered good.

I explain this situation like this:

If I'm holding the door open for someone, you'll never hear me say, "HEY! Everyone! Look! I'm holding the door open for someone! I do amazing things for people! See! Look! Now she's inside! I did that!" I'll hold the door, and sometimes I don't even get a thank you, which is fine. Sometimes they won't even look me in the eye. That's fine too.
If someone was actually announcing it like that, we'd think they're crazy.

Some just use being shiny and perfect as their gimmick. Of course it's only misleading advertising. I see right through it. There are a lot of public figure personas mixed in with real people here. Those folks who preach the positivity stuff a bit too much for instance, scare me. What are you hiding? Do you have bodies in your basement?

I know it's not that bad, but I've never met someone who's truly happy 24/7, unless they're on pills 24/7.

Hmm. I appear to rambling. I had another point I wanted to bring up... Can't seem to remember it.

OH yeah! My nonsensical article titles and ridiculous thumbnail/cover images. There's logic behind that, believe it or not. On the surface it might look like crap, so those who tend to be superficial snobs usually won't click. They'll just judge the book by it's cover and stay away. It's like mosquito repellent. Then those who do click are usually some pretty down to earth and genuine people, and I get to enjoy their company.


I have to jump in here when I read the part about happy people. I completely agree, there is something fishy with overly smiling people. I have openly expressed my suspicions in a work place when there has been a new person coming in who wants to be best of friends with everyone, and 99% people buy into it, while I run the other way as fast as I can. There is no way you are always happy, you like everyone, and no misfortune bothers you, it's not natural!

It's unnatural indeed. Or when you're at the store, see someone you know, haven't seen them in awhile, approach them just to say hi, you can see they're busy, looking kind of grumpy, finally say hi, they look up, instant plastic smile! Gasp! Instead of a calm hello you get, "Oh my god look who it is!" They make a big scene. It's just me, what the hell? Calm down. It's only been a month.

"Oh my god it's like sooooo good to see you! hug I've been meaning to call you, but I've been like sooo busy. How are you? How is the new work? Sorry I gotta run, need to pick up my goldfish from daycare. We really need to get in touch more often, like old times. hug Bye!"

Lies, so many lies.

Ha! "I've been meaning to call you.." That's a classic.

couldn't agree more...

You seriously write the absolute best comments.. I always love coming upon a post and see you there.. I just read through like a good book haha.

I think your explanation is spot on and why this will be the first and last time I ever talk about what I do... I don’t do it for attention so why advertise it right?

The idea of all the things you don’t see got me to thinking about all the things you actually can see quite easily.. the blockchain is forever after all. The idea that some of the fakeness can easily be seen through for those that want to look is sort of a nice alternative to how it is in real life.

Yes, to me we are all imperfect and cannot be happy all the time.. we can always try to focus on the good and not dwell on the negative.. but those that are overly cheery and constantly pretending everything is sunshine and rainbows all the time give me the bit of the creeps and makes me not trust them haha.

It’s ok to be real.. it’s ok to admit you are struggling, it’s ok to say today freaking sucked occasionally. I prefer realness everyday of the week and all that comes with that.

Your mosquito repellent evil plan is quite genius.. I like it 🙌🏼

Thanks for all the support and for being one of the real ones.. it’s appreciated more than you know! ❤️

In person, trying to say these things, I'd probably lose my chain of thought half way through. Writing books is easier.

The blockchain makes it impossible to be full of crap. We also have to be careful though. We can look back and see what some might consider to be mistakes from the past, but not see them as mistakes with our own eyes. You might see a big red flag and be all like, "Gotcha!" But you might miss the part two weeks later where they said, "Look, I screwed up." So there's that, too. It's all there.

Mistakes can come back to haunt us. I've made mistakes and I know attempting to be perfect is a waste of time with my history locked in a loaded here, forever, so I don't make any effort at all to be perfect. If someone finds a flaw, good! That's me! Never said I was perfect so what's the big deal?

As for the support stuff, you're welcome.

I totally agree with you 100% here.. we all screw up and if we come to a conclusion about someone because of one thing rather than looking at the whole picture than to me that’s worse than not looking at all. I just think we have an opportunity on this blockchain to take in consideration a persons actions as well as their word. I think who we support is important and sometimes things aren’t as they seem.

I think honesty and those that can admit they aren’t perfect and are just doing the best they can are the ones I seem to gravitate towards.. I just can’t do all the fakeness and claiming to be something they aren’t. Let’s just be our crazy imperfect self’s eh? ❤️

Yeah, eh! I didn't know you speak Canadian.

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